You may only post in this thread if you still have to go to work
You may only post in this thread if you still have to go to work
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Just for tomorrow. Then free PAID vacation. At least 3 weeks, hoping for 6.
I work at a Walmart distribution center.
t. Chang
UPS fag here.
Nothing stops the brown train of slave labor.
Area manager for 14 gas stations.
Only until the restaurant im at goes to go only
Then Im jobless
Just indefinetely laid off with 18 months of unemployment available. I'm going full neet and trying to make my 2 bil osrs bank into 10.
Whens the last time you changed your turbin
Car dealership here. Cars need repaired.
I work for a local government that is 99% closed and I still have to work.
I don't have to go to work. I get to go to work.
I'm literally paid to learn new things from 7am to 3pm, while being surrounded by either smart and capable young guys or wise and experianced older men, who all want me to stay and accept their money for something I'd do for free.
I have classes online today for the first time, should I just say "fuck it" and watch the record that will be uploaded as soon as it finishes? Honestly, I'm picturing my face on a webcam and I'm already cringing.
We're all working from home since Monday in our company. It's officially until the end of the month, but it's probably going to last 1-2 months depending on the situation.
I can always take paid leave, but I want to keep those days on the off chance they start firing people.
Faggot you can do that in a day with arena
Go start playing retail wow for shadowlands
One more day of wageslaving and I'm free for 3 weeks. Unless my leave gets cancelled and I have to shovel bodies or something.
Already lost a tbow there. Hard pass.
I’m glad I still have a job and I’m not a NEET nigger
What are you doing?
Every fuck any cashiers?
I work at a car dealership myself. Commission only. Traffic has been horribly slow. Though I'm not "required" to go to work through March 30th, I kind of am. Or just make no money.
CNC glass industry. As long as the constructions are going...
I'll post wherever I want since I'm a NEET who lives freely.
>I'm literally paid to learn new things from 7am to 3pm, while being surrounded by either smart and capable young guys or wise and experianced older men, who all want me to stay and accept their money for something I'd do for free.
Does this even fucking exist anymore? All i've ever had were woman and cucks managed by incompetents.
You have to go a lot to balance out and try to stop at a few bill up
Federal law enforcement officer. We don’t close.
And here I thought being a programmer for an environmental/compliance company meant I worked for someone sMoRt
My restaurant closed 2 days ago, getting 40 hours paid vacations and the last cash tips, I have money saved but I don't want my bank account to go down what do bros?
me, i work from home anyway.
Lucky and too rare.
Good on you user.
We moved classes to all online and there's no way I'm activating my webcam. I will put up an image of an anime girl before that.
Peak season level trucks coming in
Thank you very much for your service :)
you guys are one of the vertebrate of the backbone of our society
currently still scheduled indefinitely, my store is a togo or delivery location with no dine in so i should be relatively safe.
>I'm literally paid to learn new things from 7am to 3pm, while being surrounded by either smart and capable young guys or wise and experianced older men, who all want me to stay and accept their money for something I'd do for free.
>while being surrounded by either smart and capable young guys or wise and experianced older men, who all want me to stay and accept their money for something I'd do for free.
so you're a gay prostitute?
Yes, before I was an area manager. Very easy women in this field, and lots of time to spend talking between one another.
Im white as fuck
That's actually a pretty good anti-ad for the Democrats to use in case of recession.
Shots of Trump and his retarded "You're fired!" catchphrase.
I actually have more work now because everybody else is hiding, fuck me.
Work as a phlebotomist at a methadone and psychiatric clinic so I get to tale blood from schizoids and druggies. Honestly nothing has changed at all, seen my regulars, no coofers. Pretty busy with blood work still and I'm in a isolated lab so I get to read in between patients
Environmental compliance in Orange County.
The ride never ends.
Lab fag here, and yes doctors are still doing biopsies on old people and demand results right away.
This will quickly taper off once shtf...luckily I'm usually alone or at most close to 4 people at most.
Even the boomers kids arent discouraging them from going outside, based?
Have to work short of government mandatory quarantine with no businesses exempted
Fucking tranny.
I should kys.
Truck driver here, haven't missed a day and I'm in NY.
Use webcam filters and make yourself look like a gigachad.
still will post just to dab on them wagies
kek, wfh web developer
extra comfy with my redpilled smoking hot wife
7k/month salary
world burning around me
fully stocked to lock my door for 3 months
I want a risk bonus. If I get infected and so my family i will sue.
