>the blood of fiscal conservatives is used as the ink base for the money printer >neocon boomers mostly dead >even the weak willed "Tea Party" shitheads have bent the knee >"foriegn" threat that is difficult to quantify and allows expansion of powers for indeterminate time >failing industries (like Boeing) that could be state owned >closed borders IT IS NEARLY HERE SOCIALISM, BUT FOR WHITE PEOPLE NATSOCBROS WW@?
If you need money and you don't have work right now then you should go find work instead of posting on Yas Forums. Doing otherwise is completely retarded. Go work.
>ignores the irony It's because you are getting paid in tax dollars you fucking glownigger.
Blake Moore
Inb4 shills call me a bum because the government shut my place of employment down and inb4 shills tell me to go apply for jobs in the middle of a media induced panic
Key Provision for Trumpbux >$1,200 check per person >Phases out starting $75K income >Lowered $5 for each extra $100 >Add $500 per child >No $ for incomes $99,000+
I doubt the gov is going to take over businesses. It's not really fair for businesses that rely on people moving to just hand over the keys after the gov tells people to stop moving.
There are other businesses and money making ventures open that you could be engaging in but you choose not to.
Logan Davis
>it's tethered to taxes well at least that's better than what was being proposed to begin with, but with a return cap it's still redistribution, and it's still avoiding the problem and furthering another one >eligible to anyone paying taxes in 2020 well i qualify surprisingly. it's still not a good idea
If you need a rope around your neck because you're a pedophile and shouldn't be online grooming
Brody Morales
>just do it called it
Grayson Lewis
Why is this robutt so smug?
Jaxon Phillips
That depends on your area and skills, if it were me I would be sending out hundreds of emails and botting.
Matthew Johnson
Because one of the tech spies recently arrested in the US and Canada who transferred virus strains to the lab in wuhan
Ethan Nelson
Asher Richardson
It's a literal government glownigger telling you this. He doesn't even try to deny it. He is the biggest fucking leech in the thread. He is a kike, he would never do it for free. However, he does know how to be a parasite and then act mightier than those he is leeching from.
Joshua Mitchell
Not so fast! Just because the gov told you not to work doesn't mean you can't sell your children into sex slavery or sell a kidney! Maybe you should be more independent minded?
I am surely laughing my ass off here (IRL, out loud, to the point my wife is looking at me puzzled). You either is pulling a "worst baker controversy maker" on purpose or by accident but this is the funniest thing I've seen in this thread since > cereal is a soup
Sadly I can't steal this one, it is a "one man monologue", there is no way to jump in and participate but I tip my hat to you: pure despair being spread with very little effort
This fucker created the worst virus known to man and started a second great depression, I'm convinced anyone still supporting him is possibly a FED CIA nigger.
Jack Martin
Serenaposter? Rumor has it that you have the number to the Based Department
Isaac Williams
If someone tells you to work and you say no then them telling you that you need to stop wasting your time and seek out employment is not unreasonable or something to predict. It's simple and logical. Go seek out employment.
Nolan Jones
Keep reading, it's counted against your 2020 return and listed as a "tax credit advance payment"
The jews would never let people get money without taking it back later
an important fix: it's based on *as far back as 2018 tax return,* in the event the individual doesn't qualify on as far back as 2019 or 2020 taxes. so anyone recently employed still qualifies
It's baffling to me that someone wouldn't be seeking work if they needed money because that's always what I've done. Tell me if I'm crazy to think that because I certainly don't think so. Would you be on Yas Forums when you needed money and a job?
Work if you need money
There are still jobs occurring where you can work but you are choosing to spend time here instead of trying to make money doing anything possible.
Good point, would like to see a complete list once it’s combed through for all the provisions
Landon Green
The 2018 provision is good, the income bracket should be lower but I can see why they would want it a bit higher to be more popular but anything above 50k is crazy and certainly for 75k+.
Jaxon Mitchell
Sorry bro gvt said not to go anywhere. I'm just listening to them. You're not being some sort of rabble rouser are you?
Eli Rogers
Hire me or shut your bitch mouth.
Owen Nguyen
Hudson Hughes
It's just the truth m8
You should go out and work, the government isn't telling everyone that they are required to stay indoors and you can't afford that luxury.
>got emails for employment both at my old workplace and multiple factory job offers Thank fuck for Corona. Hoping and praying I’m able to reapply successfully. Things are looking up
There’s a chance that my county will declare a shelter-in-place and this dumb nigger is telling me to apply for jobs lmao. Hopefully the 2 week closure of my place employment only lasts two weeks, but the gorilla retard nigger thinks I should be out applying for job while everything is closed down lmao
Jacob Edwards
Direct deposit if the IRS has your info I would presume
Ryder Adams
I still don't believe it will pass, Emma. So you're probably stressing your long haired self over nothing.
I see so you're cool with the gov completely fucking up your industry just to turn around and force a buyout? Fuck you communist, this sets precedence.
Gvt said not to go anywhere or old people might get sick and die. I have to take care of old people and if I go and get them sick I couldnt live with myself. I'm not gonna listen to some fag on the internet.
Leo Wilson
Because there is demand in other areas due to the situation there are employment opportunities.
lel much love no offense.
If I would either go bankrupt and listen to the government or go work I would go work because I'm not retarded. You should be seeking work instead of being a broke worthless nigger.
