
Attached: IMG_20200319_225359.jpg (830x825, 173.11K)

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Attention whores even in death


Right? Fucking Will Smith even making noise about how his "I Am Legend" movie misled people about a pandemic. Like no it didn't cunt, fuck off.

>imagine no religion
They have that in China

Oh no not will ferrel

>vice posts something based
we really are in the end times aren't we?

why is this pol material?
more like Yas Forums

Attached: lifehack.jpg (633x842, 278.39K)

Has anyone not found that song super fucking cringy? A hyper-rich hippie boomer lecturing about how the world would be better as a communist atheist shithole.

no one:
absolutely nobody:
still nobody:
not a single soul:
literally no one:
not even big chungus:
random incel on Yas Forums: comfy sneed thread
[everyone disliked that]
baby yeed: wait that's illegal
brie larson: ok that was lowkey on point
pickle rick: slaps roof of car luke did i ever tell you about the time i turned myself into a pickle? it was an epic moment.
luke: is retarded
CIA: Bane?
sans undertale: hey don't google HP Lovecraft's cat name
[OP googles hp lovecrafts cat name]
CIA: congratulations you got yourself caught!
stan lee: flies past in a spaceship ooooh i dont care what universe you're from that's GOTTA HURT
[everyone laughed]
keanu reeves: you're breathtaking!
area 51 guards:i bet i can take keanu reeves
keanu reeves: you sure about that
keanu reeves: kills all area 51 guards
area 51:wait thats illegal
[Everyone liked that]
CIA: am I joke to you?
Alt right incels: there's no way star wars can be good agai....
Baby Yeed: hold my beer
Big chungus joined the chat
Drumpf has left the chat
Kek Redditors: good thing theres no more cringe in her-
Fortnite Devs: allow us to introduce ourselves
Minecraft Steve: kills fornite devs
Fortnite 12 year old has left the chat
Chris Hemsworth: because that's what heroes do
Avengers: assembled
Thanos has left the chat
4chanlets: 'Yeah, I'm thinking this is kind of epic based pilled, maybe a bit of a coom moment?? Idk think I might post a frog.

That's why the perfect circle version is the good one. Satire.

>Imagine there is no money

They don't care about their (((funders))) anymore money is worth shit right now even CNN talking heads are praising trump, they're afraid if the system fails there heads will literally roll

>imagine all the people
Screeching over the Holocaust again?
be kikes
kike around


i never understand why people would listen to anything that comes out of these peoples mouths. who cares? they are fucking actors, they act.
people are so fucking stupid

Is that Will Farrell? looks like hes about to die himself.

Nothing is more cringe than VICE

Vice used to redpilled as fuck when Gavin was there


The interesting thing about this video is how shitty all the celebs look It's like without all their personal assistants/makeup artists, hairstylists, etc..They're like toddlers, they're not even capable of basic grooming/taking care of themselves.

It's surreal.


Their "supply" ran out/got tainted.

Based. Is this pasta? It should be.

God I really hate them.

Maybe they will put on a benefit concert?
Sell tickets like "We are the World"
Have sold out concerts combatting the spread of ...wait


The only one I recognized was Will Ferrel and I barely recognized him. I know I spelled his name wrong. I don't keep up with celebrities at all. I could be sitting next to 95% of the celebrities/sportsball players and wouldn't even know who the fuck they are.

They all look like retards

Everyone is on their best behavior for the Trumpbuck stimulus.

I’d still fuck the jewess out of her

This makes me want to neck myself

I liked this


Why are they all Jewish?

>[Cancer] says: this post gave me myself

>if I jerk off 4 times a day, I would burn as much energy in a 1 mile walk

Attached: 1569135050464.png (844x840, 1.2M)

no one:
literally not a single soul:
absolutely positutely nobodyrino:
normie memes: EPIC WIN LOL


I really, REALLY hope they all die.

Death to celebrities and nuke Hollywood.

nut takes protien

fucking idiots

They all look like they're fucking dying...why is that?

Attached: 1584143721049.jpg (960x817, 111.39K)

Gonna use this on other threads

literally a satanic NWO hymn

bunch of jews and satanists singing there is no god

C for cancer to all pedos

You forgot about the ugandan knuckles

Attached: ugandanwarrior2.jpg (513x459, 30.24K)

Wagons, circled.

holy based

Imagine thinking John Lennon is a person worth of respect.

That motherfucker was a woman-beater and a millionaire writing hippie bullshit about people liking each other. He was probably a kike, too.

this POS was always cringey, never funny. needless to say, NPCs love him

Will Smith is a retarded nigger. I am Legend was literally an instructional video.

Attached: Krusty_Krab_Training_Video_081.png (300x300, 102.09K)

beyond super fucking cringy. It is an anthem for Commie propaganda.
We don't have to "Imagine" shit about Communism.

>I actually have stock in Roche

See y’all niggas on the moon

He dun no de wey.

that roche and ventana logo has to be the worst shop i've seen in weeks

it makes me want a time machine to kill that fucking john lennon before he writes the damn thing.

>That motherfucker was a woman-beater

holy based batman

>HP Lovecraft's cat name

fuck me that's hilarious

bitch im not reading that but i see what youre getting at

Someone already tried but they hit the wrong year