What should the Age of Consent be and why?

Attached: asuka 3d.jpg (730x1094, 102.25K)

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14 with parents consent, 16 otherwise

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I will hang you now that the world is descending into chaos
But you won’t die
I will cut your belly open and pull your entrails out
I will enjoy watching you bleed to death very slowly and painfully
All hail the day of the rope!

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no u

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Between 18 and 16 for women, as younger ones are too young to bear healthy children.
Islam says that you can fuck girls after they have their first period, and nature also suggests so but in today's society there's no need to rush.

This thread again

Half ZOG'd
based and mohammed-pilled

built for bbc

Pedos will hang this blurring the lines bullshit isn't going to work.




yunger if both are About equally old

7, because Mark Twain.

17, but anyone below that age can have sex with anyone within 3 years of their own age

>as younger ones are too young to bear healthy children.
Wrong, Teen pregnancies are not more risky due to age: tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/01443610410001685529 ; jstor.org/stable/2135024?origin=crossref&seq=1#metadata_info_tab_contents

Used to be 12 here, that's the first menstruation on average and gyppos used to marry at that age, now it is 14 or 16 idk

I’m not in America you retard and fuck your gay globomo mutt state
I hope you get the rope too you faggot

12 years old. It's a minimum & it should be set low.

I think 11 is a respectable age

oops wrong pic

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how about removing that?

If her age is on the clock. She is ready for the cock

The better question is why is any age gap between men and women condemned these days? Let 28 year old men marry 15 year old women, as they have through all history through every culture before the Jews

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although it doesnt mean everyone should marry at 14
premarital sex should be illegal ofc

9 if you're Muhammad

Salam Alualaykum
ZOG'd and nosouce-pilled
Low IQ and conventional morality-pilled


Most based reply in the thread.
Though I'd lower it to 13, maybe even lower. If I remember correctly my country originally had it at 7 or some ridiculous number when it was first founded.

Most based take

Just hard line 16? Or a sliding scale. But I think you mean it's okay for a liverspotted man to fuck a 14 year old with permission.

checked, based, red pilled


I'm glad to see a politically difficult issue being discussed. Good work!

>implying I'm a kike
Just for that, my new number is 7

OK pedo, you changed my mind.


14 if iq higher than 115
18 if orherwise

Show nose



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Someone chk em lads!

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16, with 14-15 only being a slap on the wrist. Anything younger than that should get treated like an actual crime though.

Based and Roman-precedent pilled

Mods...how is this thread at the top of the bump order? Fuck jannies.

Courting with parent's consent at 12
Marriage at 14

Anything else is jew and roastie bullshit.

Go on...

Kind of gay but not horrible


its all so tiresome.

Found the feminista

7 could be normal in context of betrothal in case of arranged marriages
it should ideally be the age of sexual maturity, although that depends from person to person so you cant really pinpoint is to a specific year so i went for the higher number to be safe


This seems good.

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Current average, taking only lowest numbers, is 12.533

24 and 3 years of gainful employment.
Shouldnt be fucking around.

What was the age in the Reich?

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if she bleeds she breeds

Around 10 years

I'm 24 and a kissless virgin. This way I would still have the chance to experience young love

women between 16 and 18 are biologically most perfect to bear healthy children


post puberty, that's 14 for most girls
but that should be for sex within you're own age range; 14-17. 18+ is a free for all

Women shouldn't be in the labor force, period.

nah she has a QT YT, you're a black dick obsessed retard.

What part of consent do you not understand?

>age of consent

Wrong question

Premarital sex should be punished with DEATH
as it used to be
and it should be
Get married
fuck your wife

it's the Christian way

Half your age +7.

kys pedo

on OP: 13

22 and no less.
Non ironically.
Fuck early adulthood.

14 iirc

worst post I have ever seen. truly a window into the mind of an NPC, you should be ashamed

16 legally
18 for civil fucking society

dont fuck kids you pieces of shit