China has 1.5bn people and contained the virus

Surely, you can doubt their numbers, but I am pretty sure the curve is generally right. It was a 2 month affair from start to finish.

Why is nobody pointing out that this curve is pretty much what every country in the West should be aiming for.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>t. curve adjusted to omit the million bodies we burned.

Just wait until China returns to normal and the second wave hits.

Those China people all have smartphones. Millions of burned bodies would probably hit the news... Chinapeople can use VPNs.

There was no second wave with SARS 1, why should there be one for SARS 2?

Due to how easily it is transmitted.

SARS-1 didn't get as far

SArS 2 (Covid 19) isn’t really infectous. Influenca is 100 times more infectuous.

so it wanes just as the flu season is at its ending..

Convincing shit

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>Influenca is 100 times more infectuous.

The virus is not the concern at this point. The crashing economy with no survivors is.

They have a million cases, no fucking way they don't

Are you incels not tired already of hyping this "virus" up? You've already been proved wrong time and time again just stop.

Yea, and be a casualty.
STFU shitskin

Because Yas Forums still has a heavy conservacuck element who can't deal with the idea that an autocratic system may well have had a more competent response to the virus than their vaunted democracies

They are still doing the social distancing? Schools closed and all?
Because in that case it is easy to avoid a lot of new cases.

Yes, it is. We get 100 new corona cases in our state... but 10000 new influenca cases.

Currently, over 1 million Germans have influenca compared to 10k having corona.

Millions of students back to school as coronavirus retreats in China
Xinhua, March 17, 2020

Over 1.5 million students in their final year of senior and junior high schools in China's Guizhou Province and Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region returned to school Monday, as the coronavirus spread has been basically curbed.

Over 2,400 high schools in southwest China's Guizhou reopened, involving more than 990,000 students, the provincial education department said.

Meanwhile, some 510,000 students in Xinjiang also embraced the first day of offline schooling of the new semester, after a prolonged Lunar New Year holiday and weeks of stay-at-home online classes due to the coronavirus outbreak.

Both Guizhou and Xinjiang have seen no new confirmed cases of novel coronavirus disease for nearly a month. As of Monday, over a dozen of provinces and municipalities across China have been clear of the novel coronavirus infections after their last COVID-19 patients had been discharged.

No, life has mostly returned to normal in all of China... except for air travel abroad, which is banned.

On March 9, northwest China's Qinghai Province saw the country's first batch of 144 senior high schools and secondary vocational schools reopen.

The first day of school, as special as it already was, was also a social practice class for the students.

Customized school buses, wearing masks, temperature checks, designated routes to classrooms -- the ritualistic preparations for class were educational enough for the students to learn how important it is to avoid the gathering of crowds and observe respiratory etiquette in public.

"It takes more time for me to get to my desk. But I feel safer and less anxious," said Mao Yongli, a student at No.6 Senior High School of Guiyang, the provincial capital.

He took a "chartered bus" to school in the morning. The buses were specially designed to pick up and drop off students based on their needs, in order to minimize their contact with areas outside of school and home.

Schools in Xinjiang and Guizhou handed out free masks for students to wear. Meals were also served individually.

Each class is limited to 30 students, seating is staggered and temperatures are taken three times a day. All the classrooms, canteens and dormitories are disinfected regularly, while closed-off campus management has been adopted to reduce imported infection risks, according to Tian Yun, head of the educational administration office of Urumqi No.1 Senior High School.

Lessons about epidemic prevention and emergency drills were among the school activities on the first day.

Zhou Jin, head of the education bureau of Guiyang, said more detailed and tailored plans will be made to ensure safe offline schooling for more students.

Authorities said last week that the peak of the current COVID-19 outbreak in China was over as new cases keep declining and the overall epidemic situation remained at a low level across the country. Life and production are picking up pace in returning to normal.

As the epidemic's risks dim in other parts of China, more schools will resume classes. All students from primary schools all the way up to vocational colleges in Xinjiang are expected to return to school by the end of March. Provinces such as Yunnan have set dates for school reopening.

"The reopening of schools in low-risk regions demonstrates China's progress in epidemic control, which improves the public's confidence in defeating the outbreak, and imposes challenges for local governance," said Mei Zhigang, a sociology professor at Central China Normal University.

Local governments should continue to take strong measures to prevent infections on campus while assisting more schools to reopen in an orderly manner, Mei said.

Nice VPN chang

i rereased corona viruse to spark fear on you firthy gaijins. but you facking gaijins think it because we eat bats. werr enjoy you're pandemiccu whire i continue to feast on bats. china: based ando reddopirru firthy gaijins: curingu and brupirred. yep i'm thinking we won. stay seethingu america. CHINA RUREZ!

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>believing Chink propaganda stats
My sweet quarantined Chink

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>UK is hoping for deaths to be under 20,000
so how has China got away with 3k????

Do you want your door welded?

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Because China responded with very draconian social isolation measures very early, while UK went with retarded reddit-tier logic of THERE HAVEN'T BEEN ENOUGH CONTROLLED EXPERIMENTS TO PROVE SOCIAL ISOLATION WORKS while also citing projections from a disease that was much less deadly than corona. So now it's too late.

Oh, and also - they are also lying to you about those 20k deaths. That's 20k deaths IF you remain in social isolation quarantine until a vaccine is found, which could take more than a year. If it ever fucking happens. Which you won't, by the way, because you lack the political will, so you can actually expect the government to use the "mitigation" instead ofthe "suppression" strategy, which means the least number of deaths you can expect is 250k.

