So uhh... aleen pic?
So uhh... aleen pic?
Fake one
I know. Looking for real one
Trying for month now. We will never get it. But here you go with the best i got
I was abducted for 26 years of my life
Ask me anything, most of the experiences were grays but I've seen a few mantis
You can over come the mind control shit they do if you get an understanding of when it's happening
You sort of black out but with enough will power you can over come it and the Gray's go down REALLY easy
Could be part of it. Good luck user
This might be part of the original.
>bottom left shadow
redpill me on it, couldnt anyone with basic photo editing skills tell its fake
gray sex
What the fuck is this shitty thread
why do they do anal probes?
Do they have sexi mantis ladies
There is no real pic, I don't know why retards on here got so obsessed with fake as fuck photoshops when it happened. I think it was just a part of a disinfo campaign just like the reemergence of Lazar on JRE and the Blink 182 guy talking about aliens at the same time the Govt admits UFOs are real (UFO's just being UNIDENTIFIED objects, not alien craft)
this meme is so fucking stale. It was funny the first few times like a YEAR ago.
fuck I remember that day. that shit was wild.
It's never happened to me so I wouldn't know anything about it
Nah they look the same just smaller and a more gray colour
The mantis are really hard to understand to me, their age alone is incomprehensible.
I get the feeling they are the captain's and doctors on the ship, they usually work with the small Gray's and I think they are associated with the draconians
I think the one who was head of the ship that picked me up (it was always the same as far as I can remember) is over 30,000 years old
lurk m0ar
fuck off newfag pastanigger
Aw, now i wanna bang the capitan, seriously do they just look like praying mantis, i want her to eat my head after we have sex so she has nutrients for the baby(s)
Dont worry that's just Bob he's friendly mostly
The captain's are all "male", I've never seen a female just had it explained
The mantis are evil but atleast they're honest, they'll answer pretty much any thing you ask
Yes they look like mantis, pretty much identical just on a large scale
The short grays are basically biological robots, they have no free will or independent thought, they are programmed upon birth/creation
The tall Gray's are sentient but have no emotional capability, the mantis don't either and the Draco's do but are entirely malevolent
None of them have souls, that's why they hate us. The tall Gray's make hyrbids because they hope to gain souls, it isn't working
The Draco's used to have souls but lost them, the alpha dracos were the "serpent in the garden"
There is good aliens too, but the problem is there is "rules" to it and only one side plays by them
fuck it
looks fake as fuck
maybe real
Oh and Draconians are actually native to earth, well one sect of them
They got their shit kicked in by humans and "sasquatch", they had the technology but had no strength of numbers
The alpha draconians have a very low reproduction rate, there was never more than 3-4000 on earth and they got rumbled
Appearntly sasquatch is basically an Australopithecus that managed to hang on and spread out over the world, they've been around longer than homosapiens
No the hybrids have entirely black eyes
It's why they can't really fit in yet, black eyed kids are hybrids and it's why everyone feels so unsettled by there mere appearance
If it is real it's probably a neutral race that comes here for minerals and that's it, they don't interact on any large scale
How hilarious that the British Goblin Crypto-Kike Freemasons have convinced their retard "upper degree" members that there's actually fucking extraterrestrials.
Fucking glorified scientologist retards.
Also, earth isn't the only planet that has homosapiens
Pledians are homosapien, just much much older
Wouldn’t the human being wearing nitrite gloves at this point?
what do their voices sound like? Also how do they communicate, telepathically? do they have their own language or do they communicate in symbols?
Get that damn alyum outta ma back yard!
Their eyes aren't really full black like that, it's actually an optical implant. Think contact lenses/sunglasses but with a built-in hyper advanced version of augmented reality google glass tech... they're tinted black because these ayyys come from a planet that's much further away from their sun compared to earth and it's distance from our sun.
Rip out their contact lenses and they're basically blind and useless.
Extra terrestrials are the demons of old, and also the "angels" who fought them
There are also entirely spiritual based angels, but any interaction with humans was from benevolent aliens
"God" is a universal concept
I'm going to report you to the FBI
>not even oldfags remember
this is close
As far as I know they don't speak
They always communicated in English with me, telepathically
I'd imagine they can speak any language pretty quick, their brains work like super computers but they also have no ability to be creative or think "outside of the box"
They have symbols but I think it's more to represent things rather than a language
The best thing I can relate it too is a biohazard sign, it's a symbol to represent a specific threat
watch dark skies tv show. heard from some conspiracy podcast it's the closest to truth we have. I found it on rarbar
I should clarify I have no idea how the communicate amongst themselves
Why the fuck is it doing a söy face.
Looks like the upload failed. Damn scrambler. Try again
Perhaps if they communicate telepathically, they operate on some sort of a hive mind. They come across as very intelligent insects.
ay that's gotta be real
_ / /\ / / / / / / _ /_/ / / /\ \ \ \ / / \ \ \ \/ / /\ \ _ \ \ \/ /\ \ \ /_/\ \_\ / \ \ \ \ \ \ / / \ \_\/ \ \ \/ / /\ \ \ \ \/ /\ \ \ \ \ / \ \ \ \_\/ / / / / / / /_/ / \_\/
The mantis beings ran experiments on me in my home I was never taken on board and the ship never had any of that silly butt stuff anal probes done to me but they did stick needles behind my eyes and shit with no anesthesia
Good luck finding it, user
I don't think they have a hive mind type mentality, disagreements do happen, their planet had a civil war
There used to be two varieties, appearntly the ones that still exist are the lesser of two evils which is a scary thought considering how evil they are
If ayys is real they gunna digit me right now
How are they evil?
i have this one
Really? Damn that's fucked the only "experimentation" I had done on me was blood tests and it was never the mantis performing them, just over seeing it
Most of it is psychological, lots of forced "memories" to see how you react.
They understand us about as well as we understand them.
Fuck off aliens n yo bullshit
You should read Behold A Pale Horse, user.
X-Files prop
They do nothing but corrupt and destroy anything they come into contact with
They masquerade as gods and get people to commit horrible atrrocities
Fun fact, "Allah" was a member of the race that lost the civil war and "his' actions on earth and elsewhere are what caused it in the first place.
He wanted humans to wipe each other out entirely, the mantis we have now atleast want to keep us alive to study us
Holy sh!t