Italians were treating the viral disease with antibiotics

Page 5.

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Yeah to prevent a bacterial infections from completely destroying any chance at recovery, retard.

There was a thread few days ago about the fact that Italy and Iran were hit the hardest by corona and they also are the countries with the most resistance to tuberculosis threatment. We concluded that they overuse antibiotics.

To kill off your immunity cells while being infected by virus

Except that antibiotics reduce immune function, you brainlet

This is a pretty common treatment for older people that get viral infections. The idea is to prevent any other type of infection. Getting a bacterial infection on top of something like the flu can easily spell death in the elderly.

We also have indication that immunosuppressants actually help prevent the potentially deadly cytokine storm aspect of the virus, right? Isn't this why HIV drugs are being used (successfully)?

You fucking moron

The anti biotics reduce immunity, but the covid shit destroys your lung sacs, which means that bacteria build up enters through your lungs and spreads through your body WELL AFTER COVID HAS ALREADY DONE DAMAGE AND IS GONE.

You fucking braindead fuckhead. The antibacterial is for that you fucking niggerfaggot

HIV drugs aren't immunosuppressants.

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What is secondary infections? Amerimutt education.


what are you trying to prove ?

I heard drinking semen helps

>The 'anti biotics' reduce immunity
>but we need them to fight bacteria that the immune system should be fighting


Germany's COVID-19 mortality rate is the same as the flu: 0.2% or less.

So it's an Italian problem, and the high mortality rate there might be caused by their treatment choices.

Only black one

>The idea is to prevent any other type of infection
So you reduce immune function by giving antibiotics because old people's immune systems are too weak to fight bacteria? Circular logic, makes zero sense and probably makes the viral infection wose.

It's caused by their extremely high elderly population, large families, and their traditions of very close social interactions.

Putting sick old people on antibiotics is literally what you do. You cannot risk it. SK and China likely do the same.

HIV drugs are used cause they're protease inhibitors.

I agree with your post and I understand that giving antibiotics to elderly people is 'playing safe.'
What I'm saying is that perhaps the overuse of antibiotics is what is causing the much higher mortality rates in Italy when compared with Germany's 0.2%. We need to treat this as an Italian problem and find what is causing high mortality rates in Italy.

I don't think people are dying because the immune system can't fight off the infection. It's one of the reasons kids aren't dying, their immune systems are so primitive. People are dying because of what the virus is doing to the immune system.

Covid already jeopardized your immune system.

How fucking retarded are you? You fucking moron

Burger education, everyone.

According to a doctor I visited, I had a viral throat infection and she said she couldn't do anything for me. It was taking forever to go away so I went to another doctor and begged for antibiotics, wouldn't you know it, theinfection eventually went away and I felt much better after taking the amoxicillin

>It's one of the reasons kids aren't dying, their immune systems are so primitive.
Kids' immune systems usually handle viral diseases like the flu well.

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hey fuck off man I'm not as stupid as that guy

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This makes sense. To you it doesn’t because you’re an idiot, but to anyone who knows how these medicines work and what the virus does to the body understands why these choices were made. Can’t give NSAIDs

For the pneumonia retard

Read the whole thread before posting.

Oh look at the retard with his retard degree from the 4 year retard program at the retard university of the state of retardia calling doctors who went through actual medical studies and training retards.

t. mong

My thoughts.

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Literally the opposite is true. Antibiotics nuke all bacteria, good or bad, and completely fuck over your immune system. It takes the chemotherapy approach of kill everything and let god sort it out

Interesting. Maybe the overuse of antibiotics caused the spread of antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

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german data is the only correct one. italy probably has at least a few million infected already, they can't check that many people for the virus. most of them are carriers without symptoms.
the death rate will drop right after they hit the 7,000 mark.

99% of italian fatalities have pre existing conditions so if we were to dieselgate our data we should report 34 deaths istead of 3400 with 35713 positive tests.
Basically 0.1%.

Yeah, so? Forviral pneumonia and such, that's normal to give antibiotics to avoid infections from new bacterias

>pre existing conditions
60% of american have PEC, and 40% have two or more
should be quit similar in western europe

t. live with asthma and diabete

So they're giving antibiotics and wrecking people's immune system by killing people's good bacteria. At the same time, the antibiotic drugs are ineffective as the lethal bacteria evolved resistance against them.

>german data is the only correct one.
I agree, but why are Italy's mortality rates much higher than last year's (as evidenced by the fact that their hospitals and morgues are overcrowded like never before)?

its a me! retardio!

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Remind me why Italy has more deaths than China, the native infected population with over 1.6 billion inhabitants.

