We must restore pagan Rome!
We must restore pagan Rome!
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do you want to kill goats now?
Rome has been Christian for 1700 years.
What's up with Panama?
pagan rome you mean pre-stealing greek mythology and saying its yours time when they believed in really weird shit?
Shitty program didn't color it in completely. I should fix it.
Sacrifice to the Gods is good
This is not Rome
You know what I mean
They also stole from the Etruscans and appropriated Cybele from Phrygia.
This is Rome. Rome never went away.
That is why the German monarch was called Kaiser (Caesar) and the Russian monarch was called Tsar (Caesar). That is why the US dime has a fasces on the back of it, and why we have a fasces as our symbol of authority in the House of Representatives.
We are Rome. It is decentralized and feudal, but it is here now and never went away.
Because our current system sucks and Rome was the greatest.
Japan should be pink because of Bretton Woods and military agreements.
They're as much a Neo-Roman tribute state now as they ever were a Chinese one.
Fuck off Evola
No we are not Rome. Everyone likes Rome so they took stuff from it but we need to go further and become Rome.
>we wuz romans n shiet
He doesn't know that God the Father is Jupiter.
Jupiter is two words.
God, the Father.
You are living in Rome right now.
All pagan belief systems influenced/"stole from eachother." That's literally part of the pagan world view: the belief of myriad culture/regional deities.
Roman paganism had a lot of unique elements. Look at Janus.
No I am not. This is the weirdest thing I have ever heard someone say I don't get it at all.
We can centralize our empire to an extent if you like. Disallowing internal wars is an idea.
Centralization comes at the expense of local autonomy though, and people don't like that.
Ita. Roma Invicta.
christianity was a jewish subversion of Rome that converted true civilized people to demi-jewish psuedo-barbarians
I don't get it
You use the Latin alphabet, speak the same language group, worship Jupiter (God the Father), use the Roman government (Republic), use Roman architecture, uphold Roman values, and are descended from Romans. You are Roman. You live in Rome.
Even mainstream academics teach now that the "Roman Empire" survived until at least the treaty of Westphalia. And thats only a matter of arbitrary demarcation.
Other anons are right. It grew more and more decentralized, but what gets called "the West" is still Rome. All our legal and political systems are evolutions of the Roman systems and still work in rough tandem, we are ideologically United with small periods of internal strife, and our financial systems and elite are literally completely integrated.
Christianity even stole Christmas from Saturnalia. Which sucks because Saturnalia was way cooler they made it complete shit.
The retired boomers in the condo next to me hold Saturnalia celebrations yearly.
They invited me one year.
repent sinner
Absolutely horrible idea.
thats fucking amazing.
any other anons going to start wearing togas?
(traditional cultural dress)
What countries are Germany similar to?
UK, France, Sweden, Russia, USA, etc.
What countries are Germany completely foreign to?
China, Zimbabwe, Iran, etc.
That group of similar countries you belong to are all similar because they all descended from Rome. Russia considers itself the heir to the Roman empire. Romania is named after Rome. Germany once called itself the Holy Roman Empire. The monarch of Germany called himself Caesar (Kaiser).
We all worship the same god (Jupiter, God the Father), celebrate the same holidays, share the same values, and have common blood.
You are Roman. I am Roman. We live in Rome.
Shiiiieet we wuz romanz
anyone who wants to be roman in minecraft
join earth.respawnmc.net
this server has a big roman empire already we can take over the whole world map (it uses a world map)
But we don't talk Latin. We also should be able to worship all the Gods. And we do not really use Roman architecture only for a few buildings. I am not a descendant from Romans and I do not live in Rome.
No we just use Roman stuff because it was so great.
Holy Roman Empire was not Holy Roman or an Empire
>B...but.. the Russians don't even use the same alphabet.
They use the Greek alphabet. All the Eastern provinces do.
Have you ever wondered what "Western" and "Eastern" nations were East and West of?
The dividing line is the administrative districts of the Eastern and Western Roman Empire because that's where you live - The Roman Empire.
I am still shit at Latin outside of reading.
But we should strive to build a Latin image board.
It would be a good filter for low effort posters.
Our legal system is norse based. Judge and jury. Romans just brought you beforethe localy alocated power.
k, sorry :(
I’m I having a dejavu?
Everytime something big is happening here there are the same slide threads over and over again.
