Where are you spending most of your time at home "social distancing" anons?
Post the view from your quarantine throne
Other urls found in this thread:
In my woodshop, as always.
You took this image from reddit, yes
I took this image from my phone just now.
What car is that?
Just got my seeds planted, i'll be in the garden until this all blows over.
Imagine having a window by your computer
What are you growing?
kek, old toshiba
Got a shit load of kale, spinach, cherry tomatos, two different types of broad beans, peas, a couple of different lettuce and some green broccoli and some purple broccoli.
Only worthless bots are quarantined.
comfy. Its too cold where I am but in the next month I'll be doing the same. Going to grow a massive garden this year
Fuck yeah man, nothing like growing your own veg. Especially with corona going on.
>babies first doxx
Don't do this bros. Practice good personal security
beta camera gear
I have the exact same shelf but better trays.
My plants have been growing under LED lights already since February. I got various herbs and hundreds of rare heirloom tomato varieties and some kale and a few Atlantic giant pumpkins.
I wish I had more. I only got two shelves and about a thousand plants.
> macbook
why hiding the dragon dildos though?
long live cornobirus !!
All I need is God and a big iron on my hip.
no 4 of clubs? amateur
Any picture of the set up? I was considering getting some sort of LED light set up for something.
>blinds wide open
Yeah right. That's probably someone else's unity script or some shit.
holy shit
paint your fucking walls
Outside in my yard. beautiful, clear skies. Cool air. Local industry is shut down so i can hear the eagles, herons, and smaller birds.
For now, at least, shit's cozy.
fagmobile 2000
im not gonna make it guys dont believe it only affects old people
>Having to deal with a dengue outbreak too.
At work.
Based. I've been working on some nitpicky projects on my home renos I've been putting off. Getting a head start on spring yard work, too. In a few years I'll have built a proper home barn/woodshop
>using VGA in 2020
What you working on user?
I'm debugging our Angular app currently.
Cute little green house. I need one for my garden.
Also working on angular, made an app that makes apps so retards who can’t code can make apps... apps
Roll for Jesus’ blessing
Pathetic greenhouse and pathetic garden. You must be a newbie if you are using those peat start cups.
They never decompose.
>no mousepad/mouse
Not gonna make it
It's been absolutely bang on, i've used it for a few years now, and it always takes enough trays to fill the garden with veg. I'd never go back to using a green house unless i was growing to sell. Although i'll probably get one a big bigger soon, they are so cheap.
Never had a problem with them my self.
>confirmed as a homo
Absolute necessities for a shop:
1). Drill press Best/Biggest you can afford
2). Machinist's square
3). Digital angle finder
4). Best compound/sliding miter saw you can get
5). Digital calipers
6). All the clamps you can. The Harbor Freight $2 to $10 are perfectly fine
7). Random Orbit Sander and every grit paper you can find for it, then order twice as much paper
8). Biggest bandsaw you can afford
9). Japanese pull saw
10). Safety gear
Right now I have:
150 ft row of strawberries flowering. I'm in the southern states so i'm picking berries now.
I have a 100 ft row of red raspberries and a 50 ft row of black raspberries.
Oh and a 50 ft row of blackberries.
I have 100 ft row of spinach and lettuce.
600 radishes started.
I have 75 pepper plants and 40 tomato plants going.
I have 20 potato plants a foot high.
I have a 25 ft row of okra and a 25 ft row of peas.
Also have a 25 ft row of carrots.
This isn't even my entire farm.
Get your game up BOY.
user i think i live on your road.
Don't listen to that faggot. U fine
Nice. One day, one day. When i have more land I will grow a lot more, maybe get some polytunnels too. I take it you grow to sell or do you freeze a lot?
It's been proven they inhibit growth. They get all soggy and shit. Horrible invention.
I use 300 cell trays, but i'm not a stupid newbie trying to learn gardening during the apocalypse.
I wish us Europoors had so many space.
Supposed to be conducting "online classes" for my kids. Then those were cancelled as well. So now I'm just gonna make videos for them.
I sell and right now i'm fucked. Our market is closed.
