Anyone else think its kind of weird that Italy has more dead than China despite having only half the number of infected.
Something seems a bit fishy
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Almost if...
China lied
total cases =/= active cases. They contained everything due to a lot of authoritarian measures.
If you look at active cases. China has 7,263 and Italy has 28,710.
It's almost as if Italy is a smaller country whose healthcare system is more easily overwhelmed by the same number of infected people.
Show flag chang
A lot more adreno dependent baby suckling catholic priests than there are in china
>wow a country that eats maggot cheese doesn't know how to take care of sick people
everyone using a memeflag in this thread is chinese disinfo
communism is superior
Yeah, but even if cases decrease. You’d still expect the number of deaths to increase, especially considering how most Chinks already have fucked up lungs due to shit air quality. It almost seems like they may be... lying
>Blaming all elderly deaths on corona is what is happening.
Yesterday the headlines here read 21 year old dies of corona. buried in the article, "He had be battling leukemia for the past two years". So if someone dies in a car accident but test positive for corona its added to the stats as a corona death. Italy has more than 60 million people. Italy's death rate before Chinese Flu was 10.2 per thousand per day in 2019. This is all bullshit.
>Talk facts
God. I fucking hate low IQ people who chant the same shit while knowing it's ineffective.
They aren't WHO officials are there to confirm their numbers.
italy had a shitload of chinese workers
I don't get it. Italy and Iran exploded in deaths. South Korea not so much. Australia has had a few deaths among the elderly. Most others were sent home to recover. Something is off.
the user made a simple request. You seem upset.
>china 4%
>south korea 0.3%
>italy 8%
>iran 7%
>spain 5%
>germany 0.1%
>usa 1%
China isn't lying. It's just a matter of how the virus is being handled in each country.
the same WHO that were party to them downplaying everything from the get-go? The same WHO that is desperately trying to save face by distracting people from their ineptitude by injecting themselves into political arguments? The same WHO headed by a literal communist sympathizer?
They didn't contain shit you fucking retard. The only thing they did contain was the flow of information. They've been lying and will continue to lie.
It's obvious that China is not reporting or under reporting
Italy is only testing severe cases.
There’s nothing fishy if you use your goddamn brain
Europeans are dirty. Just like the Bubonic Plague, it will hit europeans the hardest because they are filthy animals
They likely had 100000+ that died in their homes or in quarantine boxes that were not officially tested, hencd not in the counts.
also correct
the selection bias makes our data useless
Take your meds you gullible schizo
China has younger population, about mean 31, italy mean 45, so thats one explanation.
Because it's not about the virus dipshit. Italy has tons of fucking mob and vatican peds.
China is lying
> believing china's lies
Australia's can be explained by a very low population density. South Korea has a population density that is higher than both Italy & Iran so it's probably more culturally related by the fact that they take things like this much more seriously, wear masks in public etc. They had to deal with MERS so people are much more experienced with the severity of how things can get and understand the reasoning behind washing their hands etc.
So doesn’t that mean there’s more infected than just the severe cases?
Italy has older population possibly
>CDC estimates that so far this season there have been at least 36 million flu illnesses, 370,000 hospitalizations and 22,000 deaths from flu.
>haha nobody will suspect i'm a chink if i use this republican flag. they'll think i'm a republican! i'm blending in seamlessly!
it's almost as if...but not so
It seems more likely to me that death rate increases with time as the outbreaks in Italy,, Iran and Spain have been ongoing for several months, while cases in the US exploded only a few days ago. Only South Korea seems to really break this trend. Probably because they caught most cases before they started showing symptoms early
>let me compare apples to oranges
>see it’s not that bad
why not just show your flag?
Okay but show your flag.
Willing to bet you are a "leaf" and if so willing to bet you live in vancouver
Bugmen died
we probably have around 70k total infected
literally could only be a pajeet or a potato nigger
700k* you mean shitalian
chink shill
Aren’t there 2 strains going around? Because South Korea and Germany most likely got the less deadly strain.
