This article said Italy's crematoriums are overwhelmed, at just 25 a day
What technology did the Nazis have to cremate tens of thousands a day, and why can't it be replicated?
This article said Italy's crematoriums are overwhelmed, at just 25 a day
What technology did the Nazis have to cremate tens of thousands a day, and why can't it be replicated?
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Germanic magic
Jews burn faster than people, it’s the lack of a soul that really sped up the ovens.
There's a difference between respectfully burning bodies one by one and collecting ashes vs baking human pizza, britbong.
based and underratedpilled
>There's a difference
So what's that difference exactly?
The Judenburner model number 1488.
one assumes the family wants to bury the ashes of their loved one, the other assumes the family will be buried with the ashes of their loved one, as ashes
you're dumb
Thats a very interesting artucle, but maybe we should do this tonorrow. Im getting sleepy. You seem to be getting sleepy as well. Lets all just sleep and talk about these wacky fantasies some other day.
After you friends. Ill let you all out. Please go to sleep and rest. Im really tired.
This old ball of shit again??????????????
Everyone knows that gas chambers were real and that the Nazis burned between 5-8 million bodies of their victims.
Why else would you literally be required to learn that in GRADE SCHOOL?????????
Oh wait --- I guess Yas Forums didn't graduate GRADE SCHOOL, silly me...
So how does that reflect into the capacity of corpses that can be cremated? Save yourself the insults, I want you to explain your reasoning.
>burning people to ashes goes faster when you're a big meanie
Based and physics pilled, science BTFO
why can't it be replicated?
It can, just need to repurpose all those pizzerias that aren't receiving guests for pizzas anyway right now.
People aren't made of paper, that have around 70% liquids. More people, more liquids, harder to burn. So it's the same, it doesn't mater if you burn one person in an hour or two in two hours.
Just because you're retarded doesn't mean I should be required to explain the logistics of cremating individuals separately vs cremating tons of people all crammed in together at once without remorse
I mean, you literally are too dumb to comprehend why medical cremation centers cannot compete with literal purpose-built death and disposable camps, brainlet
The ovens at auschwitz were individual ovens designed to hold one person. Exact same ones Italy is using .
Tell us how the math adds up. auschwitz, run by the Farben chemical company, disposed of over a million in a 3 year period, around 10k a day
>cremating tons of people all crammed in together at once
uhh what? What are you talking about?
it's because they've forbidden the funerals for a few days, and the cadavers piled up, hence the military convoys
the government is the perfect representation of the 115IQ horde
THIS IS HUUUUUUUUUUUGEEE LMAO fucking rat jew fucks! We see you squirming now thatthe truth is set free.
I told my coworkers the Holohoax is fucking bullshit and none of them said shit.
The ovens at all concentrations camps were individual
ovens :
You can set a shit ton of corpse on fire and leave it like that for 3 hours or you can individually and respectfully burn them which you can only burn like 10 people a day per oven
Yeah, as I thought, you can't explain it, so you have to resort to insult me. Tip for you: If you can't explain something, don't make claims about it.
genuinely interested in what the theory is here
mass graves that were never discovered?
A given fuel takes so long to burn, fucknutz, this will shine light on the fact that 6gorillion is a lie perpetuated by the kikes for generations against mankind.
Auschwitz wasn’t a death camp, it was a labor camp for making chemicals and rubber. A cursory glance at the Wikipedia article raises so many red flags and questions it’s not even funny
What if the trucks are just filled with Candy and theyre lying to us
I am dutch and was taught about the 80 year war and how we were pretty based (we weren't, we got cucked for 80 years, it is right there in the name of the war) in grade school.
My government killed over 3/4 of the Jewish population in the Netherlands, no other country managed to be as efficient as the Netherlands. Perfect bookkeeping on names, occupation, religion address and various other personal details from the census (among other things) helped track down everyone. Then our police round the jews up and put them on our trains, on which they were then transported by our railway staff over our tracks to transit camps we helped prepare. Then they crossed the border at which point it was a case of "out of sight, out of mind".
Despite all this we don't get guilttripped about the Holocaust in Holland, and I wasn't taught it in school at any point (history lessons are elective in highschool, I took natsci package instead of the social studies.)
That being said I know most people are taught it at some point, I guess my history teacher was either incredibly lazy or based.
>missing the point entirely
yes, and I'm sure the Nazis took the time to clean them out thoroughly after each cremation so that their ashes didn't get mixed up with others' loved ones, like the Italians are doing now
Yeah the cremation process is taking the Italians about 2 hours. But 90 minutes of that is the burning, half an hour is for prep and cleanup
>What technology did the Nazis have to cremate tens of thousands a day, and why can't it be replicated?
Nazis were big brained as fuck. We can only hope to someday reach their level of efficiency.
On an unrelated note, don't catholics bury their dead? What is with the crematoriums?
Vorsprung Durch Technik
jewish blood burns like gasoline etc etc
oh hey there's a website that already makes the points I made, including primary source testimony from Nazis that worked the crematorium:
>Jewish apologist site
>"Pesky facts"
>Assorted cognitive dissonance
i went to dachau 13 years ago. they only had one furnace left. fire that bad boy up lets have us a good ole fashioned BBQ
you could't put 10 slim jew they were not feed
Here, another cool Auschwitz story, def no red flags in this one.