Those are all still different countries that are not Rome they can call themselves heir of Rome all they want Russia is not Rome
What big thing is about to happen. I am sure there are enough corona threads on this board that I don't need to make one too
As much as people are going to call me a weeb for seeing this
The fact that we still live in "Rome" became really evident if you study any of the East Asian languages deeply enough to engage with their scholarship.
EVERY comes from an entirely different root. Every field of study, philosophy, law, etc in the West is directly rooted in Greek and Roman thought (Roman's themselves basically continued Athens' political legacy) we also act as a rough power bloc - just as much if not more so than the empire would have during the actual Imperial age.
Literally a German General and an American General are more closely aligned and politically bound to eachother in the modern day than any two Roman Generals would have been in like, 300 ad or whatever time you wanna pick.
this is a map of all territory ever owned by rome to clarify for anyone who is chimping out
You have to realise yeshua was a jew so to speak. Monothiest.
We use Roman architecture for the most significant buildings.
We adopted monotheism because God came to Earth for us. We are the people he was seeking. That's why he was murdered by Jews in our empire, so the message would get to us. Polytheism was disunifying and annoying anyway. Plus it left the door open for foreign gods to creep in.
We all use tons of Latin in all of our languages, and we exclusively use Latin in science, law, and religion.
Russia was incorporated into our empire by Byzantium.
indeed. monotheism itself is a mainly jewish pushed idea that seeped into rome and then islam, subsequently wrecking most of the world.
that never fucking happened
That's a very old map. The map I posted is the map of modern Rome. -
We should go back to Rome
This is just a map were white people life
Polytheism is much better than the Jewish monotheism
the jews killed 500.000 roman civilians in the kitos war when world pop was ~100million
MILLIONS died in the roman-jewish wars. Christianity was small until well after 100 AD and these apocalyptic conflicts, Thru many psyops and a shitty emperor, jews jewed rome into being demi-jews
If we centralized the empire more we could formalize client states. Syria, Iran, Japan, and Israel would then be direct clients under a central Roman authority.
With this feudal decentralized mess we have right now each client is only subject to one of the provinces.
No, we ARE Romans and shit.
i dont agree with your map of southamericastan-russiastan-everythingstan rome. most of those places are not roman and not civilized. Russia is half mongoloid turkish hordes
fun fact, Toga was only for men. Women who wore it (therefore called "togate") were invariably city prostitutes or considered as such.
Agreed, I would say that post-Bolivar shit most of south America is basically frontier territory.
Comparable to Northern England or the Saharan backlands of the proper imperial era.
"The West" is the Western Roman Empire, and "The East" is the Eastern Roman Empire. We use the Latin alphabet, and they use the Greek.
What are West and East West and East of? They are West and East of the demarcation line between the administrative districts of the Western and Eastern Roman Empire.
Rome never went away. It just transformed into us slowly over time.
Hail Jupiter. (God the Father)
*laughs in colonialism*
niggers and fanatic assimilationism were a mistake in any possible iteration of Rome, though. Keep that in mind.
Literally Rome 2.1
You have to stop thinking of Christianity as Jewish because it is not. It is Roman. Jesus Christ came for the Romans. He died for us.
I just had this strange dejavu.
Glory to Rome.
it's a good point, but it pretty much means american whites and canadian whites can't be pagan because the gods over these lands belong to the indians. i don't want to sacrifice to the wakan tanka after all, this would not be good for my racial health.
Peak Rome.
Good song
Yeah, just try telling the Russians that. Pic related is the Russian Imperial Eagle. The Emperor of Russia was called Caesar (Tsar).
Latin America may have some eugenic issues, but in case you couldn't tell from the name, they are most definitely Roman.
East clearly refers to the Chinese cultural legacy areas. The only cultural tradition which really still "contends" with Rome. (Though Japan and South Korea are cucked)
Btw China and Rome were aware of each other during their respective "Golden Ages". The Han Dynasty respected Rome alone as a worthy adversary to their rival
(Old China would basically use racial slurs in official histories/writings for every ethnicity because they were haughty and racist as fuck. Like they called Japanese "dwarves". The fact that they didn't call Rome by a slur is actually a pretty big deal)
Russia is like a weird frontier area. It never came into the fold until after the East/West decision, and the Byzantines never fully subjected it. Further, it got the mongol cock.
They don the regalia, and sometimes work with us (Tsarist russia) but they are a wildcard.