Italy is telling the truth.
>10.2 per thousand per day
Nope. What the hell. In 10 days 10% of the population died?
The first two statement sounds like Trump.
3rd one just sounds like something you just made up. Stop being retarded.
Yet you can't argue against anything I said other than "b-but your flag." half of Yas Forums is genuinely retarded.
Checked and rekt
How are Italians thinking of the Pope now? Clearly he isn’t doing anything?
another reason our data is utter trash is this the number propagated by journalists is the one from the hospitals (it's not the final one). The institution which analyzes the autopsies is the ISS and it's not immediate, they have a 5-10 days delay
Because china has a lot less 80+ aged people who die just by being infected with a common cold.
we got way more old people.
end of story.
>Nooo this can't be real, China can't be better than us
THIS. There's some areas of Italy that did much more thorough testing, and they had much more reasonable death rates.
The BEST ESTIMATE of death rates for a country with an age distribution like GB or the US is: 0.9%. With 0.4-1.4% being the 95% confindence interval.
That means: If you have a population with a similar age demographic as the US or GB, and NOT TAKING INTO ACCOUNT THE EFFECTS OF MEDICAL SHORTAGES ON MORTALITY, you can expect roughly 1% of the people who get this to die.
That is still very high. That translates to 510k deaths in GB and 2.2 million deaths in the US if we do nothing and let it spread like a normal flu. And it would almost certainly be higher, given medical shortages and overwhelmed medical systems. It would be bad, but not a world ender.
Does anyone actually believe the numbers coming out of Chingchongland? They've lied to both their citizens and the rest of the world about every detail since December, but people seem to have forgotten that
italy is poor, too much debt and a lot of austerity forced on them.
this virus will make italy leave the euro zone
It means that there is no fucking pandemic and that the people who are in charge are retards. 5+million people die each year from acute pneumonia. Mostly during this time of year. If a million people died this year from Corona it would fall within the realm of statistical error.
lol, i'd say more than 2 million
this shit is everywhere: they tested the whole town that was put first under quarantine, and 85% of positives were asymptomatics
we have this shit and we don't even know, and so we spread it even more
Oops I mean a hundred thousand
Yeah but their lung health is so much worse. I have family friends that had lung issues just from living in a Chinese city for a few months and its not a secret that the Chinese smoke frequently and don’t have the best health especially in larger cities like Wuhan. That would probably contribute more to deaths than simply age
If the world did nothing about coronavirus, we could expect around 70 million deaths from it in a year worldwide.
the catholics have disappointed me
i expected a strong reaction when the state prohibited funerals
Lot of Chinese in Italy
If you think Germany is that superior you're just fooling yourself. Those Germs are lying out of their asses regarding deaths.
But wouldn’t the acute pneumonia stem from the Corona virus? I used to be a nothingburger fag but given that the virus still isn’t vaccinated and hasn’t been fully understood, it’s a lot more complicated than just categorizing it with typical diseases.
Someone is lying
The CCP is obviously trying to make things look like rainbows and kitten farts so they can get their workers back in don’t realize they can start another “outbreak” (implying their numbers aren’t made up) and they’ll have to shut down again
>you're retarded if you can't understand that i'm not capable of using the dropdown menu to select geographic location cuz it's beyond my capabilities due to how pathetic and retarded i am
Italy (like Ireland) turned their back on Christianity
They got what’s coming to them
Not necessarily. The Germans have a more prepared medical system and are doing more thorough testing.
I expect the Germans will have a death rate, adjusted for the negative effects of medical shortages, of around 1-2%. Good, but not as good as Asian countries that reacted swiftly to the virus.
>muh lying
only china i think
in europe i don't see anybody lying, just publishing data that has been recorded using different counting methods
It's almost as if China lied to everyone and covered it up to save themselves
China would NEVER EVER lie on anything, and for sure would never doctor its contagion numbers....