Chink logic: >US wants to hurt China and the world >US decides best way to do that is inflict extreme economic hardness upon its own economy >US reaction "well, at least we owned those commies and globalists" Chink seem to be confusing the US with leafs: if you damage your own economy, you win!
>Reminder that the Middle Class qualifies for this >Reminder that only 7.54 percent would not qualify for a rebate >Reminder that they will call it the Trump effect or Trump Deal >Reminder that this will ensure Trump 3rd election Victory like FDR >Reminder that this will mean he will get his wall funding after the Democrat shit themselves and collapse
After we get our wits back, I'm all for blowing China straight to hell. My old ass might even sign up.
Josiah Jenkins
Almost no one here would be at the age to be at substantial risk. You and they should have savings and a network of family and if you are in that dire need of money you really still should be working but keeping distance as best possible.
> Would you be on Yas Forums when you needed money and a job? JEJ, given my line of work I would likely be anyway. I have a very particular skill that doesn't really depend on physical presence, that is in high demand and I built a certain reputation of delivering even under the harshest hardships and constrained deadlines so, in my case, I just put the word out that I'm accepting work and it comes.
That doesn't really translate for people doing any sort of in person work, specially when (in Portugal's case) there is a state enforced curfew going on.
we'll see i'm a little less worried over it if it looks at taxpayers and scales on that. i still don't like it but if this ended up going through after all it's not quite as blatantly bad it's still voodoo economics though, and there was plenty of bad ideas going around
Yeah tell me as much as you want what I should have but you have no idea. Sorry bro you're an idiot and I'm not gonna kill my family members because you wanna be a fag.
Colton Lee
I have an annuity and I need cash now. Who should I call /ptg/?
Levi Cooper
Jaxson Torres
I’m just worried that the typical jews will meddle with people who didn’t drag their ass on tax filings assuming this bill gets passed. $1200 buckaroos will go a long way up here.
jej i'm still technically considered a new hire and in training, so i don't have any serious work but i still get paid during this. basically as long as i'm reading some technical books and stuff throughout the day i'm working this is all really silly though, for the time being i really would rather be at work
If you've got a job or enough money then shitpost away of course. You wisely set yourself up for success. In America people are still working as we speak quite a lot, just not bars and restaurants in retarded localities.
Restaurants and bars are not everything, you have other alternatives.
There's nothing crazy about saying people who need money should work.
If you've got a special situation I apologize but that isn't broadly applicable.
Democrats want the economy to be ruined and they want you to suffer and they want you to blame trump for it. Now trump is saying “fuck you, free money for everyone” and the Dems are fucking SEETHING.
> this is all really silly though, for the time being i really would rather be at work Take advantage to get acquainted with your workplace codebase. Check everything out (assuming you have access) and study it so you can ciimb fast
Adam Martin
I still have a job I’m just not allowed to go to it for at least two weeks you dumb nigger
Isaiah Powell
No, if it is taxable, and I dunno if it is, it would be at your marginal rate.
Easton Perry
It is broadly applicable, do you seriously think there arent people who take care of old people? You're clueless.
>Come home from work >In CT >Live in a red district >First thing I notice in the mail >Census 2020 >All of the things Trump promised are here hahahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
>Check everything out (assuming you have access) that's entirely the problem lel, there's too many rules even in a normal situation luckily i finally got access to a shitton of videos and books and things so occasionally i'm playing another one or reading a chapter of something while i'm here
I think almost all people are living in single occupant or mother/father/daughter/son households. If you have a special situation then I do hope there is a good solution for you but that isn't at all most people here.
You are allowed to work despite closures of specific things.
Luis Hernandez
Have you tried not being poor?
Also: I have to say I always loved Paris Hilton, one of the greatest trolls ever to be born and a "proto Trump" that built a second carrer over capitalizing on controversy and making money and fame out of it > she's also on teh Trump Trump from 2015 forward
damn becoming poor is cool as fuck. will be nice have a lower inflated dollar to export shit and compete against china but actually just means china wins wtf I love murrica now
Connor Price
I fucking Hope Trump nationalizes Boeing and fires all those kiked management there
So I’m supposed to go apply for jobs knowing full well that I expect to be back at my old job soon?
Dominic Anderson
>Filed as dependent in 2018 because college >Still filed some work income and did get some money FUCK DO I NOT GET BUCKS?!
Brayden Cook
You're really bad at this. Tell your bosses that this script is bad. Time to get some new lines.
Brayden Lee
Boeing will pull through. Even if Boeing Co. becomes Boeing Co. 2.0, they still have to build the planes which means they need workers. The Jews will back them or buy them out. No reason for the government to get involved.
Charles Foster
> that's entirely the problem lel, there's too many rules even in a normal situation I am on the opposite side of that conundrum. In order to be able to do my job properly I'm required to have full access to things not even the in house blokes get at once. A lot of times that involves having to travel and be in the premises because the data and the code can't leave but that's charged extra so I'm OK with that.
Elijah Nelson
Jews make people mentally ill.
Good thing i have back up minds.
Josiah Butler
>This fucker created the worst virus known to man who the fuck are you talking about?
Owen Myers
Nope. Fuck off kid, boomers runnin this show.
Christian Cox
>(((donors))) Trump doesn't need them and any Congressnigger worth a damn wouldn't need millions of dollars of lobbying money to win a local election. Looks like those donors should just find another job or something.