/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #2289

► Detected: 241,937 ► Died: 9,848
Live: youtu.be/qgylp3Td1Bw

Dutch health minister collapses during parliament debate

Ecuador blocks runway to prevent Spanish flight from landing

37 years old enforcement agent dies without previous conditions

U.S. Air Force quietly imported 500,000 testing kits from Italy

Teen death without previous conditions suspected in South Korea

HIV-like mutation made it 1000 times more infectious than SARS

Virus infects bacteria, lives in guts indefinitely

Virus affects blood circulation

14% of "recovered" in Guangdong test positive again

Patients can get reinfected, no immunity

All of Italy under lockdown, 60 million in "red zone"

China underreports number of infections and deaths

CDC lab for test kits contaminated

US testing delayed, short on crucial chemicals

Spain refused to test kid, was actually infected

15:03: 29 new deaths in England, United Kingdom.
14:56: Prince Albert, the leader of Monaco, has tested positive for coronavirus.
14:51: 1,238 new cases in New York state, United States.
14:32: 67 new cases in Louisiana, United States.
13:25: 409 new cases and 18 new deaths in the Netherlands.
12:47: 70 new cases in Pakistan.
12:36: 24 new cases in Wales, United Kingdom.


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Other urls found in this thread:


>Dead: 10,003
lol, still only 10,003.
How many days has it been stuck at 10,003? Four days? Five days?

Attached: Still.png (689x1300, 236.67K)

> Died: 9,848



Friendly reminder that the world's economy is being destroyed right now because of some mild flu.

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Why doesn't everyone go to China? Obviously it's the safest place in the world.




I bet with anyone that in Portugal we won’t have more than 40000 cases

Trump has announced that all affected countries with the exception of Mexico, China and those on the African continent, will also receive stimulus checks.

How will frens of America spend their Trumpbux?

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I'm infected but I'll be okay, cause I'm only 18. It's not as bad as the flu to be honest, just won't go away been like this for a week.


Malaysia manlets are 5'4 in height


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Will she overtake ebola-chan's 11.3K record tomorrow?

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>friend from vienna gets called to an emergency
>normie threatens to throw her 5 yo son out of the window because she can't handle quarantine
>we are barely 4 days into a PARTIAL lockdown

also update on the situation
>masks are nearly out
>gloves and shit same
>zivis now do the test swabs (normally done by doctors but they don't have the manpower anymore)
>only 2 hospitals REQUIRE people to wear masks when entering
>shitty surgeon masks only still
here in Salzburg:
>quiet so far
>supposedly we have stocked up on ppe enough

general info:
>total quarantine is in the talks for upper austria and vienna
>will be decided this weekend (most likely waiting to see if there is a dip in numbers)
>not many people follow the order to stay inside as much as possible


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BNO is out of date then, I'll hop between the two to keep the figures updated.

Damn update your spreadsheet Gary.

So, China breaking down into a civil war because CCP tried to censor the real wu flu mubers and it got out of control? Am I reading this right bros?

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I bet you don't end up with 40,000 people.

Be careful out there on the roads, people are definitely getting shittier and more aggressive.

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Sun is going to be setting in God's land soon.

Hope my brothers are doing well.

Holy fuck really? Kek.
Get raped
Because China a shit
The whole country will be locked down by Sunday. I garentee this.

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You shouldn't have sucked off that nigger. Why did you do it, knowing the risks?

>mild flu
Mild means pneumonia.

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c-c-c-checked my dude

The fate of destruction is also the joy of rebirth.

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user why did you had to suck off a nigger? maybe you wouldn't be infected if you didn't do that.


srsly...a nigger?

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why whore yourself out at such a young age? disgusting.

they only cancelled things with alot of people like music shows and disney

Tweak wrote the perfect song for our situation: m.youtube.com/watch?v=NJaS0R_sZxk

>I'm infected
no shit you sucked off a nigger

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Just check the livestream from time to time, it's really useful for keeping the numbers up-to-date.

