What the FUCK is wrong with Italy?

What the FUCK is wrong with Italy?

Attached: italy2.png (540x325, 18.98K)

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They are dirty gypsies, an ideal nation for a pandemic.

pollution, oldfags, smokers

but also china likely fudging numbers

Jebeno baziran

now imagine the real numbers in China

This, take chinas numbers, triple the infected, and use italys death rate (probably worse)

people are ignoring the shutdown
you can make italians follow rules
mafia genes

Most of the deaths are boomers

Why isn’t Serbia affected then? Bulgaria and Romania too? Aren’t they dirty Gypsies as well?

>people are ignoring the shutdown
Also this: italians are idiots, they still believe this situation is overblown and you dont need any precautions whatsoever

they don't lie on numbers


Post skin color or BTFO Ivan.

They’re treating the virus with antibiotics. Yes, shitalians are that stupid.

i-tals are some of the largest connoisseurs of a'chrome in the world.

What are you afraid of muttboy?

They are going for the HIGH SCORE.

They had a patient zero with a more deadly strain. It's not their fault.

Nigga there are 105 in Croatia and 103 in Serbia Chinese plague cases wtf are you talking about

The question is, are you retarded enough to actually believe China's "official" numbers? They're probably 10x worse.

Not another Italy thread, please.
Nothing is wrong, we're o ly a couple of weeks ahead of you guys.
Enjoy the ride mutts.

China is lying and Italy has over loaded hospitals.

Show yours

Attached: Photo le 19-03-2020 à 22.29.jpg (1080x720, 174.61K)

you frequently are given antibiotics during a viral infection to help your immune system fight just he virus; i.e. not have to fight a secondary infection that may be brought on your weakened condition.

You mean like most normies? I had a guy at my work ranting about how this is still just a flu and how the media is at fault. Said he wasn't going to change his routine at all and still go to the gym everyday.

Let's stop society so boomers can live 2 more years!

You’re probably not white, so prove that you are. Post hand pics to if you claim to be white, and not a filthy Gypsy.

They say hello by kissing


>inb4 he deflects

= Healthcare system
= Hospital outbreaks

Are Serbia, Romania and Bulgaria not Gypsy shitholes? Why are you comparing Croatia to Serbia? I thought Croatians viewed Serbs as non-white?

Probably higher but not as high as Italy.
China reacted quickly, pushed national PLA forces in, locked infected in Wuhan, and basically said fuck the rules.
Meanwhile Italy's population is like 10 years older on average and their reaction is slow.

Nothing. Numbers are accurate and those are the people who contracted it before the lockdown.

>France France

fuck you

they got the lethal strain of corona....


Attached: corona.jpg (654x579, 113.93K)

high population of chinese cheap labour.

Italy's hospitals have almost no working ventilators, due to cutbacks in their socialized medical system.

They went to triage - leaving the old to die - two weeks ago. Italy actually had less capacity to react to this virus than China.

Germany has enough equipment. That's why the German death rate is negligible. (Well, German genetic superiority probably also helps.)

Italy: leftist govt
China: leftist govt.
Iran: lol. next.
Spain: leftist govt.
France: not a leftist govt, but does bend for leftists.

Now imagine the REAL numbers in China.

I’ve got nothing to hide user

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Too lazy to breathe.

the geezers are dying.
read an article that said that 99% of those who died already had other diseases.

>Why are you comparing
Not comparing, only saying to you that there are cases in the Balkan how can you say we are not affected?
We are the closest to Italy so we are holding pretty good for now, also Italian rich gypsy niggers bought a lot of houses in Istria and they are puoring in there

ur not white tho lel

authoritarianism is the best form of government

Croats are 90% Serbian.

US population is literally 60% mexican and black and you call someone gypsy?

US is a third world country and you will see it in the next month. East European nations will have the less casualties than US and most european countries because we are not individualistic cucks. US will implode.

You can screencap this.

>not leftist

I can't think of a political party in France that isn't Leftist.
Even the "right wing" is socialistic as fuck.

confiscating (read:fucking stealing) the supplies china sent towards Italy probably also helped germany quite a bit too.

Did you ask permission to your wife's somali boyfriend to be on the internet at this hour?

Lel meme flag.

Radmilo the Jews control your country. We’re all fucked, not just America but Eastern Europe too.

>Said he wasn't going to change his routine at all and still go to the gym everyday.
This guy ain't a normie, he's a total retarded subhuman. Unfortunately this virus doesn't work exceptionally well on these retards and only work on boomers.
I wish it worked the other way around

Upravo zbog takvih kao što si ti ne može biti mir na Balkanu

flag checks out
gib istria back, subhuman slavshit

People anticipated a lock down / quarantine / martial law and ran home to their families and dawgs.
Regional outbreaks were spread into every town.

It has corona virus, you stupid twat? Haven't you been listening to the news?

>confiscating (read:fucking stealing) the supplies china sent towards Italy probably also helped germany quite a bit too.

B-b-but a socialized medical system can't have shortages! That's what all leafs and Euros tell me all the time! Nobody has to worry about health care in Europe, that is a STONE FACT.

I wanted to learn Italian, but at this rate I'm better off looking for something else. If i wanted to learn a deadman's language i would study Latin.

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Practically all Italians are fat and old.

Now imagine your real flag.

You fucking stupid italian gypsy you can only dream about that, it is better for you to take care of this bullshit other italiniggers have done to Europe

Italy is honest. China and Iran are not. Spain will be the next country to overtake China's official death numbers.

China is burning a lot more people than they are telling us. most of the numbers are prolly fucked.