If someone is trully redpilled than he can´t believe in a religion

If someone is trully redpilled than he can´t believe in a religion,
Change my mind Yas Forums.

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I won't because you're right.

It's the absolute opposite...

God isn't a religion,he is a truth. Only brainlets can't prove god to themselves and have to let the jews controlled science dictate what you believe in.

Plenty of evidence to prove god if you go searching for it.

Name a single piece of evidence lmao

this we can´t user because he's a deluded christfag

lol you monkeyfags literally believe anything the majority believes, like in the middle ages...
i used to be like you op, but the truth is, Jesus is Lord and he will come back soon and burn all the faggots

if you do some research you will come to the conclusion that the nothing has not exploded

Sounds like you've already made up your mind despite the mountains of evidence so there's no reason to suspect you wont ignore any reasoning that goes against your self-centered worldview now. You are pitiful, truly. You only believe what (((they))) tell you to and parrot any shiny new idea that catches your self-aggrandizing attention. You will remain stuck in a loop of confirmation bias until you wake up and realize that the messages you thought confirmed your ego were propaganda meant to control you, all along. Atheists/pagans by definition can not be red-pilled

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Did you choose christianism or did your parents make you a christian? All of your religion is based on the incoherent ramblings of ignorant peasants two millenia ago. An agnostic admits he does not have ultimate answers, religious people are arrogant and pretend they do.

You'll change it yourself once you grow up.

Give a good reason on why I should not follow the faith of Maris, my folkousins.

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>God created man in his image

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Because youll end up russian, toveri
Not that you wouldnt in other cases though, but still

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Heres a thought, believe in a god all you want but dont go and think an ancient limited book or dude who wears goofy clothes in a goofy building can convey anything about it that you cant think about subjectively. If there is a god it transcends humans petty ritualistic behavior. God is in your head as an idea, trust in that idea more than something men from a different time and culture wrote about.

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>fedora, the post

I mean, I do believe there is a force greater than us
Or at least something bigger is going on but a lot of "sacred" texts were telephoned into oblivion

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Nah once Putin dies I'm rallying the 43% to Yoshkar-Ola and then there will be booze. Mmm maybe we should secure Udmurtia as well so we get Glazov mead ryyyyyyys.

King shit. Also you're going to hell

Both secular and theistic theories of the birth of the universe are equally preposterous (creationism vs M theory) and if you don’t understand this then you are uneducated and don’t understand the mathematical models which support secular origin theory.

When you apply Ockham’s razor to both of these ideals creationism is the less unnecessarily complex and more elegant theory.

Creationism is not necessarily tied to religion, but if you concede creationism (which I do) then it’s not a huge leap to follow a mythos which revolves around it (which I don’t but many people choose to).

The real red pill is that our universe was created by a higher intellect of some kind but that our tales passed down to our children whether secular or religious are just a cope. Academia is completely political, equally as much as religion, it is foolish to place your faith in either, but it is completely clear that the physics of our universe operate according to some kind of intelligent blueprint. Atheism is the biggest blue pill there is, you can tell because 100% of atheists lives revolve around being buried in pop culture and liberal echo chambers so much that they bee have to deep dive on the science of secular origin theory which is clear when you start grilling any atheist on it, their response is always “science says” because they are programmed to.

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Can't change something that doesn't exist.

our existence is proof enough, its retarded to think coplex stuctured themselves from nothing, its impossible that there isnt a god. also information cant just generate itself, it needs a creator. and our dna is filled with it.

We're in a simulation you and I are the same conciousness that conciousness is god

>When you apply Ockham’s razor to both of these ideals creationism is the less unnecessarily complex and more elegant theory.
If you’re saying god created the universe then you still have the exact same problem... where did god come from?

Saying “god did it” doesn’t solve shit it just moves the goalposts.
> but it is completely clear that the physics of our universe operate according to some kind of intelligent blueprint.
We live in a universe where the overwhelming vast majority of its volume is uninhabitable and would instantly kill us. How intelligent is that?


