
Which state is the freest?

The most based?

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New Hampshire reporting in. None of us are free. None of us are based. It's ogre.

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Say goodbye to everything else that makes America comfy tho

Damn son, what's going on? Ive always thought of NH as based.

Not CT

Cali cucks have ruined our state t-b-h

MA is a bunch of commie faggots

Some hick flyover state

>most based

Alaska, West Virginia

North Dakota reporting in.

Very based and free. You don't need to worry about the coronavirus if you don't ever see anyone.

No. No. Carroll and Coos reporting topmarks, anything south of Lake Winn is a nightmare from which I am constantly trying to awake.

If only we could ride ourselves of the Cohen's and the Niggers.
God bless Byron De La Beckwith

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not Idaho. You don't want to come here. Stay out

That has to be 70% hispanic.

it is, don't listen to that faggot he probably moved here from Mass


Fuck you nigger. Also NH here. Live based or die.

Would be an accurate depiction of America flag posters too jej

i live in CT and have trouble meeting woman. i think i may be to shy

Been to Manchester, Concord, Nashua, Rochester, Dover or Portsmouth lately ?

if you answer
>any state from new england
>new york

you need to fuck off this board now and forever

>free and based arent mutually inclusive qualities

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Tell me more about Alaska- is it really as tough to live in as people make it or to be

Best Virginia

PA preferably outside of Pittsburgh and Philly is based

I'd have to say idaho or montana. You can live like there is no government in most of the area of these 2 states

None of them.

I'm from Southern NJ, but have been over most of the country. It honestly can change at the drop of the hat. NJ has always been a cucked nigger filled shithole, but the new governor has made it much worse. If the wrong party gets into power you can see any state stripped of its freedoms in a few months. Also all major cities are shitholes where you'll get arrested for trying to defend yourself from a rabid pavement ape. Rural areas are usually much more based, even if depressed.

Better question: what states are the LEAST suspectible to "Californication" and all the cucking that comes from it?
My vote goes to Alaska

Pennsylvania is pretty damn based as long as you stay out of Phili.

We get less based every year when people from Mass move here

South Carolina. I knew a qt blonde girl from there and her accent was rly cute

Alaska, is, but im stuck in Illinois. Get me out of this god forsaken hell hole

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Definitely not Alaska. Rural states like West Virginia and Mississippi are most likely what you're looking for.

>been to [URBAN CENTER] recently?
imagine my shock when a city is fucking dogshit. I dare you to find me one decent city in this goddamn country.

Also Dover and Portsmouth aren’t that bad.

>Arizona, Texas, and New Mexico

still people here defend the spic nigger, either shoot or kick them out and I mean ALL spic.

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None of them, we're full of niggers and problems, stay out for your own good!

>Texas / New Mexico
uh, no

Id say KY is alright.

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Why not Alaska?

Not since the kikes at Quik Trip started charging almost two bucks for a cup of beetus juice. Even fucking mcd’s is a dollar and they pour it for you and give it to you out of a window

I mean, most spics will obviously get defensive if you shit talk them; lots of America anons are just spics larping as whites to fit in

I love PA but the taxes are ass. I just want to pay under $2 for gas.

Brb, going to survive off of deer meat and ramps to flex on soon to be starving city dwellers.

My state is the most white and one of the most liberal. I have all the gibs I want and no niggers.

Go south and go rural. The jobs and teeth are few and far between, but you generally don’t get hassled.

Nigger why? What did Iowa ever do to you. The rest are coastie states (or crypto coastie, like Illinois) so I can see your reasoning there.

How is gun rights, cheap land, no state tax, and having your own power grid independent from the Federal one not based? Glad we won't see your faggot ass around here that's for sure


Fuck that state. The whites are almost all either boomers, tweakers, or both. It's filled with wagon burning prarie niggers who do nothing but drink, pop pills, smoke meth, steal, murder and fuck their cousins. Andrew Jackson should have finished the job, but instead he just dumped them in the middle of the most useless and ugly piece of land he could find.

And even Pittsburgh is still pretty great

Wyoming. Next?

Yeah and its obvious because 90% of spicniggers can't into proper English and post BBC shit like bitchy hapas.

Florida by a mile. Can any of you cucks get some prime gator tail? I think not.

That, and anytime anybody makes a "spic hate" thread it's usually /our?guys/ that get the most pissy lmao it's funny to watch

>why yes I love living around spics and niggers how could you tell.

Every single small town in the south is completely overrun now with beaners not to mention the indigenous fauna

My LTC license says otherwise faggot. Where's my constitutional carry, bootlicker?
Unlike you, I own a house so tell me all about "no income tax."
Cheap land? Are you retarded?
There are a lot of states way better than here. You should get out more.
Can't wait to leave losers like you in the rear-view mirror.

You actually hunt for gator? How's that like?

most free? idk probably some shithole liek wyoming or montana. the best state to live though is unironically hawaii if you can afford it. island life is the way to go man. don't care about demographics. the us is too far gone to give a shit about that.

Never been there but just from a gut feeling I would visit Colorado and Tennesse. These always sound most American to me.

Anything good to hunt? Always wanted to spear fish

Lots of asian pussy

Dont tell them. I don't want these niggers in my state

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I'm not in florida and I'm not the user you were asking but I have a swamp behind my house filled with them. I see them everytime I walk out there- which is a few times a week. Biggest I've seen is probably 8-10 ft. I dont fuck with them because I think they are cool. This little fucker is currently in my stocked pond though and if he keeps getting in my way he will end up getting smoked. When people hunt for them they usually just bush-hook them and then shoot them. Rattlesnakes are way more dangerous though. I've never seen an alligator get aggressive and I mess around near their beds all the time.

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