Defend this, Trump supporters

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kill yourself you coping leftist.

OP is a fag, that’s all

OP needs to eat shit ASAP

The amount of cope is making me embarrassed for you OP.

Its a shame hes still the best candidate running again

>eat shit ASAP

You mean like Cucknadians do? Isn't shit, especially of the Attawan variety, a popular dish up there, Leafaggot? OP sucks, but you leafs acting like you're any better is hilarious.

> Trump saying shit about my girlfriend to keep the market quiet
> gf starting to make great damages
> orange man having to admit the truth

OP's a faggot confirmed.

trump goys are in denial, he is a compromised agent working for mr Kushner who is also plowing his daughter, imagine him drilling his circumsized cock deep inside that northern europe pussy.

Don’t bother trying to educate the subhumans here OP. They don’t listen to anything that goes against the word of their dear god emperor.

Bunch of fucking snowflakes lmao.

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Imagine if Hillary Clinton was president.

>Economy never boomed
>Virus comes in with open borders
>Niggers riot
>"It's a vast far right conspiracy theory"
>Cities locked down
>"Everything is fine because I'm a woman"
>Stock market crash

He was clearly trying to prevent panic. Get over yourself.

>I can't defend my lord and saviour's incompetence, so I'll resort to calling op a faggot that needs to "cope"

forgot to memeflag you disgusting hooknosed kike. back in the oven!

He was just stalling and saying good sentiment speeches and responses, in order to sustain the market for as long as possible and to not cause panic.

Not that I agree with it, but you'd have to be retarded if you didn't understand the reason for the responses he made, changing from "It's nothing!" to "It's serious!"

kek semantic pic. Its approved for trials, and also approved for doctors to use at their discretion. Fucking idiot leftists and their fake news.

He downplayed it, then once it got serious started doing shit about it, and is now saying he always took it serious. Fuck Trump. I hope he dies.

Dr. Deborah Birx explained yesterday that we'd have a spike in cases because we're aggressively ramping up testing faggot.

Fuck this orange asshole. I'm with her now!

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Imagine caring more about "muh stock market" than getting people tested and preparing response teams and hospitals.

everyone dies user. its just a question of how much screaming and kvetching happens before we do. In your case, id guess quite a lot.

He held off testing on purpose to make the numbers look like not a lot of people have it so it doesn't hurt his reelection chances. What a pig.

If the market crashes, it will hurt a lot more than this virus.

The disease response could have been better certainly, but trying to sustain the market isn't a wrong move. Just should have tried to do both.

Why ignore the facts i just stated tho?

why do you pay attention to his words at all? I don't think i've listened to him for more than 5 minutes in the last 5 years.

still Trumpster for lyfe, bruh

Tinfoil hat conspiracy talk. He was clearly trying to prevent panic, trying to prevent what he knew would be a panicked stock market.

He's president and you aren't. He's 1000 times more intelligent and successful than you. Cope harder, commie.

>everyone dies user
I hope your death is slow and painful. Fuck you an fuck Trump.

Compare china virus numbers to H1N1 next.

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Dude, people are dying from the coronavirus. No one has ever died from the DOW losing 1,000 points.

Alllll that she wants, is another baby, user.

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>why do you pay attention to his words at all?
because he's, um, the president.

i hate leftists but the constant irrationality and contradictions coming from trump supporters is really pushing me to hate them more

like can none of you faggots think for yourself? do you always have to be a hivemind parroting whatever contradictory talking point you are given that day?

emergency management user said that CDC was intentionally giving trump bad info early on as revenge for cutting their budget.

>a panicked stock market.
Who gives a FUCK about the market. People are dying.

Listen to the whole speeches he made around these soundbites. Soundbites were designed to make him sound like he was belittling the virus. The CNN spreading these actually downplayed the virus to the WHOLE AMERICAN POPULATION. MSM DID THIS. MSM NEEDS TO HANG.

Trying to avoid a panic so people don't rush the stores all at the same time.
He said exactly what needed to be said at each point, which may not have been the truth.

It's almost like they started testing at some point. That doesn't represent the spread of the virus.

They are a cultists. I doesn't matter that their worldview is garbage. Trump's got them hooked.


You mean cherrypicked?

I was the only person in my office taking it seriously whole all my libtarded co workers kept citing flu statistics. Now they're acting like they never wrote this thing off because it's the exact same reaction Trump had at first. And God forbid they share an opinion with Trump.

If it lost a lot more than that, it would upset our supply chain-based economy. The majority of people don't live on farms anymore and aren't self-sufficient for food and goods. What happens if grocery stores and clinics shutter their doors, or trucking/delivery companies go out of business?