Why do roasties have such a hard time staying inside and caring for their children?

stock market selloff starts again tomorrow
expect close at more than -10%

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>10.000 DEATHS

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I hope you are. Can't imagine a better timeline if US and chinks go to war. Imagine the possibilities to help both kek.

this better get real soon or i'm gonna look like a clown to everyone i know

God I hope so, death to the CCP, death to Isreal.

Why did you suck off a nigger?

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>China breaking down into a civil war
wait what? sauce on that

That's what you get for sucking of niggers user, why did you do it?

they lie to save face, as all Asians do

>US is only 1k away from having Italys daily increase
Italy BTFO, we'll be making you butt chug our dust by next week FUCK YOUUUUUUU!!!!

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That title I'm not watching that


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That's cute as shit, user.


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Why are the Swiss so fucking high?
They are THE first world country ffs. They must have an absolutely sterling health service, no?

This is the craziest ive seen it, half the shelves at the grocery stores here are bare. First pandemic ive had to live through.

And school+uni, they cancelled all schools early on. Don't forget that.

Also they are not the touchy feely kinda people in the first place.

nips literally stopped testing.

like the flu every year then?

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It's ironic, pussy. It's literally a puppy cuddling a baby.

It's a puppy video user, not even joking

>9k yesterday
so how many people die daily from the regular flu is it worse than the flu now

is it finally a something burger

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>Mutts and Chinks goes to war
>Russia only major power left
I can live with this.

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I wonder what the real china numbers are like.

no idea
>t. roastie

Lots of international travel due to being the mountain banking clan.

Ya airborne aids is just the flu bro, people act like this every flu season, lmao.

I can't believe people are this gullible.

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it could be a good sign, that means they test a lot more people than other countries do

You are right. This video is horrible. I am still shocked

Imagine Hong Kong breaking away and in a last gasp attempt to intimidate his opponents, Xinnie nukes the city.

Why would mutts get involved in a civil war in china tho? inb4 if it's a "civil" war mutts are always involved

>mom is getting sick
its over isn't it?

It's okay, Ebola-chan

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a corona virus that results in immune deficiency?

Look out bongs, if what my mate has been told you'll need your stocks!

I know it's a weak source as there are lots of fake texts but it's what a received yesterday

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>implying russia would'nt jump in just to have fun
Don't be retarded

it's a nothingburger, can't be compared even to seasonal flu.

cutest shit I've seen today bruh

At least you're a roastie with dignity.
I hope you know the rules, though.

10,000 in the US alone by the end of the month. It begins for real now boys. Buckle up

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Yes, like the flu every year... Except here's the difference, this one is only 3 months in and growing rapidly, and you're trying to compare it to an annual death toll that literally has 4 times as long to build.

In a month we'll be well past a year's worth of flu, and in 3 months we'll be past all the flu deaths in the last 5 decades.

Hey buddy, I think you got the wrong door. The leather club's two blocks down.

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So is corona-chan rising in this tier list?

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I'm all for the social distancing measures so far, but if they make it even more strict I'm gonna go apeshit. I have no balcony and basically live on 20 square meters. And I need sunlight and exercise otherwise I go depressive as fuck (like legit, not boo I'm sad).

multiply by 5 at least

go to sleep Gim Gun



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Thread theme


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above one million minimum

>>implying russia would'nt jump in just to have fun
Yeah, to beat the other two while they're down.

Fuck you

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Thank you Gary.

My downstairs tenant is just such a roastie. I’ve prepped perfectly and am set to not need another thing on the outside. This bitch keeps tracking virus in and out of my house and refuses to acknowledge that a threat even exists. I don’t know what to do.

just 4 more weeks, i promise bro

Then why is the world economy tumbling and people here freaking out ? Why are all the governments telling people to shelter in place. Anyone who thinks this a a nothing burger after it killed 10k people is just wrong. This is a something burger, ruskie.

Listen here, Jack, lemme set you straight. This thing isn't going anywhere. Back in my day we didn't call it covid- nineteen eighty-nine whatever; we called it the "Shanghai Shivers". I used to know a guy, went by the name Cornflake Jackson. Ol' Cornflake used to play guitar down at the pool hall. Here's the deal, fat: Cornflake's brother, a fellah we called Dick Diamond, he was a hospital chef. He said the Shanghai Shivers, "Ain't no thang that chicken soup can't fix" you can take that to the bank, buckaroo. That's how I know you're full of shit, fat. I ain't shaking your daughter's hand, I'd punch her straight in the kisser.

