Why is Japan doing so much better than Italy?

>be japan
>hit earlier with Covid19
>massive elderly population
>closer to china
>dr+nurse to boomer ratio off the charts
>literally locks Coronachan that shit down

>be italy
>hit later with C19
>younger pop than japan
>further from china
>dr+nurse to boomer ratio better than japan
>corona literally wrecks them
So is Italy just incompetent or are they trying to get rid their boomers?

Attached: next time wihtout Italy japan and germany.jpg (450x300, 52.82K)

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A plausible sounding theory I heard is that they have a ton of illegal Chinese workers in Lombardy, so when they brought the virus back from China they encouraged them not to go to the hospital, so it spread

Italy has huge poverty rates and the Japanese are obsessive about cleanliness.

It's cause they're doing absolutely 0 testing u retard. They are trying to hold onto the Olympic cope cause billions of dollars was spent on this.

I thought this was known already?

no touchie touchie
most hygenic people on earth
hivemind where everyone gets in line

This is the answer. This is the true power of a homogenus society.


If you fucks really think Japan is hygenic you should see how the nips wash their hands

Honorary huwhites

Everyone wears masks in South Korea & Japan. Clean society.

Don't buy that mask goy, just go to work to your wagey cagey.

Italy is a 3rd world country, Japan is a 1st world country. Italy can not be relied on ever.

Tons of illegal chinese/koreans in Japan too.

>the Japanese are obsessive about cleanliness.

>Italy has huge poverty rates
Italy is a 1st world white European country. How the fuck are they poor?

You're talking to OP on pol

no they don't know anything

>0 testing
>no rapid explosion in sickness
>no people dying
Try using your brainlet a bit.

Attached: japanon.png (1185x935, 154.28K)

Chinese response was actually pretty based. A massive national pour of resources while locking down Wuhan and restricting the province.

I was wondering why didn't the EU respond in a similar way to Italy in an attempt to restrict it within Italy while sending in support.

lol, tell a true italian they're white and they'll probably flip out

Nobody kisses hello or goodbye in Japan.

>If you fucks really think Japan is hygenic you should see how the nips wash their hands
I dont get this either. At nights you literally see african tier chimp actions outside. People drinking alcohol to death and vomiting on street. Lying on the street knocked out.
During festivals the girls dress like the biggest fucking whores around. Which is nice of course.
Its about as clean s everywhere else

Attached: 1561200419969.gif (390x241, 1.99M)

>Italy is a 1st world white European country
You do know lots of them live in slums right?

Attached: 72648b463a.jpg (790x444, 160.98K)

no chinks

>The two countries hit hardest by Kungflu. Iran, and italy, are belt and road project signups.

Huh... really makes ya think

>t. 56% face

Italians kiss each other and touch each other all the time.

Japs don't even shake hands.

Japanese barely kiss their own husband/wives/chidlren.

I don't like japs but I always admired their discipline. Italians don't have that. A lot of the EU countries lack discipline.

>lots of them
Not real Italians. Maybe migrant workers, but not true Italians and Italian boomers.

japs are inbred island chinks.
Also they do have them.

Japan might be lying or not testing people, and Italy is using antibiotics to treat it, which is retarded because antibiotics make viruses stronger.

Because the EU is a trade union that got out of hand instead of being united europe led by a central government, so those measures can't be taken because literally every country is doing their own thing.

For example. We closed the borders to, among other countries, France. The Netherlands however did not close their borders with us, despite being a stonesthrow away from our highest concentration of corona cases (North Rhine-Westphalia, specifically areas like Cologne)

Because Aryans are basically immune to the virus. Just look at Germany. Aryans only get the sniffles.

Japanese don't test anyone who isn't dieing. They hide everything. There are first hand accounts of Russians living in Japan who had 38.8 temperature and were told that they'll be tested for everything but coronavirus unless they develop coughing. testing for corona is strictly forbidden in japan.

Japanese are the greatest race in history. You have to be comfortable as #2.

Attached: iq map.png (1272x800, 80.14K)

Have you not noticed? The darker the skin, the less competent. Italians might be white-ish, but japanese are still whiter.

It’s full of people who aren’t first world, white or European. Some are immigrants and the rest are Italians. Just being in the general vicinity of Europe isn’t enough, the country actually has to be run by Europeans. Also it doesn’t count if you use women.

>Italy is a 1st world white European country. How the fuck are they poor?
Italy/Government debt
134.8% of GDP (2018) the literary live off loans

>japs don't test those that aren't dying
>no one dying
WOW! It's as if the disease isn't there killing people.
Man I guess Russia is 100% infected but just not testing too.

>first hand accounts
>of Russians

Attached: american proofs.png (500x500, 31.75K)

>So is Italy just incompetent or are they trying to get rid their boomers?
Japanese people don't mingle like Italians do physical contact is a no no and personal space is respected.

Because Japs are still sweeping it under the rug hoping for muh olympics.

go to japan then 56% weeb

show us whats behind your memeflag nigger

Attached: 1570033177515.gif (300x243, 255.13K)

>government debt meme
That's every fucking country.

>During festivals the girls dress like the biggest fucking whores around.
Give pics.

>Jap greeting: bow at a distance
>Italian greeting: kiss each other
America should replace handshakes with bowing desu.

>It’s full of people who aren’t first world, white or European
Have you ever been to Italy? Majority of Italians are 1st world, white, and euro.
Try using your brain instead of your dumbass memes.

Because the Pasta niggers aren't white and japanese are honorable

They are dieing en masse but the deaths are not registered as deaths from coronavirus. They are mostly old and have may other health problems to write them off as heart or diabete deaths.

Japan is more white


>no tests
>no people dying
Wow it's like they don't have it.

>eat food out of the dumpster

The difference is IQ points. The higher IQ nations will have better survival strategies than the lower IQ ones. The low IQ ones don't even have a strategy like Italy.

Japan have the whole country built from the ground up to handle natural disasters. (Earthquake and Tsunami). They use their army for civilian task all the time.

Italy is pretty much run by mafias that don't give a shit about the collective good or system resillience.

I swear to fucking god, the Britbong teeth meme is such bullshit. Nip teeth are the most disgusting I have ever seen. They are all around unhygienic

No one goes outside in Japan, so shutting the country down wasn't a hard adjustment to make


>first hand accounts

so yeah she spent years writing in lj account just for this moment, to fuck with japan.

These are well known real peope with old blogs. You'd better believe them.

This guy is also well known and also confiirm that japanese don't test ill people for the corona youtube.com/watch?v=ASKpRYf_kFw

Dont have any. But its known honestly.
Also their alleyways are literal rape havens. The random goodie machines are fun though.
Some faggots write stories about how they fucked a whore and shit


So when you read any western or japanese numbers of the corona multiply it to any number from 10 to 50, depending on how optimistic you are. They hide everything with very simple pretexts such as lack of tests and shit

Most germans have Italian DNA buddy.

>China is based
Where do you chinks come from?