China WON

Doctors are leaving Wuhan, meaning the epidemic is over and things will return to normal very soon

but you keep peddling your conspiracy theories thinking China lies - why can't you accept that China can do something right?

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>things will return to normal very soon

Yeah, right back to your organ harvesting and exposing the hypocrisy of Western media about Mudslimes, because it's all fine and dandy when 'em chinks keep the Mudslimes in camps and all, but those gwailos with their mean words gotta go!

>organ harvesting

thats a hoax by American sponsored religious sect FalunGong that has offices in Washington and NY and gets direct funding from US to spread misinformation about China, the same way Americans have iranian expat crazies and sponsor them, pretending those are THE REAL Iranians and Chinese, while 99.9999999% of other people who live in their own countries are not represenative of the people of that country's opinions.

hey china get rid of the common flu next would you? its killed way more people that corona so it would totally be worth doing

>that's a hoax!

Prove it - hell, better yet, how about you stop whining about 'em mutts and just COOPERATE once in a blue moon, okay? I know it sucks that your country hasn't really done much of anything since 200 AD when you were on par with 'em Romans, but the least you can do is find some common ground and help out. Save the he said/she said melodrama for AFTER the corona shit ends and we all go back to normal with our bakkaball and shit.

You're next chang.

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China is the Canada of Asia - they overcompensate so much. I mean, I'd overcompensate too if countries that cribbed pretty much every bit of their culture from me (Japan) basically did in a handful of years (Meiji Restoration) what it took China literal centuries to accomplish, and to some extent still is taking them.

China did not win. It will just flare up again when they release restrictions.

HOW? how has the virus stopped spreading if there is no cure? dissapeared?

Fuck off Chang

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how many bugmen did they incinerate I wonder

question what the hell is Falungong i saw a bunch of them in syntagma square downtown Athens, what the hell where they doing in greece

Why are they all still wearing masks?

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>It will just flare up again when they release restrictions.

they are constantly running tests on people. They developed new tests that give results in 30 minutes, they have infrared cameras everywhere, they take temperature of people on every corner - these measures will still be in place even after they release other restrictions.

Why are they still all wearing masks if it's over? There's just nobody left to care for. Spoiler alert they all fucking died welded into their apartments and will be left there to rot.

Why should i prove that something is a hoax, then organ harvesting story itself has no proofs of organ harvesting? Have you even checked who pushes it and what are their main proof ? Its some anonomous words of experts. Its like - for real, some anonomous shit is legit proof, and i have to prove its false?


Holy fuck the 50¢ army is working overtime

49 teams sent home?
300 still in wuhan fighting?

makes no sense lol

bernie math?

Attached: cornoa-chan-girl.jpg (600x850, 209.07K)

Shutup you Chinese Virus

central planing x minus ((open borders)) = success

look at these two faggot meme flaggots tugging each others dicks. Oh wait you dont have dicks anymore so you are worthless faggots.

They are some sect of buddhism. For some reason they had a conflict with Chinese goverhment. Chinese government says that they practice brutal indoctrination techniques and mind conditioning that makes people mentally unstable. Maybe its a lie and CCP just ruined Falun Gong rule over a huge portion of Chinese, because like any religious sect - it involves money donations from the followers. Chinese communists fucked with that and the feud started. Falun Gong lost all of its followers in China and fled abroad, and now serves as CIA asset in anti-Chinese propaganda.

3700 medics for 49 team = 80 or so people per team.

300 teams still fighting x 80per team 24,000 medics still fighting corona...

problem solved in China ?????

bernie sanders math

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Show your flag nigger faggot.

how many bats have you eaten this week savage?

if you chink subhumans didn't eat gutter shitfood, no-one would have to be dealing with this

>Doctors are leaving Wuhan
> meaning the epidemic is over and things will return to normal very soon

nah Retard, it means they got that one really big howitzer set up that delivers the payload

who said to you that every team has the equal ammount of members, niggers? And "No new cases" doesn't mean "All of the sick have been recovered" so they still need to man the hospitals to tend for the already sick.

That’s a fucking alien

They're leaving because everyone is dead.

>heroes of Wuhan

Attached: Chinese Sleeping Bags.webm (368x640, 969.71K)

have the removed all the welded bars from peoples apartments and removed the dead yet?

two bats this week chang?

who said those other 300 Teams arent just death squads dealing with the hopeless cases ?

Kys you fucking gullible retard. This is blatant Chinese propaganda, they haven't stopped the virus. Maybe if they spent more time on fighting the virus instead of pushing "errting a-okay!" propaganda then they might have this under control. China has been lying since the beginning of the outbreak, why stop now? Seriously, fucking kys Chang. Oh wait, you can't because the suicide net they installed would stop you.

hey you've been saying this since the start of february

>China, the most populous country in the world, just stopped having this highly infectious virus, suddenly, just like that, while smaller population countries are still struggling with it and dying.
Okay so what like the rate of infections on their infections chart just levels out suddenly or altogether goes immediately to 0 are you retarded? Are you rarted son?

Nobody left alive in Wuhan.

>This is what OP believes

All of the 11 million people died and nobody noticed? Thats a story mark. Something only brainded mutt could believe.

Nice shill for China you little dick bat eating cuck. Why do ugly yellow women only fuck white guys and black guys? KYS in the suicide forest you little dick shill.

They leave in body bags.

>"errting a-okay!" propaganda

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I will remember Chen Qiushi.

how do we know that this isn't just a staged farewell ceremony?

for all we know those doctors leave the building and go right back to work in wuhan

Suck a cock lying Communist scum, even Stalin would have been proud of your disgusting nature.

>why can't you accept that China can do something right?
If that were true you insects wouldn't have let the virus out of your shitty lab to begin with. Fuck off.

> goes immediately to 0
It was slowing for a long time through february, are you fucking retarded? There was no immediate change, only slow gradual decline in new cases and now they achieved zero after implementing these strict measures. I think it was worth it - some faggots think that protecting MUH FREEDOMS is more important than stopping the desiese spread and reducing the number of deaths. Why do you need your freedom if you are already dead, what are you going to do with that freedom in the grave?

Attached: flattened curve.jpg (1178x336, 80.24K)


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And all of that does not do shit if you don't lock down again. and again. and again.
Repeat until you have wrecked your economy completely and killed a million people.

this is the question.
population of china 1.6B
number infected (have immunity now): 80k
percent not immune: 99.5%

how could it be "over"? unless....

No, the actuall graph looks like this , but you need a fucking strawman for some reason

literal chink propaganda, fuck off bug


>Something only brainded mutt could believe
pretty much as stupid as believing that they went to 0 infections in one day after having around 160 Infections each day before that on average

You are not Chinese. Why do you shill for an expansionist ethnonationalist state? That whole "China will win" encompasses everything about them. It's a codeword for OP getting executed during occupation. Being a cuck I'm sure you'll like it.


Only China needs the strawman BUCKO


they lied, china lied

Attached: ,oio.png (496x282, 314.69K)

actual graph looks like thisfix
