Why do you have to blame the Jews every single time?

Why do you have to blame the Jews every single time?

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maybe stop trying to wipe out the world population, and people will stop blaming you for everything

ADL seems to be overly fixated on Jewish issues. I feel like there are lots of groups that get defamed, but ADL seems to be largely one-sided.

because the jews are responsible

When was the last time Jews tried to wipe out the world population?

Because 99.9% of the time it is the Jews.

Could the Jews manage to stop being evil for about 100 years so I can live a peaceful life without getting drawn into a pointless war, being bankrupt by their shitty money schemes, or getting my body violated with microchips and fucked up chemicals?

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pathetic that jews can't go a single week without making everything about them.

Kicked out from 109 countries and they just keep kiking.

Why do they wanna be blamed every single time? So they can bitch and moan about civil liberties, so they can take them away from others.

they preemptively said that before we even did, quite telling really

>Why do you have to blame the Jews every single time?
I dunno, go ask plebbit & twatter

>maybe stop trying to wipe out the world population
>and people will stop blaming you for trying to wipe out the world population

Jews gonna Jew.

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OP is right. Retards who blindly accuse jews just make the rest of us look bad because it acts as a smokescreen for legitimate accusations.


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The kikes themselves explain why antisemitism exists better than anyone.

Dude. We all know Jews had a hand in this.

If it is spreading like wildfire on social media then that shows that there was already suspicion that the Jews were behind it and other things. It's not like your average normie read stuff about coronavirus and jews and then out of no where all of a sudden went full 1488.


>White Nationalist
Have the kikes finally gone insane beyond repair?


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i think the adl starts and spreads these theories

They're doing it as we speak through propaganda and pushing agendas that are against white non-jews using brown skins as their puppet foot soldiers. They are less than 2% of the population yet control and completely over-represented in many key positions in media, banking, government, you name it.

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they can't stand being out of the spotlight

Pretty sure Hasbara does this to distract from real issues and make people think all critics of Israel are loonies;

OP should fuck off and go paint some sloppy i swastikas on his front door.

lol jews getting upset over 1 guy on some turkish tv show.

This is true, but when they know how evil you are and what you've done you've going to be neurotic and have a habit of jumping the gun


sorry ignore this sleepy as fuck been up since 4am

Ok guys, White countries who were starting to resist mass replacement and elected slightly right wing governments have collapsed
Sell the vaccine

>Why do you have to blame the Jews every single time?
Paranoid schizophrenia explains 90% of posts on Yas Forums.

Jews have white privilege and need to be called out. We must always punch up.

Because you faggots are experts at well poisoning. Into the fucking oven with you.
#110 incoming.

>no one even mentions the Jews in relation to Coronavirus, which we are calling CHINESE
>jews say this anyway
Did they overplay their hand?

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Theyre involved every time

Why not?

cohencidence? no. let's call it 'pure luck.'

trying to make themselves part of the story. haven’t heard any legit theory that involves israel. they really are worthless

Chinks are spreading lies that it came from anywhere but China.

Lol this time the Chinese are responsible 100% not the Jews
The Kikes have a lot on their conscience but this time it wasn't them

I have no idea why user.

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I mean, they dropped infected bodies into wells to poison the water table and that was the primary spread of the Black Plague. Fleas got it from people and spread it to other people, rather than bringing it from rats.
Nowadays Jews usually prefer the soft genocide of birth rates or using shitskins to violently supplant existing populations, but I wouldn't put it past them to release a virus and blame their chink puppets.

>Jews trying to get ahead of this one
Okay now I know it was them. Nobody was even saying this.

>one person blames the Jews
>everyone else calls it the kung flu and blames the Chinese

Jews are such cry baby fucks.
Who are they even crying to?
>”waaah the ADL said people are being mean to the Jews again! Waaaaaah!”
Nobody fucking cares, you fucking pussies. God, I would so fucking embarrassed to call myself a rat-faced, whiny-ass jew.

No it’s clearly a chink virus.

China made the virus.
The jews crashed the stock market.

Get your fucking lies straight, Shlomo

because they are evil cunts, you would know kike

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jews = the eternal victims
we own the world please feel sorry for us

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I'm woke on the JQ and I say it's either Chink neglect at their own lab or USA dropping a false flag near one of their Chink labs.
Jews would not DARE to make the Chinks angry. Also, Jews (Israel) play all sides as merchants.

The Wuhan wet market is that fake coverstory.

Wait is this legit? I remember the guy filming from his window but did this randomly happen or was it staged?

imagine believing anything an organization that was started to protect a child murderer had to say.

Haha! I also screen capped this and was just getting ready to post it. Good work user.

the jq still control china. look how many kikes were involved when they started up there communist bullshit

You can bet on it being a Jew when a swastica is spray painted

It's preposterous to believe that the same people responsible for murdering 30 million people in the former Soviet Union, for upholding the greatest lie in human history namely the holocaust, that made usury a way of life and invented the mind poison that is Abhramic religion, and who control most institutions of power within the west are capable of a media campaign to terrify people about a new strain of flu virus.

they are spreading it themselves to shill for their new virus and at the same time keeping traction to their guilt shaming scheme

everyone knows the chinks made the virus in their wuhan bioweapons lab that was poor quality and they released it either by accident or on purpose.

my preferred tinfoil story is that the Chinks paid that Jew to sell the virus to them. Western spooks learned of that and let the virus out in Wuhan to teach the Chinks a lesson. The Chinks can't deny, because they have literally stolen the same virus that was released on them and the Western spooks have proof, but the Chinks have no proof on the false accident flag.

For some of them its juedeophobia, for others its delusions and or delusional perception. Some have been tricked. Note the use of 99 out of 100 pieces of supposed evidence are faked, lies or unconfirmable.

They all make the same mistake. Overbroad generalisations. Even if every supposed jew on the planet disapeared tomorrow they would just keep going with it and make up new jews or jew ghosts. Or people they say act like jews supposedly do.