Attached: Screenshot 2020-03-16 at 19.43.43.png (271x286, 98.36K)

Hmm, ok!

post screencap of puppy

stupid retard can't even spread

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How come even you people are more civilized than the entirety of Yas Forums, even when talking about a pandemic?
Maybe it's true that the place is just /shitposting general/ at this point and nothing else.

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sign up for a freies sozialjahr
plenty of fresh air and exercise

>know the rules
if you mean tits or gtfo I posted them plenty on here


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Watched Carriers 2009 and Contagian, what now ?

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>inb4 if it's a "civil" war mutts are always involved
Exactly that. Also Donald promised there would be "consequences". And don't even get me started about when the world uncovers it's a chink bioweapon designed to ruin western economies after they lost the trade war with the mutts...

maybe get a VR headset and you can pretend you are at a beech or something.
Regardless you better learn to NEET it up or like all the other normies you are going to go mad

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beware the UK, the limeys still dream about recapturing their lost colonies

No a coronavirus with a HIV-like asymptomatic period shedding the virus

Above seasonal flu now

I thought this. But their death rate is high per capita too. If it's a matter of testing giving more accurate numbers that's it's not good for the rest of us. It means there are much higher percentages of infeted than out governments are reckoning on, and many countries with an apparent lack of corona due to inadequate testing are going to be in for a rude shock in the next few days.

>1k today

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>if you mean tits or gtfo I posted them plenty on here
Then post some more. I've seen nothing.

Outbreak, where did you find Carriers btw? Its like a torrent doesnt exist, cant even find a stream

This isn't funny any more Gary that's 10,000 that's a good amount of damage

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Flu by itself is 1k daily on average. Flu + pneumonia is 3k and TB is about the same. That's the highest mortality globally for infectious diseases.


More like 10 to 100 tbqh

>stupid retard can't even spread
you sure about that?

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Day 3 of confinement. How you holding up bros?

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If you mother fuckers in New Orleans don't STAY THE FUCK INSIDE you are going to overwhelm the entire state's hospital system in 7 days.


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It will be #1 with a bullet in 2 weeks, user.

Inb4 "two weeks" meme.

Yas Forumstard here. When you can't talk about things because someone will be so butthurt that the threads get deleted. People will just quit talking about anything and just shitpost.

bros. I'm gonna die. I'm going back to sea duty in 3 weeks. 280ish people crammed in close quarters on a floating tin can. Remember me. Or don't. Whatever.

lookmovie. ag fren

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So the equivalent of three days of TB deaths. Or 1/2 of daily starvation deaths. Got you.

Would this be good for home defense against my local crackheads?


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Play The Division

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so the source for that is what?

Fucking faggot

>US posters in the denial phase

If we have 50k

You for sure have at least 1 million

Saying that I wish I was in the US countryside all comfy and safe

Well, work's still pouring in, so I'm still going out to do it.
Make hay while the sun shines.
all the industries around here seem to have full parking lots every day, so it sure doesn't look like the economy is slowing down.

Not sure what's happening nationwide, but everybody seems fond of lying about everything, these days, so I wouldn't know who's telling the truth, anyway.

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don't wanna get jannied again, just use the archive for my trip

Well then the great game begins again, except Russia probably has the military edge due to the degradation of the bong MIC. Also with the US out of the way Japan could probably become a major power upon remilitarization.


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>we're already almost to 250,000
It was 200,000 fucking yesterday

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Watch REC.
The Spanish film, not the reboot or whatever else.

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Nah, got the new doom

how the fuck so many people die of that shit, it mus be homeless old farts i have never take any med when i have flu and i recover just fine hiow the fuck are these people dying

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This is posted every thread, and I read it every time.

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I've been a NEET for almost a year once, so it's a question of getting back in shape for me.

