How can they even compete with CHAD boomers?
Millennials BTFO
That tweet is just posturing from an asshole who'd probably shit his pants in fear if he had to go fight in a legit war. Honestly, this boomer/zoomer/millenial shit is fucking lame. What's next after zoomers? Aoomers? Eooomers? Fooomers? Like grow the fuck up already, goddamn.
Actually defending the product of Jew shilling aka Boomers... disgusting user
Anyway if they so superb then let the boomers compete with Corona... what are they afraid of?
cant even afford a house so live with parents who want us to move out while at the same time want us to stay home, but if we move out we have to work 24/7 to afford living in our own place but whats the point of having a house when you are never there and if we do that they complain we dont stay home and if we do stay home and have a job thats essential for society to function they complain about that too
fucking boomers
Ya im sure fighting a war which destroyed the west and gave jews power was a great sacrifice
I'm 55 so I will never die from some chink flu. Your chances are even better but you youngtards panic like it's some WWlll. Grow some balls faggot
55 and being on Yas Forums sad... perhaps things would be better if your generation didn't kill free speech for the benefit of your Jew overlords
Boomers will always be remembered as the easily bought generation
>free speech
Never existed in the first place, you special snow flake
Seems like I ticked the right buttons on this boomer
You didn't do shit, faggot. Die with your flu. Boomers will prevail while you are out of jobs
>How can they even compete with CHAD boomers?
They don't have the luxuries the boomer enjoys, they cannot afford to stay at home due to financial obligations. So fuck off Chris you ivory-towered outta touch plebeian.
You bitched us for years about not going outside enough and when we finally start going out side you bitch at us for going outside. We can't win for losing.
Lol I sense somebody doesn't have a grave prepared, what did you do spend all your money on toilet paper or is it diapers?
>refrains from mentioning what /he/ was ever asked to do
I sent all my money to Israel just to piss you off. Now fuck off
Gen X here. Imagine being on Yas Forums and not retired in a gated community. Get back to work nigger.
I think you mean FORCED
>We can't win for losing.
You got trophies for coming in last in school. That’s why you are such pussies.
Why is he taking credit for the generation before him? What did the boomers every do other than drugs?
Boomers raised to so
i respect boomers, they are elders and therefore deserve respect.
Sold us out to the chinks and put everyone into eternal debt slavery to the jews.
At what age should one leave Yas Forums? 20, 30, 35, 36 etc...
>You got trophies for coming in last in school
My childhood was collecting mortar shell fragments and trading them with friends in shelter while parents beat the shit out of us for running to do that in sniper fire.
WWII- tough men create good times
Boomers- good times create soft men
00's- soft men create hard times
Shit war we shouldn't have been involved in.
>What's next after zoomers?
Ever wonder why generations were counted down alphabetically and not numerically?
Our grandparents went to war for tranny story hour for kindergarten students, and millennials can't even stay home.
And boomers were never asked for anything
Gen X/Y here. I retired at 34. I like like to watch all the insanity play out on Yas Forums. I bet most of you are nasty degenerate fucks but I'm sure theres a few good ones. I can't imagine what a boomer is doing here
This is so true
My dad threatens to kick us out anytime we criticize his drunken abuse
But then he gets palpably queefed if any of us go out or make moves to move
And just like a retarded Boomer he can't differentiate between a Zoomer and a Millenial. Zoomers are the ones on the beaches, on Spring Break ignoring the CDC guidelines.
nobody gives a fuck, all the original oldfags who are probably gone would be about mid 30s now. zoomers are like the faggots kids who find your old tree fort in the woods 20 years after you built it and pretend they made it. they are like hermit crabs.
>you are sooooo old
go do your autistic 2 min dances for the cellphone god retards
See that was not that hard just say it I am circumcised
whatever you say BOOMER
Look at their team bruh.
This is who supports Sanders. He's got no chance anymore, they're getting shit on even when nothing's on the line.
That's how gay their entire movement is.
>My childhood was collecting mortar shell fragments
Nice. Builds character.
his generation was asked not to destroy their own society through greed and they couldn't even do that
Knuckles Nilan is a fairly legendary nhl enforcer. Known to be an absolute mad lad in his youth
My character is blackpilled semi-crazy asshole and I always go all in in every conflict, which makes a stupid fight into a life changing event.
Boomers were crying and shitting their pants when the Vietnam war drafts were underway.
Our grandparents got to buy houses and have living wages with reasonable working hours then told us we couldn't have any of that.
Fuck you boomers, prepare to be removed. You spent our entire lives telling us to fuck off and claiming that the perfect capitalist society was all about selfishness and greed. You reap what you sow.
remind me which generation has been fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan for nearly 2 decades again
I read about this guy
a soldier went under the bridge and stabbed him in the balls and dick, that's when they surrounded him and killed him off,
fuckin horrible
62 and still here
no he stabbed the sword with his dick
You're here forever.
the draft was law
just asking people to stay home and not telling them to is sending mixed messages
56% makes everyone distrust the government
boomers sold out their children they deserve everything thats coming to them
>insert whatever demographic I am and how pathetic I actually am
You are one pathetic little fucking internet faggot cock sucker.
also everybody who got drafted was provided with food clothing and housing so..... pay up boomers.
That was so uncreative that it made me feel bad for you grandpa
I Am Becoomer.
I mean he’s kind of right tho.
This post is tripping me out
The entire retarded concept of distinct "generations" needs to be discarded already.
Imagine being in your 30's and spending your time on an anime imageboard
>Boomers went to Vietnam
>Somehow they forgot that every generation after them went to another war (Iraq 1, Iraq 2, Afghanistan)
Yas Forums is full of edgy fags now, there are also a lot more redditors posting on here, best if you look elsewhere or just leave
I remember Nilan tough guy for sure didn't know it was him when I saw the tweet
They seem to forget that both in WW2 and in Vietnam had some of the highest desertion and draft dodging rates in US history.
He doesn't get that we want the boomers to die off