>one of the first countries to be hit with the virus outside of china
>huge ederly population
>insane number of people in little island
>barely affected by the crisis,no curfew no closed shops,shibuya,akihabara,shinjuku full of people everyday
>barely new people infected/dead


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>no closed shops
conveniently forgot about those "racist" shops that refused chinks did you?

They're not doing any tests because of strict disease control and quarantine system
even the japanese themselves estimate the true figure to be 5 to 10x higher

they apparently REALLY REALLY like to skip work with excuse of disease, so they go to the doc when something is even slightly wrong

also, very little personal contact, not a very huggy-kissy people like italians

But nobody’s dying either. It’s a lot easier to hide counts of the infected than dead bodies.

the west cares more about economy & GDP than it's people. Japan cares more about it's people and culture.

Because it's just a flu. Noro virus etc are much more nastier. Media is bloating this thing to hell and back. Social media has brainwashed lot of you.

Japan was blessed by God. Those nukes we dropped had God's light and energy and blessed the nation, so now they're under God's protection.

Or something lol like that.

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Yes. Media-induced panic

>the Japanese are notorious for their clean culture
>the Japanese aren’t getting buttfucked by coronachan

lying the father of my friend is in the hospital bed worsening the health and every winter used to catch a flu

Well Italians don't really wash their hands. Who the fuck cares it's because of massive tourist flux through their main cities. People are so fucking dumb they believe anything if it's on the 'news'. Grow a pair faggot.

>Japan cares more about it's people and culture.
They literally haven't changed their lifestyle at all.

We know you're a retard

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No Jew media in Japan.
Also, they already had a common practice of wearing masks when sick and they have been doing this for many years. It is just considered standard common courtesy towards your fellow citizen.
Yet more evidence that homogenous societies are superior to diverse.

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Okay, let's talk about it.
Asian countries rapidly got a handle on this virus for the following reasons:
1) They're nationalists.
2) They have high social trust.
3) They have few, if any, niggers and other genetic undesirables who won't obey orders and spread the disease.
4) All of the above provides an avenue for top-down leadership to be rapidly employed to the full extent possible.

Meanwhile, (((diversity))) and (((multiculturalism))) has eroded social trust entirely. The streets are filled with orcs and people with low intelligence who refuse to obey, even to save themselves. They spread the disease. Because Western culture is atomized and (((individualized))), there's no top-down leadership. Top-down leadership is impossible. This is a lateral society where people cluster at the local level with few resources, while state-level resources are distributed to undesirables who will squander it. In Italy's case, Nigerian boat niggers. In America's case, nigger niggers. The Mudification of the West means the death count will be high.

He was destined to die. Not everybody's system is same. But the rest assured, nobody nicked this much when Chernobyl happened. My gov lied to people for many days while the fallout readings were off charts, it ruined mushrooms, berries etc for a long time. And it all ends up in your body.

They are a superior society. Racially and culturally homogenous. Orderly and clean. And shame is actually a thing they avoid.

Shops can refuse service to who they like. There's a good reason why the Japs hate Chinkies. The same reason other civilised peoples hate niggers.

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MSG and our inferior yet superior nuke-addled genes.I bet even in the US I will be safe due to my subhuman shell.

Tbh we need to let Japan rape China again.

Eastern cultures have shame still. It's just that it's localized clan based social shaming, rather than MUH MAGIC JEW GOD WILL SHOOT YOU WITH DEATH BEAMS style shaming.

>They are a superior society. Racially and culturally homogenous. Orderly and clean. And shame is actually a thing they avoid

White sub human pigs will never understand this.

Hello based department



East is organized by shame, west by guilt

What is day 0 in this graph?

yeah but we were aware of this way before there was any government comment on it (aside from CCP threatening doctors who commented/diagnosed ncov)

Correct, the virus is not the happening, the events around it is.

Honestly we need to give China to the nips
That's a world I'd want to live in, the big 3 Russia USA and Japan? Pandas would be hunted for population control within 40 years under nip management.

Chink detected.

Nigga i just need to know if i can go to japan in May. If i get blocked at the airport from the UK for this shit i'll be pissed

I find it hard to believe too, Olympics are very expensive to set up to it would be a catastrophe for them if it was cancelled. But then again they can't possibly hide it either. Anyway Koreans are christcucks and do shake hands, with both hands toward an elderly even to show respect. I believe the biggest epicenter there began at some underground church assembly.

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>lying so they don't lose the olympics

The boomer remover is a God send for their aged population problem. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth.