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Traditional Catholicism is the path. It keeps society from being degenerate and is the true path for salvation. You also can be based and redpilled on demographics, because replacement of a people is wrong and evil and stopping evil goes with Christianity. You just can't genocide a people. White men/women come home, it'll fix our countries. Non-whites, it'll fix your countries too, and look into moving to south america or south east asia, as a non-white, life there is pretty good as long as you have an ok income.

let's put aside religion for now. let's talk philosophy and politics. imagine you become the most powerful person on earth. so powerful that you could kill all your enemies with a single word. you reign over earth with absolute control. have you ever thought about what morality would mean once you reach this stage? is good what you decide it to be? and also bad? purely dictated by your might? surely it cannot be that simple. if you have a sliver of competence in you, i'm sure you'd understand that some actions are better and some are worse. as history has shown, not all kingdoms thrive. judgement is a function of intelligence. your rule will only be as just as your understanding of the universe - which includes all the people in it.

now imagine this ruler wasn't you, but some random person. he could end your life with a single word. what kind of person would you want him to be? surely, he could hold the entire world hostage and live a life of decadence - completely oblivious to your suffering. nobody would be able to tell him otherwise, for his power is absolute.

the story of jesus is two fold: first, the perfect is always destroyed by the imperfect and second, mercy nurtures free will. jesus, as the son of god, symbolizes the peak of humanity: the perfect human. someone who has total understanding of the entire universe - an intelligence that cannot be fathomed. as perfect as he was, he was crucified by his imperfect peers. more accurately, he choose to be crucified because he wanted us to have free will. he could have ruled over us with an iron fist, but then we would be denied free will. he wanted us to be more than animals.

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If humanity can live sufficiently voluntarily in interpersonal peace, many technological advantages will arise, and both religious and secular people can benefit from that.

For as we are to love this Earth, we should endeavor to remain upon it. Who can but recall the lifespan of the man who pleased god? Should we not all so aspire?

Indeed, the tools of this world were given to our stewardship, and the Lord delights in the prosperity we achieve by them. Come now to an accord with the future, and find places for your communities in an environment that can remake the body.

>can't accept that morality is subjective so follows a magic book written by anonymous goat herders in the bronze age

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>its retarded to think coplex stuctured themselves from nothing
ah ur hur dur abiogenesis is stupid now let me tell you about this magic guy in te sky

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prove to me god exists
>jesus, prophets speak to god
>you feel him in your heart
>if the universe came from nothing that explains gods existence

you dumb fuck, i wasn't arguing that morality isn't subjective. i was arguing that morality is a function of intelligence, not power. to further break it down for your two bit brain, humans have a tendency to fear people who are more intelligent than them. often to the point of suppressing them with whatever power they have.

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It would help your case if you could make even a single post without proving me right and doing exactly what I said you would.
Instead you fall back to tired ad hominem and non-arguments that put on full display your ignorance of the subject you thought yourself so enlightened in that you were confident that your thread would turn into an echo chamber of anons patting you on the back for being so wise.
Did you decide to be an atheist or did your parents make you one? The question is meaningless. You will say that you of course decided of your own volition, the same as any real Christian. The difference is that Christians were presented with far more evidence before making up their minds.
The greatest lie the devil ever told was convincing the world that he didn't exist.

I never fail to see the religious embarrass themselves badly on Yas Forums
I don't know how they even manage to stay on Yas Forums while still reading pic related, for example

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>i was arguing that morality is a function of intelligence, not power
riiiiiiiiiiiight so gud is so galaxy brain he must have all of morality figured out, and we have to trust whatever he says. might makes right

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>imagine fearing a book so much you need to shill on a mongolian basket weaving forum
shame tactics only work on retards bro

Christianity is the one true religion and fighting it will be your end.

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you're finally starting to understand what i was saying in think about it for a few more years

Fear it? What?

Being redpilled is knowing christianity was one of the cornerstones of western civilization.
It has not been replaced and we are at the threshold of a new world where the west is something like a new africa, geopolitically irrelevant and culturally dead.
Belief has nothing to do with it.
Fucking midwit teens just now discovering atheism.

your grammar is horrific, and you're not worth whatever you are paid. if i was your manager, i'd fire you.