Hi gary

thanks kraut, Outbreak is way better than contagion btw. Osmosis Jones is also a good virus movie but its on the light hearted side

I miss my dog so much. I had to put her down last week

Give back Crimea, Ivan.

Depressed and suicidal. Its just another day.

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Take the number of cases outside of China from today, then compare that to the number outside of China 2 weeks ago, you stupid faggot. Then look two weeks farther back from that. Keep going until you understand the pattern.

I don’t want to bother you, but sucking off niggers is not something to be proud of user.

Sorry lad, but you seem to misunderstand. You can go outside, just stay away from people.

because normies are unbelievably stupid and gullible individuals, they don't process incoming info, just take it "as is", the mindless herd they are.
>10k people
that's nothing. Check the annual data on other illnesses and accidents.
That's a somethingburger only in the sense that it's a covert op. What are they covering though, deprivation of civil rights?

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>Have a really bad cough for 5 days
>Felt a bit feverish for a while one day
>Still coofing but nothing severe and it's getting more frequent
Do I have the actual chink flu or what?
Is it a slow burn or did my smoker lungs btfo the crouching tiger flying aids?

Why did you suck off a Niger?

This. The Spanish one was better.

because corona isent the flu dumpass.


Attached: 919.jpg (250x249, 7.38K)

You have a way bigger population so still rookie numbers compared to italy

4 weeks ago businesses were still operational
borders were open
US banks still had to have reserves before lending out money

It is a misrepresentation from the beginning, corona virus is one of the viruses that causes the common cold and is always present in 7-15% of all patients in ICUs who die to respiratory failure, which doesn't mean they died due to the virus!
You cannot beat it, it will always be with us and will constantly change in order to overcome our immune system.
This has been blown out of proportion in order to create the need for greater control of the populous, something we all see being implemented right now.
Everyone can push through the shit he really wanted but wouldn't date to do, other govs do not have the knowledge and just go along with it out of fear.
This thing will blow away but the restrictions they imposed now are there to stay forever, like in Europe now tracking of people via mobile devices has been pushed through, or taking guns away in some places in the US, or collapsing this non viable economy in order to impose something new on us.
All this shit could never have been done without the cover of this so called threat to us

Google German pulmologist and former member of the German Bundestag and the Council of Europe Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg and what he has to say about the virus.
He says the statistical data for the UK and other European countries shows no change in death rates due to respiratory diseases compared to the previous years. They just took the current variant of a common virus in these patients who die this way and falsely proclaim that this virus can kill a healthy person and is the cause.
No, actually they are smarter than that, they are explicitly saying that mostly old people with a bunch of existing health issues die, with the odd young person as an outlier. So they are describing a flu that leads to pneumonia and could in pilpul ways claim they didn't even lie to us, it is us who became panicked.
This is the biggest illusion in human history, they managed to panic the whole world with it, so we all cry to be saved by them!

have you heard about the herd?

every supermarket/mall is open
nobody has to take time from their job or school
everyone can stay in contact and support each other

Attached: THE-HERD-HERD-HERD-THE-HERD-IS-THE-WORD.jpg (800x800, 86K)

What else are we adding to the list?

>Fug Yu Lung
>Kung Flu
Spring-fected roll
>Asian Contagion
>Wubonic Plague
>Flu Yung Hai
>Great Cough Forward
>The Yellow Death
>Ping Pong Pandemic
>Year of the Bat
>the wungaloo
>The yellow flu ching-demic
>Breaking Bat
>Shanghai Shivers
>Asian Ailment
>Slant-eye Sickness
>Fu Manchu Fever
>Coolie Cough
>Oriental Onset
>Beijing Bug
>Rice Rabies
>Gook Germ
>Mandarin Malady
>Lo Mein Pain
>Dim Sum Diarrhea
>Guangdong Gout
>Confucian Cancer
>Szechuan Sore Throat
>Chop Fluey
>Wu-Ping Cough
>Sicken fried rice
>Ow chi lung
>Sweet and Sour Sicken
>Flu Manchu
>rangoon doom
>egg roll toll
>teriyaki terror
>wonton west nile
>bamboo shoot poops
>rice noodle rickets
>finger trap clap
>pu pu pandemic
>dog meat diphtheria
>gutter oil boils
>Genghis cough
>Hong Kong Fluey

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You would know everything about giving up your land, would you, teanigger?