Like the eating bats and shitting in the street or the shoveling of oil from sewers and using it for food? Have you ever been to an Asian county other than Japan? They are filthy, air polluted shit holes. You chicoms need the gas.

>Migrant crisis

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JAPAns are cleaner in nature then insectoid chinks

japs arent mutts user or europeans

when the goverment says to them gtfo inside they will stay inside
they know that you only wear a mask when YOU are infected with something
they know that you wear gloves when YOU have a condition

they arent retards

Jan 25

1) Japan has a "wear a mask when sick" culture, so everyone already has a supply of masks. Even though N95 is required for 100% effectiveness, even a simply scarf helps prevent spread

2) Japan is VERY clean, there are very very very few public toilets, and everyone carries their own tissues and sanitizers.

3) Japanese people are VERY organized and obedient. so they're actually following the social distancing guidelines very closely.

4) Japanese healthcare is excellent.

Old Japanese people are probably pretty healthy, not too many fat people, no diabetes, no genetic diseases.

What about when they build nuclear power plants on faultlines?

For all 3?


Fukushima was ruined by a Tsunami, not the quake, and was a case of bad timing.

Had the quake happened a week earlier, the generators would have been on the roof instead of the basement, and the reactors would have safely shut down.

Also first confirmed case of China virus was in December


Here's all you need to know about Fukushima. If you want to dig deeper, look into seismograph readings, actual recordings vs. previous recordings from inside buildings, and where the tsunami came from. Also google the images of the heat-emitting "security cameras" installed by (((them))).

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I love those niggas
I hope they dont fucking kill themselves with the Olympics

Who is going to make my anime and video games?

ITT: nu/pol/ continues to make threads about how surprised they are over the fact that Asians on average are extremely disciplined and obedient to government guidelines.

probably, but chances are so are your governments. Don't be fucking naive, brainlets


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Our preparedness is on par with a third world country, its the worst its ever been, our doctors are using makeshift face guards and using ineffective mouth guards, we've done everything conceivable wrong in trying to stop the spread.
Our government has put out guidelines for triage, so to know who gets to live and who dies, there simply isn't enough respiratory equipment to go around once this really kicks off.
Sure, we have more infected than Japan, there are speculations that we have up to 100 000 undetected sick around the country, but yet somehow, we have less dead than Japan.
How is that?

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that bullshit needs to die
1) up untill 2011 the biggest quake japan had ever seen was 8.4
2) the biggest tsunami they ever had was 10 meters
3) the plants had survive 2 more tsunamies by 2011 and countless quakes

japan never had a quake problem nobody dies because of the quake it was the tsunami that fucked them up
and naturally so since you simply cant stop such a monster..

the tsunami that hit the plants(yes it was fukushima daiichi and fukushina daiini ) was 30 meters it had so much power that literally bend reinforced concrete walls in front of the plants
and thats not even the weird part
because of the quake springed back the coastal area japan dropped almost 2 meters

if you want to see what will happen on a really bad design? just wait and see when the cascadia release its own 9mg quake which is already due at about 300 years now
all of the california coastal plants that are built on the fucking sand will get hit far worse than japan

only 3.6% of japanese are obese

This. In Asia it's normal to wear protective mask during a disease outbreak. Here you will become a walking joke if you wear mask.

> the CDC has estimated that at least 12,000 people have died from influenza between Oct. 1, 2019 through Feb. 1, 2020, and the number of deaths may be as high as 30,000.

So in a worst case scenario this graph shows it’s literally the flu. Super scary graph though.


I can fully believe that Japanese citizens would be careful and clean about it, since they're used to living in such packed conditions, and are fairly civilized. But China, fuck no. They're definitely lying, big time.

You know that one person who would get sick, but then all of a sudden find himself with a new pack of smokes or whatever, and you ask him how the fuck he produced that, and it it turns out that he "Just snuck down to the store, nobody saw me but the cashier"? Well, that's every single citizen in China as far as I can tell. These people lack any sense of cleanliness, dignity, or common sense.

oh my God how dare you point out the tens of thousands of deaths that happen each year from the flu. START PANICKING SHUTDOWN EVERYTHING AAAAAAAH.

It's a fashion in Asia, has been for many many years, at least in Japan

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> the chinks are being welded in their apartments and dying, FUCK CHINA!

> The chinks are not adhering to protocols and every one of them is roaming as usual

make up your fucking mind you absolute faggot virgin schizo posters

Kami-sama is looking out for the lil' ningens over there.

Diversity is a bigger killer than any virus ever evolved or created.