Nice feels argument against my first factual statement.
Almost like..
And this may seem crazy...
...but I think China might be lying.
At least the truth is finally getting out there and the chinks will get BTFO for lying
That's not remotely the way it works.
>Wipes ass with hand
>Europeans dirty
how bout the factual statement that you are a chink
good luck disproving it due to your inability to operate a simple drop down menu, chink kid.
not really wuhan is still in lock down. wuhan alone has at least 500,000 dead by now.
>trusting the CCP,CDC,WHO,TRUMP.
Show the flag and we’ll apologize
No. They have a huge older population and no one under 75 died. Their lifestyle is very social, and eating out 5-6 days a week is the norm.
Now go read about the swine flu and see what you make of those numbers.
Why didn't you show numbers from Germany, Japan and Korea? Are they all lying or you know every country is different in their abilities to combat the virus?
Chinese numbers are more like 3 million infected and 50,000 dead. They have it under control now which is why they aren't reporting numbers but it is probably still increasing but at a lesser level. They never reported real numbers it was all based on a computer sim.
China does report anything.
I'm guessing over 150000 dead chinos.
china has 123 MILLION over the age of 60. do your damn research faggot.
No. North Italy is Boomer central.
Even the smelliest Muslim out there washes his hand afterwards.
Now imagine walking around with shit in your ass lmao
Break it down for me because it looks like you can't speak English.
What worries me the most is the death/recover rate for every country outside of china is close to 50/50.
For china, it's like 95 recover / 5 death.
Retard. Do your research. Italians smoke, kissu each other on the cheek when greeting, and do all that other faggy euro shit. Not to mention China's strict containment regimes, and the fact that Easterners are more likely to use masks during a flu than Westerners. Faggot retard. I fucking hate Canadians. Idiot.
Well recoveries will increase as a ratio with time plus most western nations are by design not testing. So you're only getting hospital cases.
I know loads of people with symptoms, travel history and medical vulnerabilities refused testing.
The numbers are now a propaganda tool, if the move too much it shows China lied or didn't really have a handle on the situation.
With that said and given the fact that China has tryed to covered up the virus, has said there is no person to person transmission (WHO said this lie as well, so no the WHO has lost all credibility as a science organization), the China trys to say it started in the US. No all info through MSM and official channels from China must be considered false
Everyone is trying to calm your dumb niggers down. The lowest estimated dead people world wide is 60 000 000 within this year. I can't wait until it reaches 500 000 000, fuck africa.
The chinese bought the WHO via corruption and building shit in the leaders home countries, nothing it says should be given consideration.
what if it hasn't even begun yet?
The question is who is pushier and less capable of queueing like a first worlder?
show the flag and there will be an end to the horror
They were cremating people that they even suspected of having the virus, but I doubt they would tally those in with the total infected. China lied, lots of people died.
Im sure he does know, probably stalling while getting his VPN set up
2/10 but i will respond to psychosis. china as a whole is a hyper dense population. they live in tiny caged cubes remember. each building houses 2k-5k chinks. do the math.
add a 0 to china's numbers :^)
The odd thing is everyone praising china for overcoming it, not just stalling it. So long as the rest of the world has it and they don't have airtight borders it makes zero sense to say they're done with it. China infected the whole planet, the whole planet can easily infect china.
Italy has a lot of old people
Also, the italian diet is good for longevity, but immunity and strength... Not so much.
China? Lie? Noooooo. It can’t be! I DON’T BELIEVE YOU!
>My source
>Some rando Youtuber
Might as well send me Alex Jones links.
You do the math. You think China reported every death and case? You think Italy is reporting every mild or asymptomatic case?
Kill yourself you faggot. You aren't as smart as you think you are.
Germans lying out of their asses to save face?
Are you out of your mind?
In coming days they will even improve their healthcare and they will reach negative death numbers
Sure, if I had shit all over my hands I would need to wash every time too.