Redpill me on homosexuality

Redpill me on homosexuality

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It's gay

gay as fuck
and so are you.

It is basically just when you have sexual urges and feelings for a man. It's no big deal. We just want to be left alone in peace.

As gay as op

Disordered vile affections and urges to commit crimes against nature.

im greek and straight as an arrow but even I like to breed some boipussies from now on then. Go to any gay bathouses bros. you will love it best pump and succ of my life and im greek

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u stick ur dick in a hairy butt

Dating qt boys is the ultimate redpill. You can do cool shit like hunting and videogames with them more often than you can with women, and when shtf you have two bros watching eachother's backs instead of you protecting some defenseless thot.
Even if they are a weak twink, you can still train them to use a gun or train them physically into a twunk. Also, breeding boipucci is better than breeding a disgusting roast beef twat

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Heres the redpill op

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Animals only exhibit homosexual behavior when in stressed circumstances, such as living in captivity. In humanity homosexuality appears to be correlated with greater urbanization, which mirrors the stressed situation that animals face in captivity. This being said, homosexuals deserve compassion and should be judged as individuals, not solely for their sexual behavior

what is the evolutionary purpose of sexual attraction?

Population control, maybe?

kek funniest version of this picture I've seen

>Redpill me on homosexuality
It's akin to smoking. Enjoying a fag every once in a while ain't the end of the world. Basing one's entire life around smoking, blowing through a pack a day, marketing this shit to kids, implying smoking is risk-free, etc. is where you run into issues.

it's for uncivilized dogs

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If you nigger faggots would just be alone in peace Noone would give a fuck. But that ain't what you do.

The logical conclusion to man. W*men should be used as slave labor and considered subhuman. Man will only be born through artificial means.

Homosexual acceptance is a way to pry apart underworld groups. In traditionalist societies, homosexuals are deathly enemies of civilization, but that is true only because those societies want to kill them. In societies that tolerate homosexuals, the existence of homosexuals is largely irrelevant and occasionally beneficial.

>Redpill me on homosexuality
is gay

It's almost as gay as you faggot OP.

man would be extinct from wiping itself out if it didnt have homosexual tendencies

well if you wanted to go down that route id probably say destroying the traditional family structure was more their priority, but population control would be a nice side benefit

I really look forward to genetic control extinguishing you. We're likely to bring back bits of your genome found beneficial, but the full pass restoration will have to await the implementation of a simulation in which you can not harm others.

FWIW, I am sorry about that. But, we have a good civilization in large part because we have come away from the darkness of being genocidal tribesmen.

TLDR they've been permanently rejected by God and turned over to a reprobate mind, in retaliation for atheism.

Romans 1

21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.

22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,

23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.

24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:

25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.

26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:

27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;

29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,

30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,

31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:

32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.

Homosexuals reproduce by molestation. Every single homosexual you meet has a story about being molested as a child.

Tell me again how you pass on your faggotry

heterosexual male here. i used to frequent bathhouses in the toronto area. ive done some freaky stuff like fisting other men. having sex with another man can bring white hot pleasure. i still chase my first anal orgasism.

Homosexuality won't work as population control until we have cloning vats, and by then it won't be necessary.

If anything, one of the things traditionalist societies are conserving is smart gays who have children to prove they're not gay. Gay men are gentler, which makes them better fathers.

That is not true. As one such individual, I've found my background intensely isolating.

Does that tickle?

Oh shit man that's like 90% of the Catholic church

you get poopoo pp haha

unironically based and redpilled
women are whores, only simps will disagree

I enjoy gay sex but I would never consider myself gay. I have no feelings towards men, and would never kiss one.

You are a sick pig

>young boy gets raped/molested by old desperate man
>young boy grows up
>young boy comes out as a faggot
>young boy is OP



so the kike god doesn't like fag
there's a redpill op: Jesus doesn't fucking cares

It's a punishment for denying God as creator.

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die of aids faggot

i feel the same way. i enjoy sucking cock, but dont like kissing guys. also i masterbate exclusively to straight pron because gay porn doesnt turn me oon.

It sucks dicks.

You're that allergic to integrity, huh? What raped all the strength out of modern trolls and made them people I could victimize so completely?

Hmmm, interesting, but that makes not much sense. You like sex with men, but you would never kiss one

It's European

They're talking about me, for the record. To like sucking cock, but prefer straight porn over gay porn. I snapped spines throughout the trollosphere just being less cowardly and compliantly hidden about my preferences than others. My easy uniqueness has become a calling card.

A whole lot of trolls were recruited into stalking me by people who sexually abused me, and I've used that to dominate the chans ever since. It's been fun - I thought it'd be harder, somehow.

It is a mental disease, and is rooted in self destruction.

It’s fucking gay.

My preference against gay porn isn't total, on that note. Since I know there are people with no strength to be their own self in the world to be themselves, I'll give up a few more words to help the hypercompliants. Y'see, I just have drastically higher standards in gay porn.

Anal sex is unhealthy and spreads diseases. Just fuck women doggy style and hold her hair the right way and it's the same as fucking a dude except pussy is way more convenient to fuck than some butthole.

People who are "romantically" attracted to men are just sad boys with daddy issues who seek out homosexual relations to feel a sense of love and belonging with another male.

If you suck a dick, or fuck a dude once then you're a fucking queer for the rest of your life, despite your denial.

>Redpill me on homosexuality
Homosexuality is the patrician and superior form of sexuality. And there is nowhere on the web more homosexual than Yas Forums (except maybe

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But no, seriously. The redpill on homosexuality is that homosexuals reciprocate society's attitude towards them pretty cleanly. Society wants to kill homosexuals, homosexuals are criminal threats. Society wants to protect homosexuals, homosexuals may turn out to be weak guards. Haha. Tolerance is a good balance point.

There's a lot of live and let live. Also, I'm not a good representative; like most populations competent to exist in peace, gays develop in every direction, becoming many kinds of person.

Traditionalist societies sometimes fear the ancillary social networks created by homosexuals, but generally there's little to fear from free-flowing information. A society of soft light has few victims and inexorable guards.

Degenerate but in a free society it is acceptable. However, if a society must survive, the leaders/figureheads should ideally be people with traditional families.
Homos are for entertainment.
Also worth note for you op. Barren women are just as dangerous to a country's health

Just say no homo afterwards and it’s cool.

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Found the seething turkroach

This latest 'gay' slide stuff won't work. Too many happenings. People are waking up.

Big fan of this woman but I don't want her leading the UK

You’re just a prisoner of your own perverted world

The general gain from inclusivity is essentially the advantages in control enabled by superior information. Everyone is kind of like a scout for their community. Exclusive people - the violent ones, the irrationally hostile, those who long for the suffering of others - end up left in the dark and fed like mushrooms. Inclusive people benefit from many kinds of scout and tap information flow from many directions.

Instead of opposing inclusivity, become inclusivity! Tap into the global information flows of this world by beginning to function as an honest emitter helping others navigate through life.

Best dike nationalist. She's so based. Can't be stressed enough. Great woman

Sodomites will burn in hell

Being a dude is great, and dating one is even better. Heteros will never experience this feel.

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No. You lost your chance, cunt. You have to stick with your hand now.

I like to feed pulses of science, hope, and economic-oriented thought through Yas Forums. I don't think leaders function well without a bit of prodding far beneath - and I don't mean the gay sex kind.

I think we should protect the happiness of as many people as possible so that all wish to collaborate in building a better world status. The ideal order is a voluntary order.