104 patients admitted to norwegian hospitals
11 of them are under 50 years old
>only boomers die lol

I'm 38. I don't wanna die.

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The Flu

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>sign up for a freies sozialjahr

already did my civi, thank you very much. And as we talked before training for rote kreuz only starts in april/may.

what did i miss anons? brief me on today's mini-happenings.

been weeks for me. having the time of my life desu.

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>less than 10 000 deaths

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Why does Ebola Chan have two pussy slits?

Day 15 of confinement, get comfy nigger.

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Have some autismo

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Don't go too hard at once, just in case.

communist kike

wagies BTFO

>mfw I know this girl in real life

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Favela labs finally find a cure

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Most more Nord brappers

true, how long ago was your zivi?
currently they mostly do the corona tests

>my tinder is full of chinese people now
How the hell did they get in here?

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Xi's Sniffles

I lol every time. Looking to the Battle of the Boomers as the debate shall be known.

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>You can go outside,
So far, yeah, which is good. And it seems according to todays news they'll keep it that way.

>just stay away from people

>350/day 1 week ago
>1000/day now
>~2000/day week or so from now

fucking kek

Funniest shit on the internet all this year, and that's saying something.

This so much. NEVER trust the old anglo.

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need to wait here still 1 hour to go

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How can you tell the difference?

We're at 10006, you need to change goal posts.

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What's the situation over there, neighbor? I hope you make it through.

It is a total scam, this is a misrepresentation blow so out of proportions in order to make you fear for the lives of your dear ones.
Statistical data shows that the death rate in the UK due to respiratory diseases hasn't changed that much, in fact this year it is lower than in previous years.

can we reach 100.000 next month ?

i'm on year 27 of confinement

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'member when Putin bombed his own people? I 'member.

1000 jews fleeing from perusalem

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>corona virus is one of the viruses that causes the common cold
No faggot, a small number of corona viruses (2) cause symptoms like the common cold, but they're less than 10% of common colds.
SARS-like coronaviruses are very different from either of them.

It's the international travel
There's also a fair number of over-the-border workers that come from Italy, France and Germany daily
Our government was too scared to fuck up the economy so they delayed closing borders and citizens paid for it with their lives
pretty retarded desu all businesses had to shut down anyway

>Been in hiding for 2 weeks already
>Been prepping for years
>I'm good until christmas
>Intense steam backlog
>Pile of books
Comfiest happening ever
See you on the other side, frens

Attached: fren.png (746x512, 99.36K)

Anyone want to come over to my bomb shelter and play Goldeneye??

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>communist kike

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over ten years ago, no chance they'll draft me.

>currently they mostly do the corona tests
actually cool, I wanna test myself

What does her pooper smells like?

Notice Sunni Muslim countries are immune?
Wonder why INFIDELS?
Praise be to Allah

oh ok I thought he was saying AIDS instead of asymptomatic , have you hear about the herd?, it's a way to not destroy an economy without additional deaths and you can still shop for food.

I actually bother to read people's profiles and names when using tinder.
This may have saved my life from the Chinese corona virus.

I'm a hikikomori so nothing's changed for me


>1,238 new cases in New York state, United States

Israel is so fucked, if that is where they are heading, the kikes can't handle the people they have

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user, you haven't got wuhan flu, you have AIDS


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don't eat meat

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>He can't spot the difference between a jap and a chink
The names for one thing but seriously the racial difference between the asian etnicities are very distinct

I unironically find it easier to tell East Asians apart than other Europeans

Play pathologic 2

is that a disinfectant?

dios mio

dude. that was physically painful just to watch.


