Will this clown EVER behave Presidential?
I fucking hope not, or his next 4 years will be boring as hell
Ching Chang Chong Chinese Virus Ching Chang Chong Chinky Chink Wuhan Flu
In other words you prefer a stand-up comedian instead of a leaser. Gotcha.
I think we should get rid of 99% of them. Plenty of room for mass graves in this country.
He's president. Everything he does is inherently presidential. Stay mad faggot, and prepare for 4 more years.
He is the president therefore everything he does is considered Presidential.
Absolutely based
Will OP ever stop being a gigantic nigger faggot and stop sucking so many cocks?
First president to have the balls to call them out. "Acting presidential" is for faggots that gave us such wonderful things as (((the patriot act))) (((isis))) and (((multiple wars while receiving a nobel ((((((peace)))))) prize.)))
He's president because people were tired of that shit
I prefer a stand-up leader, nigger.
Why does he seem like he's internally seething in every conference?
>Everything he does is inherently presidential
Imagine actually believing this. God.
Looks mean nothing when you do a horrible fucking job. Just ask King Nigger.
are the clowns he's facing ever going to ask him questions instead of making leftist statements?
what a bafoon
it should be 100% permamently in minecraft
Imagine being such a vacuous pussy like op?
He is always agitated because he's always wrong about everything.
TFW first I clicked on your image to enlarge it and then I immediately clicked it again to try and play the video. Why am I such an autist, Yas Forums?
stop replying to obvious bait threads you double niggers
Asserting your dominance over the press isn't unpresidential it's been done since the lefts literal brain child Kennedy and before even. The press are simply guests to the press conferences, they are not in any way entitled to being there tard breath.
Not an argument.
burned by
is that way zoomer
>Footage of the U.S. President giving a press conference today should not be posted on a political board.
Neither is
Thats not what he said... he just said that your were to close and continued answering the question. The blue checkmark is lying I watched it live.
People that deserve respect, get respect. The fact he talks down to the press like this tells you everything you need to know.
he is the only true leader we have had as president for a very long time.
he presented a novel vision.
he has worked to enact that vision.
he makes decisions he deems to be best and pushes them against all opposition.
establishment hates this because they are inherently power hungry people, and trump has come in and seized more power than they could ever hope for by being a true leader, beholden to far fewer interests than them, and he is loved by his constituency.
he came in and beat the politicians at their own game, so of course they hate him.
then they spin up their propaganda machine so john oliver watching twats like yourself continue to be blind to what is directly in front of your face:
>china needed to be dealt with and trump took them head on
>he subdued north korea
>killing that iranian general brought middle east closer to peace
>economy was absolutely booming (for everyone) so that when the virus hits, america is coming from a place of strength. this is what you want when a crisis starts
essentially, you have never met a true leader and you cant recognize one when you see one.
recommend reading memoirs of some great leaders to give you a sense of the mindset so you can better recognize it and not be fooled by the propaganda machine.
also, he is probably the funniest president that we have ever had. icing on the cake.
Why not both?
what is he wrong about?
Trump should go full Patton and grease the tanks with demoncrats guts.
I watched the whole thing. He was making a joke. God these people are annoying.
are you a shill? why do you have such strong thoughts on american politics?
my sister lost her job because of this and her landlord was being an asshole telling her he still wanted rent. Let's see what I should be more upset about.
A. Trump poking fun at journalists
B. Trump calling the virus the "Chinese virus"
C. The fact that democratic congressional leaders are blocking aid that might help her, while Trump orders her eviction stalled and wants to give her 1000 dollars.
If you chose A or B, you might be a DNC shill.
Imagine thinking anyone gives a shit anymore about your whining and what is and is not “presidential”. Fuck you faggot, he’s already won 2020
>The post
no counter argument, just stale repackaged meme
Why should he tolerate all of the reporters who ask him inane questions so they can make up lies about what he said and their masters can spread those lies on mainstream media? The OANN woman was the only one who had any point and meaning to her questions. Trump should have gotten rid of the mainstream liberal media the moment he was in office, for the last four years they've done nothing but attack him, mock him, spread lies and misinforation, and formulated anti-American rhetoric and called for civil war. Trump has done everything a man could do to protect America from the China Virus and he only gets more hate and lies for his thanks.
I hope that when he wins again he finally declares the liberals enemies of the people and has them rounded up. So fucking tiring listening to them piss and moan so much without doing a thing to help. What's the House doing right now? When have they done anything except make false investigations and accusations? They haven't made a single bill, proposal, or action in two+ years. We don't need a two-party system anymore when the left is so corrupt and evil, it's time to update the Consitution and our laws so this never happens again.
Yes. Only a comedian is fit to lead clown world.
Most sister's feet.
Also John Oliver is an ACTUAL comedian.
Let's hope not. I can do without a president who secretly sells us out to China like the past administration's have been doing. Keep doing what you're doing, Mr. President.
he shouldn't have gotten rid of them.
thats fundamentally unamerican and unconstitutional.
what you are witnessing is the system self correcting. very few systems in the world can self correct like the american one. and this ONLY happens because the government can't do things like blanket shutdowns of opposition media. (yeah they do some sneaky shit, but great is not perfect)
user, i know you are likely a shill trying to foment disdain between americans, but if not, read some writings by the founders and listen to some long form discussions by the late justice scalia on youtube.
an ACTUAL comedian who is much less funny than the PRESIDENT
Acting presidential = be a cuck and a yes man
>how dare you call out the media for the lying pieces of shit that they are
>you're hurting people's feefees!
cry more faggot
>thats fundamentally unamerican and unconstitutional.
SO IS EVERYTHING THE LIBERALS AND THEIR MEDIA MASTERS ARE DOING, YOU FUCKING RETARD. Fuck your feelings and fuck "every voice is equal", reporters who ask shit to start shit and make shit up should be thrown in prison.
>listen to this liberal!
No. We did that for eight years and America turned into an utter shithole. Trump pulled us out of it and made us powerful and respected again. The left hates it, absolutely loathes it, and for two years has done everything it can to destroy it again. They're refusing to allow aid to people affected by the virus and not being able to work. They did everything they could to stop Trump from helping the collapsing economy. They've spent months projecting their uselessness onto Trump, claiming he never cared about the corona and lying about him removing the pandemic response agency which is right now doing all it can to protect us on his orders. The left is a deadlier threat to the entire country than corona is.
You are an ACTUAL faggot.
No its the KUNG FLU!