The nazis confessed to all sorts of ridiculous and impossible things, even concentration camps that didn't exist. You should see the kind of stuff that Eichmann confessed to. It's because they were being tortured and blackmailed for these confessions.
If something is physically impossible, it doesn't matter if someone confessed to doing it. That's only evidence for fraudulent testimony
>What technology did the Nazis have to cremate tens of thousands a day, and why can't it be replicated?
they had the power of post war jewish and soviet propaganda.
>What technology did the Nazis have to cremate tens of thousands a day
You need to use the women and children for kindling.
The problem lies in heating and cooling. They need to collect the ashes and clean the overn, to do that it needs to be cold. Would be much more efficient to just have it burning 24/7 and stuff as many bodies in as possible so as not to open the chamber to often.
Cool story, you stupid, cocksucking mongrel.
They electrocuted them in shark filled pools that instantly turned them to ash, faggot
One guy in the 1960s versus multiple contemporaneous testimonies which corroborate one another. Cool, dude.
Also, gonna need a source on that "Eichmann lied!" thing -- although not entirely unsurprising given it was the Mossad that captured him
>You can set a shit ton of corpse on fire and leave it like that for 3 hours
No. Actually, you can't.
>Let's make all these leaps of logic to make this obviously impossible and ridiculous nonsense seem possible
I always wondered how they got all the gas out of that room. They didn't have heavy duty ventilation down there in that chamber. It would take a long ass time for those rooms to fumigate properly. But the eyewitnesses said the doors were open in just 20 minutes
Eichmann literally testified to fountains of blood and shit like that
>versus multiple contemporaneous testimonies which corroborate one another.
Like the human skin lampshades that tons of people corroborated and were a complete and total lie?
isn't that a really low number?
He said: Mass grave with tons of freshly-laid ground pressing down on bodies and causing the blood to gush up to the surface
So, it sound a bit fantastical, but not wholly unbelievable. I mean, what's more ridiculous -- the physics of this, or someone torturing him and telling him "Yeah, say this. This is a good scenario for you to admit to seeing."
why just italy? is it because everyone is locked down and cant see the truth that is just outside? Even trees know when to leaf up by the light not the temp.
It's literally fucking retarded. It's fantasy land nonsense, asinine.
This did not happen
Nazi soldiers corroborated those claims? That's fascinating. Can you provide me a link? I'd like to learn more.
show your real flag kike
>It didn't happen cause I said so!
>we told this retarded lie for decades, but we're going to retreat off that one, please continue to take us seriously with all our other ridiculous claims
You know that there are "fingernail scratches" in the wall of Auschwitz, and other camps?
I wonder how those got there, after all it's not like fingernails can actually do anything to concrete
In a modern crematorium you have to stop the furnace and clean it out for each body, you dumb niggers. That takes a lot longer than just throwing another log on the pile one by one.
>fountain of blood and shit
Because every camp needs one
By the way Eichmann actually said that the blood became pressurized and came up out of the earth as a fountain. You are minimizing and retreating from the actual statements
You have to clean ANY crematorium, smoothbrain. WAKE UP. You've been lied to your whole life.
>I mean, what's more ridiculous -- the physics of this, or someone torturing him and telling him "Yeah, say this. This is a good scenario for you to admit to seeing."
The blood bubbling up is definitely more ridiculous.
It takes an hour to burn 100 lbs of human. Only 15 ovens and they claim 2000 were gassed at a time. Assuming everybody weighs 100lb it would take a week to gas and dispose 2000 people
Pritariu.. Yawn
these people have mandatory holocaust brainwashing classes in their jewish schools, meanwhile they outlaw researching the subject or questioning it
absolute power of jewish lies
man, the way their memes always boomerang back to their faces. what a great time to be alive
He never said it became pressurized you spastic. He literally said it gurgled out of the ground in a fountain. That's what happens when you compress a bunch of bodies with fluids inside. Stick a freshly-dead chicken under an inch of sand and see what happens when you give it the people's fucking elbow
on wood you fucking retard
What, you think auschwitz was just a giant concrete pillbox?
God damn you people are retarded.
Like it isn't even farfetched that jews have been exaggerating the numbers for victim points, but the lengths that you snowniggers will go to believe is just shameful.
This is why the US is about to fall apart. Because decades of liberalized education has turned mutts into fucking brainded morons.
>What technology did the Nazis have to cremate tens of thousands a day, and why can't it be replicated?
Pits with fuel on the bottom and coal/other accelerants/fuel being constantly added. Burns bodies down to the bones. You can do thousands at a time if you dont care about sorting the bones
That can't be real hahahahahah. Source? Did someone really say that? Hahahah
Don’t tell him about the wooden doors. It’ll blow his balls off.
>wooden gas chamber
It never gets old
Stop asking questions, bigot
they said all kinds of dumb things because they knew they could make it illegal to question it
just go through "holocaust survivors" testimonies of all kinds