Why are Americans so stupid? Is it really that hard to no crowd around during a pandemic?

Why are Americans so stupid? Is it really that hard to no crowd around during a pandemic?

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We aren’t faggot who run and hide at the slightest scare like frogs

Virus can't survive UV light. A beach at daytime is probably the safest place there is.

Vitamin D needed for strong immune system too.

>hate your own people goy

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Americans are used to something called freedom. It takes a little more than a few thousand deaths to ruin americans fun.

in 2 weeks we will see the results of the actions of today, sadly this generation only thinks about instant gratification even if someone will have to spend resources on them later

OMG So much this. I can't wait until flu season comes around so we can suspend all rights. I mean, if I get to give up movement over ~100 deaths just think how great it's going to be when 30,000 die from the flu. So based. I will obey.

did you forget about 9/11 already? only a few thousand death changed our countries forever.

The Eternal Zoomer

>this generation only thinks about instant gratification

Yeah, it's not like human beings in general have operated like that for generations now, centuries before this lame ass -oomer shit. Will you anons give it a rest already? Jesus!

I'm in a small tourist town in FL and I've fucking hated tourists my whole life. These cunts have bought out the local grocery store already. I guess they plan on taking their RVs back to Wisconsin and where ever the fuck else they come from. Fuck these boomers.

Nigger, it's not Ebola it's just a fucking flu.

You're probably living off your boomer parents. Get off your ass and get a job.

These are the same people who insist healthcare is a right. It's not a surprise they have no concept of personal responsibility.

>Literially proving OP’s point

and it is being changed, don't you see all the laws and shit being passed? yet americans will continue to live like nothings happened

In two weeks if we have the worse case scenario only twelve healthy will die out of 3400 deaths even while at 100 bed capacity lol

Most deaths will be non essential old and sick

soon you will have less freedom than europe
Have fun with chip in hand and months of quarantine

freedom, bitch

with any luck these are the jackasses that will perish

I think the country that is now leading infections having a similar less than a percent death rate for anyone under 45 without multiple preexisting conditions like south Korea who have the most tested in the world means we have both ends of the spectrum and this shit is a joke and the world played itself lol

he dont know about whole floors of 20/30 year olds under respirators, typical americuntie

extroverts will fucking S E E T H E, and i'll love every second of it.

Why are boomers so selfish they can't isolate themselfs and allow the overwhelming majority of the workforce 45 and under to continue to work and midigate the economic damages since they have a less than one percent chance at dying

There is no debating this

I hope you die.

yep. Same shit like that in bulgaria.
Normies gotta normie.
In two weeks i predict its going to be brutal martial law with everything closed and thousands dead.

Coronachan don't kill Americans.
Americans kill coronachan.
Stupid crazy, yeah.

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how? don't be a retard, answer

for your own moronic sake i hope your retarded national attitude wont get you to the same place where italy currently is

True, after 4-5 days they are going crazy, im having time of my life.

Its true. It's beyond seethe and into despair and I'm on day 3.

Yes a extreme minority and even still a extreme low mortality under 45

No way to slice it

Work got cancelled because corona.

I hate everyone and want all those with a sub 145 IQ to die.

Boomers also travel all over in diseased foreign countries more than anyone. Nobody tells them to stay home when they are packing for malariaville.

mfw introverted and don't require human interaction

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Where twelve people died that were not 60+ or had 2.7 prior health complications after 3400 desths?

They are kinda retarded

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Well since america isnt in africa like italy is we shouldnt have any problems. Imaging comparing a country in africas infrastructure to one of the best on earth like america FUCKING LOL

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Because young people will fight under respirators for months, how about that 23 or 24 years old runner that died? Yea keep saying ist nothing, and you will get what you deserve

Outliers bud
Even in Italy with 100 percent occupancy only twelve healthy people under 60 died that includes everyone on a device in that group

>all those knee-length and longer swim trunks

> firm handshake

they are godless hedonists

Virgin reactionary vs the Chad denier

Die boomer


It's true. This part if the world is sanitized, retard proofed and nanny run. Its also spread out and brand new compared to everyone else.

If you're 18-23 years old you're more likely to die of alcohol poisoning at a frat party than to die of gook flu. Why should they be worried?

And nothing of value was lost

They want to bring attention to this to generate outrage so people will welcome martial law.
Problem -> Reaction -> Solution

it was the matter in which they died, not the deaths

i hope they spread it to all the boomers in retirement homes

Fuck you, die at 40.

If you can't see the danger, there is none.

>Obese body croped out.
>No conditions.
The media are the enemy

>Is it really that hard to no crowd around during a pandemic?
I just want a hug bro

Actually up to 45 is less then a percent chancd to die globally without preexisting conditions

Sorry almost bud


well there's your problem. they don't represent the rest of us.in fact we're trying to annex them.

He had astema and testicular cancer and chemo in 2016

Chemo therapy
Immhne system

Pick one

Screen cap this you will so many articles trying to muddy the water with outliers on the age at risk today after italys shit came out and fucked their narrative

Because the same people who do spring break are the same people who come back and pop antibiotics for chlamydia, spread HPV, increase mortality from alcohol related illness and deaths, and once they get hooked up to a ventilator in a hospital bed with a bunch of Brrring machines, regret thier decisions.

Most things business as usual around here. Restaraunteurs are going to get anxious if they try to make this last past the two weeks in IL.

What were expecting from a bunch of Florida mans?

Sweet summer child. The American states with most infections are Washington, New York and California. They are about 30% Chinese. Chinks touch each other all the time when making those noises that only they understand as speech.

This, just walk into the shut down business, give the boomer owner a firm handshake even though he's keeping his distance from everyone because his obesity and heart disease put him at high risk.

Then ask him for a job even though hes down at the local walmart panic buying another 100 rolls of toilet paper.