Be America

>be America
>Need to slow down China's rise
>Fund HK protests for months
>dumb HKers set old people on fire, completely ruins international support
>hatch new plan
>release virus in central hub of China right before CNY so virus spreads as much as possible
>virus will overtake china, destabilize economy and cause collapse of China.
>China discovers virus much faster than expected
>gene sequence completed 5 days later
>China shuts down entire country
>virus spreads to US
>CDC fucks up the tests, making sever epidemic inevitable

Where were you when the US' last attempt to remain the world superpower failed?

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Saw stray cats catch something nasty during the winter. We already lost.

Lol don’t care I’m getting gibs and bux

Slow down there you commie filth. Let's get the story right here.
>Need to slow down China's rise
Need to bring China up to speed with the U.S. to start Cold War 2.0
>Fund HK protests for months
This is true
>dumb HKers set old people on fire, completely ruins international support
No one cares as long as people have a negative sentiment towards China.
>release virus in central hub of China right before CNY so virus spreads as much as possible
Not in American interest to do so since people travel from China to the U.S. and this plan can easily backfire. So most likely Chinese incompetence/strategy that lead to the coronavirus outbreak.
>China discovers virus much faster than expected
Or maybe they released it.
>gene sequence completed 5 days later
Slower than U.S. standards, but ok. You're a commie, so must be amazing for you.
>CDC fucks up the tests, making sever epidemic inevitable
Or maybe this was the plan all along.

>Where were you when the US' last attempt to remain the world superpower failed?
You guys should really read econ 101 before you post such shit on Yas Forums. Why do you commie fuckers suck soooooooooooo bad at econ? Just why? I can't fucking even with you retards.

China is lying, the virus is wide spread and killing everyone.

Yeah, are the Chinks getting NEETbux? Didn’t think so.

CCP are bubbling nonsense again.

Tell that idiot Xi to kill himself before visiting my country.

>Lets fuck up China by shooting ourselves in both feet and the dick
If you say so Chang.

Every nuclear warhead on the planet is aimed at you right now, you bat munching insect. Once we stamp out your fucking typical Chinese quality "bioweapon" that just got BTFO by a 60 year old malaria drug and a fucking Z pack, we are going to kill every one of you chinks.

t. The rest of the planet
All the wisdom you need

The CIA doesn't even have to try to instigate cold war 2.0, when we have lobotomized faggots such as this.

>Every nuclear warhead on the planet is aimed at you right now, you bat munching insect. Once we stamp out your fucking typical Chinese quality "bioweapon" that just got BTFO by a 60 year old malaria drug and a fucking Z pack, we are going to kill every one of you chinks.

>US faces when they get btfo by Chinese bugmen

Can't hide behind your Soros and global Jews anymore mutt boys.

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I've be screencapping and showing some of the more obnoxious chink shill posts to boomers I know. It works amazingly well and there's a reason the media is freaking out: Americans are ready to MAJOR escalation with China and all the chink shills do is antagonize the world and encourage everyone's hatred of them. You're redpilling everyone against you and you're too dumb and slaveminded to realize it.

Attached: chinese_cuckchair.jpg (368x624, 33.38K)

>heh fuck the jews fuck the fed and fuck the wall street stock market
>stock market crashes
lmao the trumptard good goys only bark for a little while before hiding behind their jew masters

I recommend you watch this Frontline documentary about China if you haven't already done so. It completely blew my hair back. Any reservations I may have had about China being the preeminent super power this century I no longer have.

screencap this, amerimutt boomer trash deserves to die, the world will be a better place without them

Both the USA and the Soviets wanted to nuke China at one time.

The US wanted to nuke China

>President John Kennedy said in October 1961 that, armed with its nuclear bomb, China would swallow up Southeast Asia.

>The US wanted to attack China's nuclear installations before it developed a bomb and saw the Sino-Soviet split in 1961 as the perfect opportunity for a joint operation.

>On July 14, 1963, an American emissary in Moscow gave a detailed presentation of China's nuclear programme and proposed a joint operation to stop it. But Soviet president Nikita Khruschev said the programme posed no threat.

Later, the Soviets wanted to nuke China too.

>The Soviets moved thousands of troops to its far east and prepared missiles armed with nuclear warheads. It told its allies in eastern Europe that it planned a nuclear attack 'to wipe out the Chinese threat and get rid of this modern adventurer'.

>On August 20, the Soviet ambassador in Washington told Kissinger of their plans and asked the US to remain neutral. Wishing to stop the attack, the White House leaked the story to The Washington Post. Its edition of August 28 reported that the Soviet Union planned to launch missiles with hundreds of tonnes of nuclear material on Beijing, Changchun , Anshan and its missile-launch centres of Jinquan, Xichang and Lop Nor.

Checked and OP was not a faggot.

t. chink

>checked and kekked

Attached: disney-winnie-the-pooh-gay-porn[1].jpg (640x480, 30.62K)

there was no moment when the world didn't want to nuke america

The PRC is waging information warfare against the GOP and USA in support of DNC given that none of their candidates proved popular. All of this is an effort to restore the treason that was happening at the behest of China under the Obama-Biden administration.

Europeans depend heavily on Russian oil / gas. They do not like Russia having a lot of leverage over them in this way. Poland / Ukraine are the eastern border of Europe as far as Western Europeans are concerned, so they want NATO running a defensive corridor there.

