Why does the US have military bases all over the world?

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Globalist "police" of the world.

Russians won't stand down.

Logistics in time of war. The reason why we have Hawaii, and other islands.

>Why does the US have military bases all over the world?
That's the product we sell to the world you retard. We give the world "protection" in return for the small favor (pricing and selling oil in dollars which ensures everyone has to sell us shit to get dollars to buy oil to run their economies and thus making us the country on top of the food chain while everyone else struggles to catch up with us and can never really catch up with us unless CIA leaks military secrets to them but this ok since we're due for Cold War 2.0 anyway).

Started because of the Cold War.
Continues because it's still a symbol of American power projection and security. These things pay for themselves with backroom political deals, and most countries hosting them actually like having US troops. Both for security and money.

Turns out American soldiers like to spend money in towns.

so we don't have to pay back debt

because it's a global military empire larping as a democracy?

To prevent people from opressing the jews

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You will find out soon.

They really need to have their circumcised jew cocks everywhere. mutts, out.

>and most countries hosting them actually like having US troops.
No one likes having the troops of another country in their homeland. You have to be a delusional retard to believe this shit.

cold war just ended. without a strong force men lose their minds.

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>No one likes having the troops of another country in their homeland.

thats why your empire failed.


We won

Because you faggots wont settle down and stop fucking shit up.

Because shit hold countries like mine are too stupid to police or protect our borders properly.
The average person here is a moron.

Because we can.

To enforce their paper & ink currency

To have control and influence all over the world

To be based.

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because you touch your pp

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It's not theirs

>most countries hosting them actually like having US troops
Name one, even with anecdotal evidence

Because they can. You helly or something OP?


I'd say South Korea is probably the biggest, purely out of money from the perspective of the government. I'm not talking about the citizens, but it wouldn't surprise me that South Koreans enjoy having American presence in the region. Specifically the South Korean government likes that privilege, as well as the fuck loads of cash shipped over for obvious reasons.

I do like your presence in South Korea and would provide you with anything possible to fight communism effectively. God bless the United States of America.

I know nothing about it to be honest, I was thinking about post ww2 occupations not post cold war
Are you enjoying the tap water feminizing your population, tho?


Whenever we would get restricted to base in Okinawa, businesses would shut down after only a couple weeks because the American GI weren't spending any money at bars, stores, restaurants etc.
They don't like having us there, but we're great for their economy.

On a larger scale, the US arranges trade deals and Aid in exchange for housing the military there. We gain a wartime and peacetime advantage by being there to deter possible conflict. Play a strategy game, or chess to understand the importance of positioning your troops.

You're all ranging from criminally naive to outright evil and you're all the enemies of Europeans. You are also Europe's genocidists, whether you do it on purpose or just because you support your jew policies indirectly with your taxes makes no difference.

Amis are the enemies of the European races, even their own.

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>Play a strategy game, or chess to understand the importance of positioning your troops.
What game do we have to play to understand that those troops work for (((american))) corporations?

In order to use our military presence as leverage against our vassal lite states as well as the ones they border who don't want to play the jew's game.

Because international Jooish financial interests want to flex on the world.

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I used to be against it, but after the two world ways I've SORT OF changed my mind. you never know what psychopath will rise up and fuck the whole world. I know we do fucked up shit all the time, mainly dud to the CIA, but I'd rather have us bases than any other, cause you're a fucking idiot if you think Russia or China wont take our spots if we leave. I'm totally against being the big brother of the world so I dont want us wearing where our bases are, but they're good strategic watch points for the most point. Nothings perfect, dont ever underestimate people and other countries

I work on a US base in England
I am English and they are based, one of the comfiest jobs i have had. I really like Americans, way more than continental Euros.
Inb4 cucked

They've worked for corporations for over 100yrs. Maj Gen Smedley Butler, the most decorated Marine wrote a few letters on it and was almost payed by corporations to gather homeless vets and overthrow the government. The US is in other countries to better protect and secure their interests. Polititians paid by companies put them there, but resources are also needed to make an economy work. War has always been a money game.

Jews need protection all around the world.

>greeted as liberators

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because they like to bomb shit. Not that there's anything wrong with that

You work on their PX or sum shit? or do you clean their latrines lmao

>Implying wed have bases in every country if not a single one wanted us

continentals are huge faggots I feel like whenever I meet bongs, leafs, australians and irish abroad we all start drinking and having a good time while germans and scandis watch horrified in their corner

no, work for NATO

cause we are the globalists

mostly spouses and family members work in the PX and the mexicans of yurop still clean the bathrooms

The South Koreans love us military being there, nigger.


>Implying wed have bases in every country if not a single one wanted us

You can't possible be this inocent

Because were a neoliberal empire that's using the masses of the third world as conscripts to fight oil wars for money for Jews and the rich shabos goyim.

no lad
most other brits on base either are in clerical roles (assisting Americans to find housing off base, running fitness events/entertainment) or are British Army/RAF/intelligence/NATO on joint ops
I work for NATO but on a US base and it's pretty boring despite sounding interesting.

cuz we won

Dollars come with free demands

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You really think that countries like Iraq and Afghanistan want us there?

We own the realm

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yeah I’ve been to RAF Croughton that’s a boring base

with few exceptions , we pay most of the countries under the guise of foreign aid.
also there's a chicom "space station" in your country lmao

The sun never sets on the American Empire

To be able to respond quickly to any act of aggression or economic sabotage

If the current state of America and the world is a "win," I can't possibly imagine what a loss would look like.

yeah it sure is. I'm coming across the pond (hopefully) towards the end of the year for a stint, in Texas.
Looking forward to it

>big oil subsidies
something tells me thats nothing compared to other sectors and at least we got a net output oil industry out of it. Remember peak oil? lol.

Spic infested shithole. Do yourself a favor and go to New England or the Midwest instead.

Because we have Globalists running the show in DC. We have a bunch of dual citizens in congress, and runing the agencies as well. Dual citizenship should not even be a thing in this nation, or at the least it should disqualify you from being in the government at any level.

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To liberate those countries.

The mutt army is so strong.
They could raid the whole world at once and get away with it

well i have a couple of options. San Antonio TX, or Pheonix AZ.

Arizona is definitely nicer than Texas, try going there if you can.

Because we're all America's bitches! Like the UK! We love America so much! Put your bases in our country and colonise us America onee-san uwu

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Because we can.