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Loads of people here are moving out of the cities

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i'd imagine it's amazing. i have her nudes, but i don't think i can post them here. they're on the internet by now anyway i'm pretty sure. very hot. annoying voice though

People in third world shitholes are about as healthy as homeless old farts. Imagine a malnourished nigger just recovering from malaria with an ear full of botfly larvae. That's the average man in Sub-Saharan Africa.

condoms and hazemattsuits to rape chin skins

>Imagine the smell

then don't wait for the draft and just contact them that you want to help
hell if you have a drives license you might actually be useful as driver

I lov dis imag


this works.
But Vitamin C is a cure also, and easier to snort

This. My wife and I already had a bunch of stuff prepped before hand and then went and got a bunch more in late January and February when we saw China quarantine an entire fucking city.


no wonder since it tastes like fucking shit, even canned dog food is better (and i'd know because i tried)

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damn, italy passed china.


Your fired and thank you for your serve.

everybody went neet and everything came to a standstill pretty much. Thanks and we are all gonna make it empirebro.

Seriously user? Nips and Chinks do look different. Especially if you can find a nip with higher Jōmon admixture

Attached: Chinese-vs-Japanese-vs-Korean-people.png (500x483, 96.36K)

>And I need sunlight and exercise otherwise
You can walk to the store many times a day.

Even that's skewed.
To get a real idea of what's going on now, you have to take away china's numbers. Not because they are bullshit (they probably are) but because it happened at a different time. These are 2 outbreaks, seperate from each other by 2 months. China was already at 70,000 when the first small clusters started cropping up in other countries. Now they only at are at 80,000 because they have burned through their "new cases" spike and the "death" spike and are at the tail end of the "recovered" spike.
Take that 80,000 away, and you can see the explosion is actually frighteningly quick, doubling in just over 2 days.
What is happening now is like Wuhan in 200 spots around the world at once. It will go biblical very quickly. Which is why the stock markets have crashed and all the Govts seem to have lost their minds. They haven't. They can see what's coming and it ain't pretty.
Dig in. Hunker down. Stay safe.

Nah, you're just drying out your lungs with too much booze.

Hey bros. Am leaf so can't get gun right now. What is better for self defense, a combat/hunting knife or a machete?

>Tfw no vegan bat soup

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Have you heard about ADE, SARS vaccines, lack of immunity to any coronaviruses and long term SARS outcomes?

>It means there are much higher percentages of infeted than out governments are reckoning on
Of course there are, my bet is that the real numbers are at least 5 times higher. And that's alright, that means these cases are mild and that there will be an opportunity to build up immune resistance. The grave cases when people lose their ability to breathe naturally are government's top priority, the rest can be somewhat ignored.

coronaviruses have mostly milder strains but they also have apocalypse stains. MERS had 35% fatality ratio.

it's over. happening canceled. no neetbux.

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mega it for the greater good.

TFW there are non preppers in this thread

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In Japan it is squid ink that nobody buys when panic buying.

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It's just a flu bro

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they closed down ski hills here and are sending all Aussies home!

With the "measures" they're taking, they'll be lucky of they recapture one of their lungs as they cough it up...

I know, under Trump I don't have room to talk, but that's why I'm taking care of myself, not relying on their stupid asses to keep me safe.


Again, this virus is the common cold virus in its current year mutation and it is always present in 7-15% of all patients who die due to respiratory failure in ICUs.
It is ALWAYS present, it doesn't mean that it is the cause. We didn't have a panic about this shit last year, where corona virus was present in 7-15% of all patients dying due to pneumonia.
Only difference is political will. Watch how they will implement aspects of totalitarian China in your home due to this political stunt. In some countries they already have done so and these laws are never going to go away.
Also look up the stats of the UK for death rates, they track it monthly and for various diseases, you will see a slight decrease in deaths.

oi brav

Dont make me choke you out Bobo

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Bugs are bugs user

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It reads like the kid from brooklyns videos


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Immune to testing and any semblance of healthcare

A small kitchen knife taped to a broom handle.

the reptilian lizard people unleash one of these panic pandemic things every election cycle. they reset the stock market and the fed got to play jewish tricks. it's over.

Full lockdown at 19:00 Argentina.

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eh meh, I left that zivi life behind me tbhwy, I have a driving license tho.

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Based Feline Thot-patroller

change locks let her get sick outside lol

wodka for everyone comrade and our motherland