Former FEMA head just walked off MSNBC: "I don't have time to listen to bullshit people."
Good. I injest kike media through HB's aggregation and they are some serious bullshit artists.
The virus is a front for the next phase of African Cattle Planet™ since 1789. This phase is about killing boomers (in order to finish off the voting denographics as brown youth will vote for tyranny), bagging patriots and them dying of "Corona", repopulation with "climate refugees" and then preparing of the chipped population where you can't buy or sell without the vaccine.
The virus was never meant to last long or kill us all, just last long enough and kill enough. Pay attention to laws being passed and proposals (in the UK for example they are about to just force through 100 pages of laws in a day and Boris has proposed mas testing so people can prove they had the illness and have recovered).
Pic very related. Cap this
>I don't have time to listen to bullshit people.
If he didn't want to listen to bullshit people, why was he on MSNBC in the first place?
Wait I thought FEMA wants to kill us all?
context? what were the baffoons fighting about
I’m surprised more people don’t call out news channel bullshitters on air.
dunning-Kruger effect was out in full force as it has been with all American news media, guy starts retarded baseless debate out of a faulty premise, guy with subject matter knowledge says fuck this I'm out
Still, I wonder. How the fuck does everyone in China, Japan, and S. Korea have multiple masks that they wear all the time and in the US hospitals are running out and no one else seems to have any at all?
Why’d he apologize? Her dad’s a tranny
Masks are part of the culture there. They’re bugpeople
Psssst, chinks bought large quantities of them and shipped them overseas.
They're also the only ones capable of producing them in large quantities.
Good. And good for the reporter in the press room today for calling out the MSM for echoing CCP
>dunning-Kruger effect was out in full force as it has been with all American news media, guy starts retarded baseless debate out of a faulty premise, guy with subject matter knowledge says fuck this I'm out
lol. I'd love to see 100% of actually knowledgeable guests on MSM act like this from here on out. As soon as the producers try to stir up fake drama they just leave. Bring news back to the way it used to be: news
Shut your fat lyin jew mouth.
Based. This guy knows what to do with next months Ambrosia shipment.
>oy veying heeb
fuck this shit...
>oy veying intensifies
Katys dad has some nice tits
Nice post boomer!
>Yas Forums siding with FEMA
All the masks in most Western countries were bought up in January by "Western" chinks and shipped back to the hive. And China halted all exports so there ya go.
In Japan, no one gives you shit for wearing a mask and staying home if you’re ill. In the West, outside of a few situations, you wear a mask outside and people give you shit.
>can’t wear mask into bank or gas station; they think you’re gonna rob the place
>white Huy can’t wear mask into AME church or Popeye’s; they think he’s gonna do racist shiet
>Irishman can’t wear mask into English pub; don’t want Troubles here
>can’t wear mask into mosque; don’t be Islamophobic says CAIR
The only federal agency to be honest enough top buy millions of coffins in case of a real happening because nothing sucks more than dead bodies.
can I see ?
>context? what were the baffoons fighting about
if you should use regular toiletpaper or wetwipes after you shart your pants at walmart
I've known a few FEMA employees in my time. It's basically your county health department with a bigger budget.
Nothing more loathsome and annoying thank fucking chinks walking around in chink masks
Why does Japan vs America always come down to niggers?
It depends if you intend to flush it.
At least the masks cover part of their repulsive faces.
if FEMA wants to kill us all, then we're going to live forever (if you catch my meaning)
Oh no that sucks
Alpha. He had the Jew shook
Toilet paper and then wetwipes. What kind of barbarian only uses toilet paper?
lol the united states looks like herpes
>the way it used to be
It's always been a psyop tool for the elite bro.
>can’t wear mask into mosque; don’t be Islamophobic says CAIR
But how would they know?
You have toilet paper and wetwipes?
oy vey...
Did they start blaming republicans again?
Jew gets called out for being a jew.
Take your meds bro
That would require the fairness doctrine.
We need more context. where is the full video?
God dammit, he just ruined it.
why do these fucking pussies always apologize to the Left?
>why do these fucking pussies always apologize to the Left?
You do realize this FEMA dude worked for Obama right?
>Breakdown of the mainstream media
This is how dawn of the dead started...
The FEMA head guys.
What an amazing level-headed figure to lead such an important and public-interest organisation.
Saying fuck and walking off on TV live is just amazing and what people want to hear AND see from a FEMA head during a pandemic.
back 2 months ago a bunch of chinamen went to all the stores in washtenaw county michigan where I work as a drywaller and bought the entire stock of masks in our COUNTY and sold them back overseas. THAT is why there is no masks
>Katy Tur
Literally succked her way to an anchor
She metoo'd Olberman into obscurity
Craig fucked up by even engaging with MSDNC
Former FEMA head.
Maybe this is why.