Nafri’s are worse than niggers

Nafri’s are worse than niggers
No one can prove me wrong.

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Are they your version of pakis?

Yes, but worse.

he looks like a paki....

Only slightly because they have a little bit higher IQ. Enough to organize and cause more trouble.

Nafri means North African, but I guess they're some other type of muslim, yes.

I raise you somalis.

How unfortunate. I suppose at least you have never come across Somalis. They are like a mix of nigs and pakis/muzzie trash.

>Nafri means North African
I see.

We have Somali's too but there's way fewer of them, but they're currently being shipped in.
We got in this order
>Italians / Dutch Indies

It's almost as if someone has been trying to boil us like a frog, oy vey.
I can't believe everyone is too retarded to notice this.

Truer words have never been uttered.

Somalis are annoying but not a threat. Nafris are vicious creatures

Paki’s are much browner

Yeah and they have the same size of ego as Tyrone without having a BBC

COPE dutch subhuman

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There has literally never been something wrong with Italians in this place

North Africans are white.


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Read the post again.
(((They))) obviously flooded us with worse and worse and worse sub-humans in order of most evolved to least evolved, in order to "soften" the blow we got and prevent revolt.

>I can't believe everyone is too retarded to notice this.
Media brainwashing is a good tool. Yeah I know there aren't many Somalis here either but ones I have met, well I'll find it hard to find something worse.

Its already over bro. And no one seems to care

I think the only Nation worse than Somalis is Aborigine Australians. There basically aren't any worse species than that.

By the way, weren’t niggers here before the Turks? There has always been Surinamers here

He’s cute.

sand-nigglet detected

Well in muttland sure, anything goes.

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There is no group of people on this planet that are worse to live with than niggers. You are beyond retarded.

based, nafris are slayers

I think they arrived during the same time as the Dutch Indies (Indo's).
But they are VASTLY different from niggers, they're much, much more well-adjusted and in those days were actually thankful for being allowed to live here, having seen how shit life is in their ""country"", unfortunately all those immigrants have past away and their progeny has never known anything other than handouts and tantrums.

>not a threat
Define threat, they're slightly more sentient chimpanzee gypsies that follow islam. They're not a political threat per se but they're far worse than the typical north american pavement apes.

I think the reason you see them as worse as niggers are that older Surinamers are pretty based which distorts people's perception of niggers. Every type of nigger and sandnigger I would say however, is equally cancer.

>tfw those count towards the 56%

So it's our fault that your governments let us into europe?
So it's our fault that your women don't want to procreate with their own ethnicity?
So it's our fault that most of your males are absolute betas and don't fight back?
So it's our fault that you let us in but don't allow most of us to work for years?
So it's our fault that your laws are shit-tier and crack dealers can't get deported or jailed?

Fucking hell you people are the biggest crybabies on the planet. Europeans won't make it past the year 2100.
All you do is bitch about how everyone and everything is against you and that it's so unfair. Yet you accuse most other ethnicities of doing exactly that .Get a grip you fucking pussies, and oh yeah stop blaming africans and arabs for your own stupidity, we didn't let you be tricked by the jews, in fact we were telling you about them for hundreds of years and yet you still managed to be subdued by them.

All you can do in your defence is autistic screeching on an mongolian basket weaving forum, pathetic.

True, Rotterdam is full of Antillianen and Kaapverdianen and i can say they are both worse than Surinamers

t. Suriname Pajeet


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Probably seeing as they are a group who are untouched for thousands of years, and have undergone no evolution. At least they are only concentrated in Australia. Most have been race-mixed out of existence anyways.

Surinamers are also less dark-skinned in my experience, although they are still 'black', I'd consider them more brown than black.
Lmfao, I would give my life to kill a million Surinamers, there's more of them in my country than in their homeland now, they need to be gassed, although they're not our worst problem by a longshot.

they're the same level of fuck no, with different aspects of awful.

Ugly ass nose ruins him.

Why are niggers so friendly?

Fuck off roastie

>autistic screeching on an mongolian basket weaving forum, pathetic.

thanks for proving my point faggot

t. Indon Abdallah

>thanks for proving my point faggot

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They do & so do sudanese, among other varieties of savages. We're easily sub 40% at this point but if they knew they might panic so the 50% myth must be maintained so they peacefully go extinct.

He posted 1 letter.
You're the only one screeching autistically here, lmfao. Imagine being a sub-human monkey, hahahah

Turks are worse, but both are impaired big-time. Utrecht tram shooter was desperate because a lot of kike pedo shit came down upon them.

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Th@t's r!ght Carlos.

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In Germany you just need "eine Armlänge Abstand" to be save. This helped a lot of people, especially during Sylvester in cologne

Some people from Surinam are more Dutch than me and polonaise their ass off. I have a warm heart to them.

Looks like a nigger to me senpai

Dehors les bicots

>can't argue against a single point i made
>instead posts random picture in an attempt to insult

just like i said, all you have is autistic screeching on this shitshow of a board, irl your race is doomed and all you do about it is shitpost.

I like Indo's and some Surinamers too bro, unfortunately we can't have the "multi-cultural" society we were promised, it doesn't work when you let in everyone, more than 5% non-native = total collapse.

Hahah, why would I argue with a sub-human monkey? Just wallow in your inferiority you dumbass.

dude, im from maine, 98% white state, and now my town is LITERALLY fucking 40% somali. out of the blue in the past 5 years we had a perfect, crime free homogenous 99% white city and now its 40% somali and a shithole. family has been mainers for generations and were some of the first settlers. imagine how i feel right now.

>just like i said, all you have is autistic screeching on this shitshow of a board, irl your race is doomed and all you do about it is shitpost.

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They are black + med + arab

A trifecta of criminality.

This & based

I know. Thats why I redpill them on jews. Most good ones already know (through Hinduism or christianity) actually.

Have you ever dealt with american niggers user?

Somalis are the best of the worst.

Believe it or not they are considered celebrities in Europe

apologise to the NAFRI BVLL
dutch subhuman

I would like to date with those iberic-subsaharan-native-bastardic-happymerchant guys.

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For me? It's Ashafar

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I guess (((they))) figured out there is literally no limit to White people's idiocy and empathy, and realized they don't HAVE to spend 60 years to replace a population of Whites, it can be done in a handful of years, as long as we have our digital trinkets of distraction.

They are more s.o.y. than us nowadays. Vid related. But if you do it to a nafri he will bring his entire family after school.

Kanker gebaseerd.

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Lmao based

It seems like COVID19 is very well spreaded in European countries.

I hate them all. The most despicable cannibalistic sons of trash whores on this satanic planet. I welcome anyone who wants to genocide them.

But Somali women are beautiful

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let them be happy.

May God bless them.

Just like my ex she is hiding and sucking in that belly.