The Middle East primarily sells oil / gas to China. They do not have pipeline access to Europe, and the United States blocks pipeline access to China via Afghanistan (which we occupy, for this exact reason).

In the middle of the Obama regime, they toppled Egypt / Libya, specifically by supporting rebels in eastern Libya. You probably don't know this, but eastern Libya is the highest per capita recruiting grounds for al-Qaeda anywhere in the world. They are the ones who were largely responsible for building IEDs that killed most of our troops in Iraq. Lots and lots of American blood on their hands. These are the people Obama supported against Gaddafi however.

Why? Libyan weapons stockpiles were shipped to Syria. The plan was to overthrow Syria and then Turkey. The intention here was to open a pipeline path from Saudi Arabia to Europe. The easiest way to do this is Jordan / western Iraq > Syria > Turkey > Europe

The fallout of such a pipeline opening up goes like this: Saudi energy becomes cheaper than Russian (easier to extract than Russian, but comparable delivery prices once a pipeline is available from Saudi Arabia to Europe). Europe switches to ME energy. Russia then has to switch to selling to China. Afghanistan is no longer valuable real estate in controlling Chinese energy sovereignty. The West has no controllable territory between Russia and China to cut supplies > China obtains effective energy independence, superpower status


>drug addicted gypsy detected

Look at all the kikes in this thread trying to stir up whitey against the bugmen. Classic Judaism on major display here. They started this months before the CIA released the virus.
It's 9/11 all over again, and the Bugman is the new Sandnigger.

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>Stupid China steals tech & biotech
>Blows itself up
>'You did this USA'

Fuck off Chang. This is the end for China and you know it.

based OP
fuck all these seething glowniggers in this thread

he is actually a chink with a VPN kek

You're not fooling anyone.

Attached: darkchina.png (800x5132, 809.87K)

>This fucking thread

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Hopefully China takes their rightful spot as world leader now that America is fucked.



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If the euro dissolves, it could pave the way for national currencys to return. Would divide Europe again.

>china's rise

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there were state senators agitating to nuke China around the time of the Korean war. I know there's videos on youtube somewhere I've seen in documentaries of when that was going on. I was shocked they were so cavalier about it. Funny how Russia now sucks up to China. they know their best hope lies becoming a second fiddle to their yellow overlords.


Kill yourself Zipperhead

Take your meds chang.

>I must program the goyim to fight China for me

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Guys look if I repeat myself on repeat shill threads like an airhead it negates absolute retardation doing the same!

lmao get fucked chang.

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Did the Americans force Chinese scientists and government to conduct a shitton of experiments on coronaviruses, SARS and HIV in Wuhan last year?



And no one gave a fuck about your shithole country, gyp.

Be OP - a chinese government damage control propaganda worker. Try to make a post about China not spreading the Kung Flu, fail miserably.

Attached: WinnieThEFlu.jpg (798x452, 106.3K)

Fuck off wirth your larp Amerimutt faggot shill

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>Oh, no! My stawks!!
>Fellow Whites! We can't allow the BUGMEN to crash my...I mean OUR economy! What are we going to do about it?!?
The panic is palpable here today. Chaim on suicide watch.

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>Not taken

Basado y rojopastillado

honestly not far fetched this is a botched CIA bioweapon attack

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Remember the thing in between Hong Kong and the Coronavirus

The Xinjiang camps story, which backfired because westerners mostly thought putting muslim cultists in bootcamp to get them out of the stone age was based

>Fund HK protests for months
Incite Uighurs, China blocks, putting them in camps. Attack with globohomo propaganda, China censors, implements social eugenics credit system. Spy on entire world with Iphones and Androids, China counters with Huawei and 5G.

What better way for the CCP to hit the U.S. where it hurts than to exploit its weak healthcare system and lax population control by developing and spreading an incredibly contagious virus through the West? They maintain plausible deniability as the virus started within their borders and it did hit them somewhat, but they were prepared to shut down the entire country to mitigate its spread. They know fully well that the West cannot accomplish such a feat, and thanks to the lack of cultural experience in Western countries when it comes to dealing with contagious diseases, along with the aforementioned healthcare weaknesses, there is no way that the virus could ever hit the East as much as it will smash the West. It is an engineered event many decades in the making, complimented by Russian control over the U.S. political system at the top, which just so happens to have dismantled the lines of defense that the U.S. possesses against such biological threats, alongside Anti-Vaxx propaganda. This is more of a surface-level analysis, but I'm certain that the East has been influencing Western direction towards a position where a pandemic would cause the kind of economic disaster from which the East could easily recover and then outgrow the West when the dust settles.

The Age of Asia has begun.

>What's the matter goyim? Why don't you want to fight China? Are you some kind of a SOIBOI?

Attached: purpose-of-the-soyboy-meme.jpg (1536x1422, 380.66K)

We will bury China.

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this meme flag bait thread holy shit

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Calm down China bugman. There will be no war, the whole world will just pull out trade and China will sink into a great depression. The rest of the world will be making their countries great again while you scramble around.

Based China.
I half want America to have another Great Depression so that China can have their Chinese Century.

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>Man your battle stations!
>Our plan to incite the Amerigolem against the Muslims has largely failed.
>Now, let us send them against the Chinese!

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>US has a weak healthcare system
>China hospital literally just collapses out of no where
Well, least you are getting paid for this right?

The sooner America ceases to be a factor the better, and that's exactly what happened. Corona is a US bioweapon.


HK protesters never lost international support. People just got bored of it.