Don't get me wrong i'm no expert but i've used them for years, they work fine.
Yeah, it sucks for you guys there. I could not function without farming. This is just my side hustle too. My real job is in education.
I mean they work fine, but they are not ideal. You are not going to see any farm operations using them.
I'm not coming up with this outta thin air, they have done research on them. They are cheaper than plastic though, that'll do in a pinch.
Surely people will be buying all your produce now won't they trying to stock up?
First wash your ballz.
Don't have space right now for the books. Need to buy another bookcase.
I'm sure if i had a farm and some proper gear i'd be using other methods. I just grow in my back garden for personal use. That is the thing with them, I can buy them cheap and just throw them straight into thr ground when they are ready and I get plenty of growth from them.
My city is on lockdown. I tried to set up a stand on the side of the road and the cops got all crazy on me.
I'm really freaking out. I got like 300 heads of buttercrunch.
>buy another bookcase.
lmao. Just build one.
I've got all but 3 and 1. I'm a big fan of harbor freight for clamps. I like to follow my rule of 100 while shopping there. Nothing over 100 psi, RPM, SWL, or $. Clamps, rope, screwdrivers, etc, cheap solid shit they can't be beat
did you sell on the dip?
Aye. I had trouble with them drying out extremely fast after planting them. Someone told me I didn't bury the lip of the cups and that causes it.
Make sure you fully bury the entire up, but you know that already:)
That sucks. Fucking Chinese owe you money brother.
>that pic
my sides
This is why you are a faggot
That's a big trackpad.
Yeah dude, I got a second 100 ft row of lettuce two weeks out from being ready too! I'm gonna make some moves tomorrow after work. I am a mathematician that works for the gov. The shit i'm seeing right now is insane.
Classified though normies.
Yeah, maybe a bit of nack to them.
Marry me
I have the Harbor Freight 4 x 36 and 1 x 30 belt sanders/grinders. Honestly, after taking them apart, fitting the bearings, truing the crowns and putting them back together, they are indestructible little work horses. I grind knives on the 1 x 30 all the time, hours at a time and it shows no signs of dying.
looks comfy
I'm boring. Not worried about anyone trying to track me down.
Pretty comfy bros
This whole thing has made me realise how fragile the whole system is. It's made me more determined to get more land and grow more. As long as you have food and a roof over your head then it's all good.
I am creating an app with flutter, backend with rust. Really comfy.
Lol I'm at work you fucking pussies.
If you're female and not too fat, I will.
Can we be friends?
Hi Matt Damon
What is your religion
But they won't even give you brits a loiscence to own a shooty.
Ok. Just dont touch my $2 Bills fren!
Thats top tier comfy having the tv overhead
it's a computer I think
You should be subtle messages in the videos like a quick flash of the swastika or Germany war chants from the 1930’s only barley playing in the background
All us suburbs look alike
Not in my country you don't.
>need to buy wood
>have to buy in bulk because the only ones who buy are those having a house made
>can only reliably get plywood/shit-quality glued wood
>actual solid tree lumber will cost you an arm and a leg
>need tools
>non-manual tools are expensive as fuck and take up valuable house space
>I ain't manually sawing through several meters of wood
>have to treat wood vs termites/boring insects
>have to paint or varnish bookshelf
Nah, I got the cash. I'll just buy cheap Korean Ikea-knock-offs.
We can get a shotgun if we wanted.
Raised Nordic Lutheran, non-practicing.
You could grow all the food you'll ever eat on less than you'd think. I'm only sitting on about a half an acre farmland wise. I could not manage anymore.
I have basically every single plant growing atm that you can eat from apples to arugula.
I married the daughter of a redneck hunter so we got freezers of deer meat.
I'm still at work
Sigh. If only you were orthodox
what sort of valve is this?
Why you got all that money like that?
Jesus christ that's worse than a cuck shed
Bilge sensor coupling for an Arliegh-Burke Block 3 or newer?
I'd convert for the right pussy.
grow some fucking potatoes, thats the shit that'll get you through in the worst of times.
That’s a big mousepad...
What is up with people and all their laptops? There is no reason not to have a desktop in 2020.