The usa is a shithole

nasty fuckers

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>Romanians accusing anyone else of being a shithole

better move to south dakota

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t. town rapist

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Have there been a lot of coronavirus cases in Romania?

all I see is pic related
bottom text

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Yet they rule the whole country and even have a foundation myth for their dominion over the goyim set in place , ive been threatened to be disowned by close family members who don’t even know any Jews for simply bringing up how politically powerful Jews in this country are

277 infected
0 dead
how do you like them apples?


300 cases. they closed everything 1 week ago, so it slowed the spread of the virus

Being a poor shit hole no one wants to visit has its benefits. I really mean it, not trying to insult Romania. If only we hadn't sold out to the ching chongs for 30 years

lol, coasts showing the flyovers how its done

>they closed everything 1 week ago
lol., what are you talking about?

I'm surprised Texas has so few cases, given its huge foreign population

admit it, Romania won. you lost.

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we get a retarded number of chinks and nips who visit Transilvania .
Went to Bran,i felt like it was Beijing

It's so hard not being able to tell people you know about it. Makes me want to lose my shit and go full Pat Little

Well in your case its justified

How can people not consider that the USA originated the virus? Shameful.

They closed every school, university. library , public place
put restrictions in restaurants and shops
shops don't let more than 5 people in at a time
and i live in a city with zero confirmed infections, boyo

whatever, at least I'm not a from africa like you

nigger what?

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A year from now, the US economy will be bouncing back and coronavirus will be a distant memory. Romania will still be a third world gypsy nation
Seriously? That sucks. They're everywhere and they ruin national parks. I went to Yellowstone recently and it was like downtown Beijing with all the ching chongs jibbering and yelling at each other, trying to see over each other's heads and forcing each other aside to take pics

>They closed every school, university. library , public place
right, I forgot about that. I'm not some toddler so I'm not affected.
I just came back from the gym. The "quarantine" is an immense larp.
there are people everywhere outside taking a walk and other stuff like that.

you're mad because you have a small penis.

based vlad poster

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>A year from now, the US economy
lol, you don't have an economy. you have nothing. not even toilet paper.
fat boy, go shit in the park.

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You should try venturing out of your sewer once in a while cigano

Some Jew lawyer in Westchester county NY (can he be any more of a stereotype?) went to grand central station and pozzed everybody
This is a globalist's disease, so it hits the globalists first

you're not even a country.

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I'm sitting on a throne made of stockpiled TP rolls at this very moment


shh.....Don't tell him

>A year from now, the US economy will be bouncing back
dude, have you seen the stock market recently?
the FED pumped 2.5 trillion dollars just to keep it afloat. You do realise that this was just to keep some (((companies))) from bankruptcy while the american taxpayer has to foot the bill?
Also. have you seen that the American debt, divided to the taxpayers, is more than 180.000 dollars per capita? and the number probably doubled now thanks to FED making that printer go BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR?

Pozzed country, Sad!

Germany has been the USA's bitch for the past 80 years... so I understand the salt.

go suck off a maple tree, moose fucker.

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Shut up dumb gypsy or we'll set ivan loose on your ass again.

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Similar restrictions are in place here. People go out walking because their workplace shut down and it's a lot safer than being in a crowded office or wherever.

That's not a maple tree sucking me off, it's your mother. Easy mistake to make her face does look like tree bark

pic related

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Had to stop in Romania omw to Afghanistan deployment. Banged a hot Romanian teen all night for $20 back in 09. Romania has the best cheap whores in the world.

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fuck I'm not going to get hired at a good job after this am I

you're such a wise guy, chang.

>implying Romanians went to school and work before this corona-virus outbreak

If what you say is true. You deserve whats coming to you.

you molested some poor puppy behind some bush.

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I have a little fun fact for you. My family line goes back to being diplomats, during cold war, Romania provided the children that would be grown into the whores used by KGB to seduce and blackmail westerners visiting the eastern bloc.

I have more toilet paper in one bathroom than you will see in your whole life. Only retards don't have toilet paper because I bought it all foist

It was probably your sister or mother alexandru. why are your women such whores? i want to pimp them to hairy arabs in the uae, who will probably shit and piss all over them. probably an improvement from the romanian's daily life.

the girl was 19, but yea im not surprised. romanian women are just natural whores, i wonder why.

