One thing that comes out of this covid shit : France is literally on the verge of social explosion.
One thing that comes out of this covid shit : France is literally on the verge of social explosion
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Niggers simply cannot behave normally.
Arabs are even worse. Pond scum.
Listen frog you let them in now deal with it
colonialism was the worst mistake western europe ever made.
You shouldve allied with germany from the get go
Fuck you kike
Gtfo Shlomo
He's right
what's your excuse
Vive la révolution, vive la république, vive le France
Do you think the wuflu will kill off the migrant camps?
Good. It's specifically what France has chosen for it's future.
The worst mistake was not killing every last nigger on the planet the millions of times we've had chances. We have a chance right now but we still don't take it.
Nah, idealism was the worst mistake we ever made.
>implying that colonialism bring anything good for France
We really need to kill niggers.
Around niggers
Problems are bigger
no, allowing your colonies to colonize you was the mistake
>jews was the worst mistake...
"Colonialism" was done by kikes who ruled you back then. And colonizing other countries never had to mean bringing niggers into france, that too is a kike enterprise
Implying colonialism must always mean you invite Niggers to your country.
You can do colonialism without any of that.
>living with niggers in confinement
I hope you run cities fellows baguette user
giving everyone in the colonies the right to live in france was the mistake
Every single time I see video of people fighting in supermarkets here, it's non-white filth. Then they shitty prime minister says "It's un-Australian"
WELL NO SHIT CUNT. THEY AREN'T AUSTRALIAN. They are niggers you brought into my country. Fuck you.
Those niggers are there because Jews cried to let them in, not because of colonialism.
Be honest, is the french military even redpilled or willing enough to remove dindus and kebab even if they were given the order of shoot to kill?
as long as they deliver...
>by kikes
Mostly leftist but not kikes.
>literally all niggers
>diversity is our strength
>France is literally on the verge of social explosion.
Import a bunch of niggers, act surprised when they behave like niggers.
And they say Americans are stupid.
I honestly agree with this.
It didn't improve Africa, and it hasn't really improved Europe. Now Europe is flooded with mystery meat niggers and muzzies chimping out, complaining about not being included in white culture, complaining about not going to school with blond kids, etc etc etc it never fucking ends.
Americans should have picked their own fucking cotton, and Europeans should've done in Africa what they did in Canada, USA, New Zealand, etc: Mass murdered and sterilised the locals. It's the only way to have a functional society. Without brown people.
>french military
They don't will shoot they're own brothers
What we are witnessing is a cascading collapse.
All the stupidity of world working as a gain-of-function on top of the virus.
Grocery stores at Oslo east is still filled to the brink daily with afro-muslim immigrants not speaking norwegian and not upholding any form of social distance. Foreign criminal gangs of muslim youth are having a feast on the streets as many cops are in quarantine. No or dwindling supplies of PPE to protect our law enforcement and healthcare workers, not to mention civilians.
Have you finished English class yet, Mahmadou?
la france tombera bient^ot
Das right, whyte man.
Nothing wrong with colonialism, just need to make sure you remove the natives instead of inviting them over for tea. Look at our best colonies. Abbos and corn niggers are a minor annoyance at their very worst.
I thought you were already there
Why are Frenchmen so violent and impulsive?
La France est mort quand elle a abandonne leDieu
No I learned on fagchan toufik
That is niggers behaving normally though
I hope oslo burns
I wish
A lot of jews escaped the nazis to Sweden
That's true though. Default negro mode is mental illness for a white
Why do these animals insist on putting their hands on you and keeping them on you like some sort of game. If that were me I would've knocked his fucking ass out for having his hand on me the whole time like I'm a child. Truly fucked.
Your flag should be all white. Like the ethnostate dream you've abandoned.
>no guns
>thinking you'll change anything by flipping cars over
No "he" didn't. The corrupt ruling class did. The average Frenchman had no say in this.
Notice its white guys get beat the fuck up in every one of these vids?
Pay attention America.
New York and Chicago and a lotta other places be fuckin fun for y'all real soon. :)
Really. What good are your guns when you guys never actually use them? You have rights stripped back daily, nothing happens.
>Inb4, any minute now
Sure you will.
One could argue colonialism is the sole reason your country exists.
what the fuck are they fighting for?
haha nice cope for losing yours. have fun being run by feminist cunts and dodging wildfires.
Kikes did this you fucking kike
I carry a folding stiletto when I go outside. It's got a 6 inch blade.
Except niggers will be shot on sight if they venture outside their liberal gun free government zones and pull that.