Coronavirus came from the US.
Coronavirus came from the US
Other urls found in this thread:
>China keeps blaming the USA
I can't wait till this is over so we can fuck China up for what it's done
sure he got it in NYC, 100% he got it from another chink though
where the Japanese right about Koreans?
>low iq actor cannot differentiate between the origin of something and the transmission of something
He's Korean.
Clearly fake, this guy is enacting a PR stunt... or worse
Ho Ree Shit He so chad
I can't wait til these slanty eye fucks take that CCCP shit back where it came from, and fuck bats to nigger.
yes. they are the nigger gibbsmedats of asia
Does he not know the history of China and Korea? My gosh mutt world is clown world
Got it from shitty adrenochrome. Fuckin faggot
I just meant in general oi
>Daniel Dae Kim
Known from such epic movies as My Reft Foo
how dumb do these people think we are?
general tso?
Someone needs to inform that guy that it's not certified you get corona from sucking nigger dick in nyc
American dumb.
chinky shill
I hope to God we go to war with China after this. I'll be the first one to sign up. Can't fucking wait to kill the slope nigger menace.
That's not the phillipines
Hey Ryan, why are you ghay?
Probably got if from a jew.
An Iranian is the one who spread it to New York. The assist goes to the Judge that over turned Trumps iran travel ban.
>I'll be the first one to sign up.
Nah, I will be the first.
Holy shit is that the guy from Lost? I miss that show bros.
Why are so many celebrities getting this, swine flu was much worse and i don't think any celebrities made headlines
>Got it from shitty adrenochrome.
i hate adenochrome faggets
You'll get fucking ass raped burger when the last time American won a war? I'll fucking burn your White House down AGAIN
My profession is to fake a personality and life style. Believe what I say
>i did not get it from china
Actor is right.
I blocked the info
You're right, all countries should have closed borders forever
Who gives a shit they’re all insectoids
OP is not tho
How are you retards taking this as him saying the virus originated from the US?
For Trump to get reelected he has to deflect any mishandling from his government to China.
So he will blame American deaths on the Chinese. The Americans lose their first war to China.
It is to add credence to it, celebrity endorsement of the virus mass hysteria. In any other situation, you'd call foul on this #metoo nonsense.
They are pushing something yet to be officially unveiled.
Possibly related to this:
>Why the media is spamming the virus everywhere
>Surveillance increase
>bio-chipping to track vaccinations
>bill gates' pet project
One possible consequence within the next six months could be that governments begin to restrict movement of people who can not prove that they have been vaccinated.
Keep in mind that the vaccine is most likely not a vaccine but something else, such as a sterilising/tracking agent.
He's a Chinese jew
chinky-poo chinky-poo justice is coming for you
That's like buying a piece of junk made in China but saying it's not REALLY from China because you bought it at Wal-Mart.
coronavirus in the US?? WTF Bros??!!!
woah its almost like a virus can spread from country to country among a globally interconnected populace
Blame China for letting Wuhan Lung Fever spread to America. You wouldn't be sick if China hadn't failed humanity.
Slit your carotid you fucking nasty dog eating chink.
Coronavirus came from the CCP.
Useless fucking communists, shame on Xi.
Pathetic subhuman leader.
rich coming from a canadian
Slant-Markiplier can suck Chinese Government cock all he wants. Cat's out of the bag, everyone already knows it came from China and China is at fault for the dead and dying worldwide.
They're all bug people.
this is why the Japaneses tried to kill all the Chinese they are like locusts a plague
and the US, JEWS, wanted to exploit them for profit. now look what you got
in the US one of the only groups of people deported were Chinese, with good reason.
look at how they live and eat.
In many ways they are a lot like jews
western man stay away from the gooks
But markiplier is already slant markiplier
China is your daddy. You weren't calling them dog fuckers while your country moved all their production over there were you
This blame game is getting ridiculous, specially since the asians have no business trying to pin the blame on the west.
that was a mistake, hopefully it will be rectified now, we'll see that it's better to pay more than to have anything to do with the chinese shitstain
I can’t wait til the whole world realizes how dirty and nasty of a country the United States is after this , creating this virus then blaming an advanced culture who was able to make better cheaper products than them , hopefully every western and Asian country comes together to crush the mutt menace after this virus ends
Doesn't matter. Libs are CCCP assets.
>He got it in America
>This negates the fact it started in China
What the actual fuck is wrong with these people?
Fuck this rice nigger. The Day of Fumigation can’t come soon enough.