People will die from the virus. A lot more will die along with the virus when they can't get sufficient supplies to hospitals, don't have enough equipment and medicine, etc.

There’s no defending it, this is not a national emergency.

I just got essentially fired by my governor despite my company wishing to remain open and customers still wanting to come in.

Fuck this gay shit, it’s going to end in globohomo because a couple boomers got the sniffles

>if you are against the only president in history to offer UBI, you must be a commie
lmao trumpfag cognitive dissonance knows no end. He could reveal himself to be the ultimate kike puppet and you bitches would still stand by him.

Every time Trump fucks up MAGAbros get mad at "muh mainstream media" for reporting on his fuck ups.

Corona-chan is a chance, you don't get it. Being infected is a tentation, because you might feel desperate. If you resist, you're a saint. And I want to be a saint.

Dubya did it first actually

>which may not have been the truth.
So you admit he was lying? You really think it's okay to lie because it will make retards feel good? You are scum. I hope and illegal steals your job.

They didn't test because your GEOTUS thought it was a hoax.

You're lying.

Yep, unfortunately. On the upshot, the debates between him and Joe are going to be glorious. Two old bastards showing signs of dementia, one of whom will be our next president.

Yes. The sheep need to be told whatever it is that leads to the least amount of casualties, regardless of the truth. If a panic would increase infection rate, then lie and ease them into the emergency slowly over a few weeks.

They ran out of all that shit anyway. So what good did Trump do by lying to the american people?

>He said exactly what needed to be said at each point, which may not have been the truth.
With language as evasive and deceitful as that, you should be a politician. Why can't you just openly admit that he lied?

Trump's doing great. Stop being a whiny bitch.

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Trumpfags are really easily triggered, they are essentially the same as SJWs.

People wouldn't be panicking if the felt we had a competent man in the white house. Trump being awful in the first place is what caused the panic.

He's doing things to help now but he started out so sloppy.

They're actually worse. At least SJWs have good ideas.

They ran out temporarily but stores are restocking as soon as supplies come in. And easier to manage moving forward because the most paranoid people stocked up first, less and less people will be swarming stores going forward.

None of those related companies actually went under though. If you had a full crash and these businesses went under, these stores wouldn't be restocking at all for who knows how long. People can handle shortages, but not a full stop indefinitely.

Nah started off fine too. Virus really is nothing, but everyone's taken to the panic so there's no point in trying to fight that anymore. I'm just ready for the economic crash. This virus is lame as fuck.

>a panic would increase infection rate
Countries that have been more open about the severity of the virus has resulted in their citizens taking the pandemic much more seriously, which is going to minimise the spread a lot more than just acting like nothing is wrong until the last minute. Trump did exactly that, and now no one in America is even taking it seriously.

I did admit that he lied, and I'm claiming that it was the correct way to handle the situation.

Trump is competent, but there's not much he can do besides banning kike media to prevent constant negative propaganda against him. Can't you see that calling him a retard and stupid is all part of an organized democrat character assassination against him?

Because you arent a person. You are a deceptive roach and you need to be squashed. What about that is too hard for your faggot kike brain?

the seeth lmfao. I will laugh at you as we crush the
leftist utopian dream and take a shit on poor brown people just to spite you.

And yet USA is doing pretty damn well compared to other countries, see:
Which is proof that he handled the situation well.

Shills out in full force

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I know right?? He should have come out screaming like a mad man "WE ARE ALL FUCKED REEEEEEEEE"
>Left mentality w/purple hair

Again, what sense does it make for Trump to lie to us if people will still panic?

People panic but things go on, versus people panic and things come to a stop.

The second is much worse than the first.

None of that shit would have happened & you know it. If Hillary had won we would all be burned to crisp in thermo-nuclear war by May of 2018 at the latest.

>all criticism of Trump is a democrat conspiracy, therefore he should censor media
This is your brain on Trumpism

>Defend this, Trump supporters
I can't stand Trump. But he's 1000 times better than anyone the lefty SJW pussy socialist Democrats have to offer.


He held off testing because the WHO told us to make our own kits and the CDC's first round of kits failed. He feigned ignorance to prevent people from panicking. Your TDS is preventing you from critical thinking.

We're on pace to be like Italy.

He should have got test kits, told people to social distance earlier

What came to a stop?

No he isn't. He's been one of the most disastrous presidents ever.

>WHO told us to make our own kits and the CDC's first round of kits failed

>He feigned ignorance to prevent people from panicking
There's a fine line between panic and preparedness.

If you like political correctness, open borders, socialist globalism, and activist liberal judges appointed then yeah, he's been one of the worst ever.

I like treating people with respect, humane treatment of immigrants (legal and illegal), government help for those in need, and judges that don't do the bidding of the federalist society.