Gaijin is a term used by the japanese to describe foreigners

Because in China schools got closed, people were under quarantine and strict hygiene orders.

In the UK schools remain open and even once closed for most, will remain open for certain kids. There is no enforced quarantine and stubborn Brits still go to the pub or meet friends or go on Tinder dates.

I doubt corona will go away in the UK until 70% are infected.

so its implied there were way more deaths in China but through starvation and therefore swept under the rug?

5 Months.

great job china

Ching chong ping ping me rike eat dogu

Are you Commies not tired already of hyping this "virus" up? You've already been proved wrong time and time again just stop.

Take your own advice Stalin.

Compare Italy and China, you lying Kraut. Oh, and China's over there, Chang, looks like your VPN fucked up.

British people don't have a slave mentality
Nor will our government cheerfully cremate us alive

I don't buy their numbers. If you do, I have a tank for you to stand in front of.

>chinese burned millions of bodies in one month in the era of sattelites and smartphones

>sacrificing for the greater good in the smallest of ways, temporary isolation to prevent the spread of a disease, makes you a slave

Imagine being this fucking brainwashed by modern liberal dogma. Imagine.

You see, there's the problem.
Corona is not a monster hiding behind a bush, you cannot lock it away and hope it doesn't get you. It's a virus, there is no way to fight it that doesn't involve biology.
When China starts "returning to normal" the cases will increase again but it will be classed as a "second outbreak".
The other problem is, I do not trust information from China at all. Neither should you.

You don't understand the culture. Presumably you don't have one.

I self segregate as a default. I just live here, unlike you.

Go suck a shotgun

If only the Nahtzees had modern day portable incinerators. Would have been better than Italian style pizza ovens.

anyone who believes the CCP is a nigger.

Prove me wrong

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If only we could have the oven tech back as Italy is struggling

12th was probably when they shot their reporting guy and replaced him.

Because it's fake

>contained the virus

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Total nonsense.

If China halted corona with heavy lock downs they're fucked because the still active pandemic will spread amongst those who weren't infected before.

If everyone was infected and got over it, the death count would be far far higher than stated given that Italy has a significantly smaller pop and is already surpassing china's official figures.

Either way its 100% lies. If they had beat it with quarantine they would still be under quarantine because its not remotely done spreading. Its spreading into Europe it can quite easily spread right back into China.

Tldr its still fucking spreading throughout china in a big way. Nothing else its logical.

Must be a flat earth after all. Didn't realise you could see China from Dortmund.

It makes no sense to open schools and unis again if the numbers were skyrocketing right now.

fake hidden deaths number is increasing exponentially lol it was 500,000 this morning, at this rate it'll be 4 million by this weekend

Here's some fucking influenza for you chink kraut fuck

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How many times have I said "Nice try Chang" to you at this point?

you're literally trying to use one half of a chart to disprove the other half of the same chart


Yes and? I am claiming that the outlier was not an outlier, but the true rate

Thinking china would ever tell the truth. I'd call you cute but your a new german

70% of everyone will get it so clearly china is lying

the problem is it's one chart. if part of it is wrong than the whole thing is wrong. you're disproving the basis of your own argument before you make it

then why aren't they starting up all their factories?

4 months from now, when travel opens up again, there will be more outbreaks, and no amount of 50 cent shills will save Xi.

Communism is amazing

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They are robots who will isolate themselves and starve instead of disobeying the CCP

Wtf is a chink doing in Germany? You are so fucked lol, some Arab is going to kill you.

They do. They are at 90% production again already.

All people entering China will be tested. All. They can do so easily with machines.

>The Nazis had modern day crematoriums

>Surely, you can doubt their numbers, but I am pretty sure the curve is generally right.

You have two irreconcilable statements there. You admit that the numbers are circumspect but you think the curve is right. The problem is if you don't trust the numbers then you can't trust the curve because the curve is based on the numbers.

You know what China is doing? They are lying until the second wave comes through at which point they can release the actual numbers but blame it on foreigners reintroducing the disease thereby absolving themselves of responsibility and redirect the inevitable anger towards an other

>China constantly lied about the virus

Why should we believe anything they say? Their lies are what caused it to spread in the first place

Because the curve doesn’t lie.

What are you saying, it's impossible to use a VPN on Yas Forums. Gets filtered easily.

It's called garbage in garbage out kraut.

>The problem is if you don't trust the numbers then you can't trust the curve because the curve is based on the numbers.
Wrong. They might have had double or,triple the cases and more deaths, but it’s a fact that new cases have gone to zero again, their factories are at 90% production once more and schools, unis and pretty much all public facilities are open once more.

There were a few cases and wistleblowers showed up.
You are implying there are now hunnits of G's cases or straight miliyawns..
Do you understand ?

>contained the virus
You mean like the way they had it "contained" just before it spread to literally the entire Earth?

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>admits using VPN to shill for china
>arguments are non-sequitur and nonsensical
>poor grasp of english language
You will have to step up your game, comrade. .5 yuan has been deducted from your account.

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that ain't china though kraut that's just some other eurobro that depends on china supply lines. literally says nothing.

China has a tendency of burying the facts, much like a cover up. It is easy to fake domestic figures to give yourself a leading edge or at least temporarily.