I'm a janitor, an actual one not some faggot mod who works for free. They had me come in on my day off to clean extra hard due to corona-chan.
made my kid leave his job a month ago
I work at a supermarket. Our workload has literally tripled in the last 2 weeks. We had 400% customers today than we were supposed to have
Public health sanitarian (health inspector). Working over a lot
Can you work from home?
I’m not an old fag so I don’t care. If they force me to take paid leave, I’m spending it fishing.
I don't work. I'm posting anyway. :)
i get to work and be paid until more people die
>web developer
>smoking hot wife
I work in a baby wipe factory. Its a good thing too because I can’t find any fucking toilet paper anywhere.
I got fired and couldn't get a job for 7 days straight since the virus started, now jobs all over Netherlands are mass hiring as they realized they're not getting any government subsidies and the economy has gone to shit so I got hired today kek
If you wanna get a job now is the time, these morons will hire anybody just to not go bankrupt
I work as a contractor in IT at an automotive plant. The production floor just shut down, and workers being sent home.
>HR calling 2nd and 3rd shifts.
>Company suspects 2-4 weeks minimum.
>Guy from corporate just walked by and asked if I had been sent home yet
>Told my boss who's working for home what's going on, he had no clue. Now he's in a meeting and has been for the last 45 mins since I talked to him
>My roommate got laid off last Friday
>My gf laid off on Monday
>My parents business has no work because of housing projects stopped
>This is going to destroy the economy, we could be looking at a 45% unemployment rate.
>God speed gentlemen
Sell Your Body (To The Night)
Based and neetpilled
That's the real pandemic. An economic one. Doesn't seem legit to shut everything down for something like covid. The Illuminati are making a move.
I understand. I was an assistant manager trainee for a grocery store once. Hooked up several times with a married cashier.
Work in a gov office. WE'RE STILL FUCKING WORKING
You’re a nigger that draws a check from the government you hate
Ive had a lung infection all week coughing so badly and runny nose. Fever, headaches just feeling terrible.
My Chinese boss made me go to work everyday. Yesterday I told him (true) that my wife and kids have it now too.
Finally let me take Friday off. I was wearing a mask at work all week but I hope that irresponsible greedy chink cunt gets sick, too.
Stop your bitching
i work in a fucking hospital and have to deal with those who HAVE the fucking virus personally.
I work for a Doc office that is doing drive up swabs for covid-19. Only one positive out of about 70 tests so far. The lack of prep is astounding. Everyone thinks its a big joke.
>Doctor goes to car in gown, mask, gloves.
>3 half-assed semi-nurses/assistants go with, no masks, gloves or gowns.
Pathologist here. Things have considerably slowed down at my hospital. Essentially all routine procedures have been cancelled.
Work will be a privilege after this is over and we have a recession with 15-20% unemployment rate.
For free you say?
Amazon worker here. Sorry for coofing all over your packages, but I can't afford to stay home.
you hate
I don't have to, but my shop is on the same property as my house and I enjoy my work so I'm continuing.
Meant for
yep, gotta work like nothing is happening. my work place isn't even part of any system relevant kind, it's just about money. but there's no way for me to get out of it. I need to pay rent. gotta slave till I die, I guess
I speak the truth
point being...?
Like the leaf said, thank you. Without you, there would be chaos.
Should km*s
Most of our shit is outpatient and takes a few days by air to arrive. Considering resources and blood bank, that has to be a big concern should hospitalizations escalate.
I have never worked a day in my life.
I have been to supermarket today and all the people working there seemed stressed af, why though? I get it, shelves need to be restocked but like all the meat was gone and no tp for the 5th day now, if store gets like 1 delivery of tp per day and it goes in like 10 minutes those shelves dont need to be touched until another delivery next day
I requested a day off tomorrow.
Crickets. Nothing. First time in many, many years I've been denied vacation.
I won't forget this. Assuming I don't die of the Chinese virus, I will quit the instant the vaccine needle leaves my arm.
He has no point
hes busy slaving away
>have to get up at 4AM tomorrow
I fucking hate the morning shift
I don't draw shit fag, I live with my parents. Go be a wagie somewhere else.
Anyone else feeling comfy as they can still go to work while 1 in 5 got fired and many more lost their jobs temporarily?
Buy linkies