This insult in canada tier

> american education

This is more accurate

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y'all have internet in canada?

>I have more toilet paper in one bathroom than you will see in your whole life.
you also have an inflamed butthole.

ok pedo

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Communist Romania's attempt to increase its birthrate by putting heavier taxes on childless women led to huge numbers of abandoned children and the highest rate of HIV in Europe. I really hope this doesn't happen to Hungary, who is trying to increase their birthrate by offering tax breaks for families.

Best in the world

For what it's worth, I got a pretty good education. Niggers are holding us back though

>romanian women are just natural whores, i wonder why.
Dude, your country invented BLACKED
your women are lower than fucking animals, even dogs hate niggers

>inflamed butthole
Yeah, because I can afford it nigger

Judeo-mansonic country.

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>ok pedo

oohh, cut real deep huh? how many of the women in your family are prostitutes alexandru? how does it feel to know ur mother will eat my ass for a happy meal?

>For what it's worth, I got a pretty good education.
yeah , because you're prolly a 90es kid. now imagine what education young John gets when the 5 Tyrones in his class start chimping out while the 10 Joses steal the coloured crayons.

Our country invented everything, what's your point gypsy nigger?

Is the Holocaust class still mandatory in your shithole? :^)

Hahaha okay. Romania “””won””” hahahaha holy shit. Yes.... such winners.... *pats on head*

> can invent anything
> invents misgenation

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If you had any relevance whatsoever it would be mandatory in your shithole, the Jews couldn't care less what happens in Whoremania

>Our country invented everything


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It's not that we CAN invent anything.
It's that we DID invent EVERYTHING.
Yes, there are a lot of faggots who invented some garbage stuff.

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I don't even know what your country is.

>how does it feel to know ur mother will eat my ass for a happy meal?
this is what pornography consumption does to your brain, folks.

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To Television! Television and Film!

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Nice old map there fuckface

Romanian women have a slight mix of both european and eastern looks that give them the "darker" exotic feel, which for some reason European men really go after, just like the Latina craze.
It really depends on how much Hungary's family relationships have developed since 90s. Big problem in communist societies was that family unit was non existent, kids spent most of their time outside or in public institutions and clubs, parents didn't give a fuck about their kids or what they did (only a rare few did and these were ironically the party leaders and upper echelons in the state like KGB and military). In a way it was a very old style type of society, the kid's value being more what he can bring later than just a inherent value.
I know Romania was the epicentre of child trafficking during cold war, during the 90s it got worse but Ukraine topped it for some time. Many a rich westerners and chinks would end up with fresh organs from Ukrainian kids. I do wonder just how much the Ukraine region has lost in terms of population, must be something like 50% at this point compared to 91. That state will collapse just from demographic means in 15 years, it's probably the biggest failed state in history.

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Kek I know, mutts are usually proud5of being ignorant. You say Romania is not relevant. Who's relevant for you? Who has more money? No wonder you guys worship jews...

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>I don't even know what your country is.

Easy now, Cody. Easy now

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>blaming his mother being a whore on pornography

Oldest ally

>rest of the worldlet thinks his opinion matters

>the Jews couldn't care less what happens in Whoremania

Grab your mutilated penis , my boi, and i'm gonna tell you a story. When the Romanian army conquered Odessa in 1941, the jews placed a bomb under the Romanian commandant's office, killing 30 officers. Mad , romanians started culling the jews, who were hiding in the mass of russians and ukrainians. In order to tell which is which , soldiers made them drop their pants. If the penis was cut, the jew got shot.
When jews got in America, they decided to make sure that they will blend in the local population, In order to keep their penis cutting custom, they made sure to sill circumcision with the American cattlepeople. Research this shit.
My friend, you are the biggest shabbos goy in the world
Look at your cut, shriveled penis and know who caused it.

Satanic trips, opinion disregarded

>they closed everything 1 week ago, so it slowed the spread of the virus

But you don't SEE any slowing of the spread for about two weeks after you shut the place down.

New cases continue to show up as patients infected before the shutdown begin to develop symptoms.

take your meds, if you can afford them, fat boy.