Uhhh yeah you're clearly upset and not making much sense. I suggest you perhaps try Reddit, it may be more your speed.

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Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

Ahhhh no I'm meltingggg
Ha, kidding.
Christian Mingle dot com is down the hall and to the left.

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>Only the truly enlightened believe everything is objectively meaningless

>conflating intelligence with the goals of humans

just checking bro. you passed.

Are we going to do sex now? Succy succy?

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he did. do you think God cares what anyone looks like bro? He loves you, He loves your pic related, He loves me, and everyone in this thread, on the website, and all over the World.
Out right rejecting Him hurts Him more than anything. Just repent, that's all He asks of you. Believe in His Son and repent. why is that so hard for you?

You can prove God exists though.

When matter is created through quantum fluctuation (the only way possible), equal parts matter and antimatter come into existence at the same time and near-instantly annihilate.

Now how often doesn even 1 kg of antimatter come into existence (the equivalent of an unbelievably massive nuclear bomb spontaneously detonating)?

Not only would a UNIVERSE of matter need to spontaneously materialize at once, but it would need a conscious force to separate it from the universe of antimatter that also simultaneously appeared, interwoven into the matter universe.

In short, the universe literally cannot exist without God.

If someone is redpilled they are Christian.
Go back to Redddit where the other secular humanist faggots are.

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How can Judaism-lite ever be true in any sense?

Your fellow faggot raiders from 8gag just insulted Hitler, and now you want to pretend you Christcucks are NatSoc. Toppest of keks

>tfw I made this wojack on biz during bitcoin crash january 2018
>tfw I'm a devout Christian and people use my meme to shit on Christians
your actions have consequences, shitposter

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Not in religion, but in God, the truth in everything, the All-Father, and his principles, characters, the gods, the spiritual lightful forces in the world and in us.
The spiritual-natural, pure and simple without dogmatic distractions. The purest "holy book" is always the natural cosmic ways, outside and inside.

You can have faith and denounce popular religion
To proclaim you cannot take faith and religion apart is pure blue pill

I always hassle you about that gif, cus you post it so much. Because you're a stoner
Ha, no wonder you bullied me so hard

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based. I was once a degenerate heathen as well until I read the gospels. God has come in the flesh as Jesus Christ. Jesus is Lord.

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You are proof everything is proof

>If you’re saying god created the universe then you still have the exact same problem... where did god come from?
God could have come from the chaos before existence. If this is the hypothesis, then the question is whether it is more likely for a consciousness to be created from "noise" or for matter to be created.

You are retarded and fail to see the bigger picture. Through the lens of scientific and mathematical reasoning, you can look at the bible and theology and say that this is all unproved crap and you will be right. But we have to analyze the effect of religion on the society. Lack of religion individually leads to depression and mental illness. On a slightly bigger scale, religion connects and afirms small communities and on a larger scale builds a nation of people with common values. I am personally not religious but I do "believe" in religion in the sense that I believe it is important and good for society.

Esentially there are three positions on the issue:
1. regular, adapted person who is religious. Probably not the smartest but leads a fine, connected life and believes it has a purpose

2. reddit raging atheist, severely mentally ill, doesn't leave basement, feels superior to others because his iq is maybe 105 and not 100

3. enlightened position, understands that religion lacks any rigour and we don't really know anything about God but understands the wider picture

Yas Forums is a Christian board
This board realized long ago that the cohesion of religion and state is key to the sustainability of decency and morality in our society.
That is WHY we have these threads almost daily. They believe they can manipulate us into thinking being Christian is anti-white when it was Christianity what made possible for us to have nation states in the first place.
Do not be deceived by these useful idiots, Yas Forums
Believe in the Lord and praise his name.
"Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven" - Matthew 5:10-12

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>oh yeah well if god is real then why can’t I measure it inches? Checkmate creationists!


Last panel should be a guy bowing down before university professor wearing a yamulka because atheism is the religion of academia

>Throughout all of history, mankind of all cultures has had the intelligence to understand that materialism alone cannot explain human existence
>Not me though, I'm too smart to ask such questions

>atheism = jewdaism the mother of cucktianity

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Look up the Minimal Facts Approach by Gary Habermas.