This is correct and there's also the fact that the average age of deceased people is 80, while Italy's mean life expectancy is 82.5.

>german data is the only correct one.
That flag :)
Tell me, does this apply only for Corona?

1.) Bioweapon 2.) Contains HIV Inserts 3.) Coronavirus DOES present mild symptoms but, actively suppressed immune systems for weeks 4.) It's killing people who have latent drug-resistant tuberculosis.
If you look at the global deaths, they are all contained in places with HEAVY immigration. They bring the TB, natives catch it, they catch Corona and it activates the TB. Xrays look identical due to fibrosis damage and the long term symptoms are the similar. (Kidneys/Liver) 82% of HIV deaths are caused by TB.
It would take one person with TB to infect and kill a whole hospital of patients that have Corona. f the TB isn’t fully treated that explains the “re-infection” rate. Once you catch Coronavirus you’ll have it forever. Like the chicken pox. But, if your body can’t continue to suppress, it will present later. In the case of chicken pox it’s shingles. So, Corona will always be with you, your immune system will keep it at bay until it no longer can. Then the TB sparks off. It also explains why kids do well. We vaccinate for TB early. Their immune system can fight the Corona. The vaccine wears off as you get older. We also cannot re-vaccinate for TB as an adult.

>1.) Bioweapon
This has already been ruled out. New kinds of nCoV evolve naturally every year. The other claims you're making are also exaggerations.

>This has already been ruled out.

Attached: envelope.png (1954x2089, 1.73M)

Geneticists traced the origins of the mutations that gave origin to the virus and concluded it was a natural process. Pic

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>The common use of antibiotic therapy can be explained by the presence of overinfections or is compatible with initiation of empirical therapy in patients with pneumonia, waiting for laboratory confirmation of COVID-19.
That's why. Use to translate the paper.

The article says that this could not be a bioweapon because scientists looking to create a bioweapon wouldn't have used this type of virus because it isn't sufficiently effective. They go on to suggest that is a mutated bat or pangolin virus. They don't explore the possibility that Chinese scientists were experimenting on a bat virus for some reason and screwed up. Haven't we had citations here to studies in which Chinese scientists were experimenting on bat corona viruses? This thing didn't have to start as a bioweapon in order to be a problem.

>1) Bioweapon
lol it's always an American flag.

Fucking love you guys

I understood that. I'm not saying what they did is wrong. What I'm saying is that maybe the overuse of antibiotics explains the elevated mortality rates in that country.

Yesterday you had 3 real death only. 3 people, being less than 40, with no pre existing condition.

>treating a virus with antibiotics
burgerstan will get wiped out in that case. every nigger and bob here wants to get antibiotics for their kid's sniffles, so the doctors just give the loud obnoxious cunts their future MRSA cases to get them to shut up and leave. remember when doctors and scientists spent 2 decades warning about antibiotic overuse leading to the loss of them as effective tools? and that's not even talking about what they do on the mass scale farms.

humanity is well and truly fucked because theyre too stupid to live. only russians will be left, because they don't use medicine, they just chug vodka. not even a virus wants to live somewhere as depressing as russia. you win this round, ivan.

I was pretty well convinced before that the high Italian CFR wasn't just because of an older population, I figured they must be doing a therapy that was counter-productive.
Steroid treatment needs to be administered very carefully, and 83% on antibiotics seems pretty damn high.

>large families, and their traditions of very close social interactions.
That will make more people contract the virus but doesn't explain a high CFR you dunce.
EVERYONE has pre-exisiting conditions, it's not an Italian thing. Elevated blood pressure is a pre-existing condition.

but not when you have pneumonia

>makes zero sense
because you have no clue what you are talking about, you literally cant comprehend what you read, because you lack basic knowledge in medicine.

kek, so naive

>everyone has pre existing conditions
Fucking kek. Wtf are you going on about, fellow burger?

>but not when you have pneumonia

>high Italian CFR
and you never thought it may be because they test more people with severe symptoms?

in germany they also test corona in the sentinel system that monitors influenza, which means they test many cases with mild symptoms too. that alone can lower mortality numbers significantly.

>durente il ricovero (while recovered)
many of these people had other health problems, not only the virus, so maybe they needed the antibiotic, who knows

Serious question: how will shartinwalmarters ever recover?

i know this is hard, but you should really consider you may not fully understand what you read. especially context. the conclusions you draw are wrong.

because the doctors are not discriminating the causes of death

You keep saying that I what said is wrong without specifying what and without counterarguing.

To summarize my view: if your lungs are infected with antibiotic resistant bacteria you have better survival chances without antibiotics. Prove me wrong.