IF CORONA KILLS JUST 1% OF THE WORLDS OVER 50s in the west we will inherit 10s of trillions of their wealth.

this is the best fucking thing that has ever happened to anyone under 40!!!

99% of the worlds wealth/property/cars/resources is held by the over 50s and they are the only ones who can be killed hahahahahaah

anyone else ready to buy a lambo for 5000 Usd?

how about houses? the boomers own literally all of them, they can't live in them if they are DEAD hahahahah

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Holy shit she's build for BBC

Enjoy being outbid by the Chinese

>we will inherit 10s of trillions of their wealth.

LOL typical loser brit mindset.

You actually won't inherit anything.

Unoriginal and gay go kys

Why is it always Americans ?

hahahahahahaha no

You don't even know elementary Algebra, faggot. You will be a slave of people with high IQ like me.




He's not wrong.

Assuming coronavirus kills 30% of people over 100. 20% of people over 90. 10% of people over 80. 5% of people over 70.

We're looking at a flood of inheritances and yung monay entering stage left; right; rear, and falling from the top, coming up the center, and up from the hatches beneath the stage.

hey anons, what do I do If I've just come into 900 thousand dollars liquid cash, 1.5 million in stocks, and 3.5 million locked in real estate no mortgage?

How do I shot web?

Where’s her bbc bf?

wow based retard

I thought about this but the people most likely to benefit are boomers inheriting from their parents. We won't get shit.

A shit puke fuck mexican maggot, yeah I am sure you have a very high IQ like in the lower 90s even.

You just know

LOL, if billionaires need they just can harvest the blood of the survivors while the rest go to the unmarked grave

on my street 80% of home owners are 65+
Their median home value is 900k GBP, average close to 4m.

They own 2-5 homes each.

They literally do nothing all day, and their careers were bullshit like "factory foreman" or "teacher" and they bought those houses for 20k.

They have contributed absolutely nothing and continue to leech at 100k-400k a year in earning from their assets...

The fact noone hasn't just shot them in the face already is a joke.

If they die, their properties will either go to their children or the state....

Thats like 500m on my street alone... returned to the people by fucking former bus drivers who are enslaving hundreds of their younger countrymen and importing foreign slave labour when their slaves run away

Why can’t this virus just spread faster and kill quicker?

Getting bored now, all the stupid boomers are just going to go back to ruling the young again.

Hurry the fuck up corona.

Hope your last name is Rothschild, op.

ok boomer

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Exactly the same in France dude, boomers had crazy salary et bought home for nothing, and of course they not share even with their children

I’m 12 and this makes sense.

because mutts are the biggest race mixers, obviously

I dont think thats how it works lad

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>doesnt understand inheritance
british paki iq

>chavs understanding economics

lol retarded faggot that's not how it works

Why do you think CEOs shill for Communism/Socialism now

>inheritance? Oh no no no, let's "collectivize", but we'll call the shots on how this wealth is used anyway

You're obviously surrounded by Shit/Dull as fuk people.

>all become millionaires
all have the same amount of money

>IF CORONA KILLS JUST 1% OF THE WORLDS OVER 50s in the west we will inherit 10s of trillions of their wealth.
>Implying that won't go to a few billionaire jews

These fuckers are doing it on purpose now to get a reaction.

Most of the old people don't have any money anyways, they already reverse mortgaged their homes to live lavish retirements.

If everyone is rich no one is.

I've seen tons of leafs and bongs do it too, it's spread to the entire Anglosphere

yes im sure their children will just give it up

We have the most of them outside Israel


Are you implying youre going to find a slut like that to spend all your money?

This. I am 62 and pretty rich.. but it's important that young people stay poor and desperate, as this helps keep prices in check. If a lot of young people had money, the price i pay for things would be higher. Basically.. not everyone can win.. some have to win while others suffer. This is just how it must be.

Why do white women fuck dogs?

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>she is build

Big Bamboo Cane

Kill yourself communist

Because we want to bait you into posting pic related:

>we will inherit
who is "we", nigger?? children of those millionaires? coz you are not getting paid unless you're an hair to a millionaire

they did it first unironically, now they do it ironically. this is how memes work

Why is it always foreigners taking the bait?

>we will inherit 10s of trillions of their wealth.

The wealth in stocks and property that just got crushed down? That wealth?


>user thinks he will inherent a lot
>last will of his parents getting disclosed
>"my kids are all dirty whites! they are ungrateful racists, so i give all of my money away to some village in africa."
you will get nothing

>Mutt gets corrected
>It's a fucking delícia

The chinese will swoop in and buy it all up
You get nothing

>implying the wealthy don't have family
>implying the government fat cats won't just take their wealth

Well at least with your IQ there's an opening for you in the labour party.

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You are obviously a dumb paki.

You'll be hanging from a streetlight soon enough.

Money will go to medical bills and taxes. houses will be foreclosed and go back to the banks. You didn't really think they would let you keep anything, right?

Mutts law

Im no chav bongbro
Just a regular dude enjoyin the show
Three little birds are on my doorstep
Singing sweet songs

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Interesting hypothesis but what I really want to see is how the pensions crisis suddenly disappears, which would allow governments to stop immigration (no longer need young immigrants to pay for old natives) and maybe reduce taxes. This could be the best worst thing that ever happened to the west and whites.

hahaha yeah thats how it works.. people will die and you just immediately get their money and assets. This board is gone to absolute shit

TFW you realize only Germain parents are that terrible.

Boomer doomers assemble. Our time has come.

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>british paki

Thieving, drug dealing, child molesting untermensch. Dead soon if all goes well.

>no chav
Those trakkies...

U all hav problem
I hope u all fix ur problem

The amount of replies always make me kek audibly

You don’t get it OP, there’s more jews like kushner waiting in the ranks

Because it feels good