Why do white women do this?

Why do white women do this?

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did he have a stabbing loicense

Cause us Mena men are handsome.

I've seen women of all races lust after us, despite most of us being loyal to our own women or not taking white women seriously for dating or marriage (we only pump and dump them).

>Why do white women do this?

She isn't white, she's probably a slavnigger from the Balkans, Austria is full of those.

Culturally enriched!

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KeK. I'm so glad that bitch is dead.

Slavniggers from the Balkans do not date subhumans, unlike germanoids.

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Do what?! A race traitor is not even human much less "white".

Now this is what I call white boi cope

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They don’t learn.

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White women are crazy.

This is typical Afghan behavior. 99% of afghans do not deserve to be in the west.
>t. Afghan

afghans are some of the dumbest and violent retards on the face of the earth

Good. I hope his death was painful.

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Fuck with 'rab's end up stabbed

I remember when i was a foolish 21 year old boy, just quit my job to try to go find work in germany. I had 2 girls from that town on skype.
I asked them to go out with me to show me around, just because it was my first time alone in a new country and i was depressed.
one rejected me, didnt give a shit.
the other was 16 and said her parents didnt let her. I said yea i understand, i dont want to appear like some pedo.

now they are going head over heels for muslim refugees and getting killed.

fuck austrian women. fuck german women. your countries are a fucking self hating joke.

It’s always the same story with you guys

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why settle for some pasty out of shape white loser when they can get a well trimmed fit dark savage? women don’t care one way or another. I bet she came instantly when she saw the knife and maybe even again after the first stab. She probably didn’t realize what was happening until it was far too late and you know what? she deserved it

that woman was bosnian btw

Mad even dogs get more action than you?


Most of the rapes and murders and shootings and murders are done by other muslims by other muslims

Why do white women do what? She didn’t do anything, why don’t you rephrase your question to “Why are shitskins subhumans?”

>he got rejected

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>Stabbed with a Saber

>that woman was bosnian btw

I knew it was a balkannigger. Austria is overrun with those. I hope they all get stabbed.

Afghan goes to jail
Balkannigger dead
Who wins? Austrians

Dude you're stupid. Middle eastern men look a lot manlier than white men, who look like wet dogs with nasty pinkish skin.

And your dumb goofy ass is here wondering most white women date us when they have the chance.

given shes a thot she must of cheated on him.

dunno why these people do it?
irony is strong. and karma even stronger
I can agree with this statement.


Nice larp Mohammed. You’ve never touched a white woman, not with her consent anyway.

“Incel” culture is pathetic.

Yeah, and not one word about the subhuman who murdered her.

t. goatf*cker

They think they can change the savage, but the savage is on a holy mission to destroy the west.

There is nothing manlier than a white (Mediterranean) man. Keep dreaming Achmed.

google beurette a khel, if you dare

Old news is old.

that's a happy ending

Unless you're stalking them you're making a lot of assumptions friend

because females are stupid. You can literally convince them to do anything if they *think* it's popular.
Or not even that, I don't know....show females tons of refugee men and they for some reason want to date refugee men.

Knew a STRIPPER who dated one of those fresh off the boat nothing welfare cases.
Cause it was in the news papers I guess

oh no foreigners undermining European laws because they view women as second-class citizens. Not surprised if they called said laws Racist against migrants

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It's our mentally Ill white slut who always frequents threads about middle eastern men cause it gets her twat moist.

Face it skank, we just pump and dump you sloots. None wants to marry you self entitled cunts, not even your gay ass white "men".

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Get themselves killed? Why? Do you want race traitors staying alive?

hows that even a "look mommy i had a roast cumback none of em is gon outbeef me on".
YES now what, you think you took my pride ? think i am ashamed now ?

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White bitches are too stupid to tell mena men and meds apart lol.

Also meds are our rape babies hence why they look more like us than white nordics.

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I take solace in the fact that if we met I could stomp the life out of you with no effort.
pathetic little internet faggot cock sucker.

why are you crying so damn loud?

Toll paid.

White women are build for BBC that's why

it was a problematic teen, raised by single mother who repeatedly stayed in a relationship with a violent and possessive guy, its sad, but what else is there to expect

why on earth are they pissing on sidewalk of a family support centre?

Well, I don't care. Just another multicultural experience. Maybe he will kill more worthless cunts... that would be great.

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Doubt it. I'm 6'2 and built like a wrestler. Been doing mma and grappling since I was 14.

You guys are racist incels and don’t understand love, he stabbed her to death because he loves her.

Get psychiatric help.

Only retards talk in generalizations.

I’m here to clear up the misplaced blame going on in this thread you retard. It’s so funny when you guys have such a sense of delusion, and then you come here and see reality is the opposite of what you spam here. What is that (fucked up) webm even from?

The only ones who claim they can’t tell them apart are sandniggers themselves. You loon nothing like a Med Mohammed.

Yeh and I've 400 pounds of lean muscle.

Get a life you skinny onions faggot.

subhuman shitskin cope.

Zoomer girls like MENA guys because they tend to be masculine and persistent. Once they're about 25 they start going for white guys almost exclusively though. It's kind of funny.

>Only retards talk in generalizations.
hey retard

>Michelle Fahrngruber


That’s not true at all, at least here. Persistence is also a huge turn off no matter who it’s from.

>Persistence is also a huge turn off no matter who it’s from.


>Meme flag
Every time

Keep coping bitch. You're attracted to any thread with a mena face like fly to shit. You probably touch your stank ass pussy to these stories and pics sicko.
Bitch I am here in the west. All my sand nigga bros have white sidechicks, but that's all you are, sidechicks, while when we want to marry we marry our own queens who arent massive whores like you white dogs. You're only good for a good fuck, nothing more.

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Literally a low IQ trait.

It’s true. It’s not a positive thing by any means.

I have green eyes. I do not know my genetic makeup and I don’t know if I trust a Jew with my spit.

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They are conditioned to react to stimulus. No more thought than an amoeba.

That's not how it works in real life though. The most persistent men get the most pussy. If you're a woman, you might be an outlier and not responsive to that kind of thing (or more likely you're coping).

They may go for white dudes after cause they realize most mena men have had their fun with them and arent going to take them seriously.

I always see white bitches complaining that their middle eastern bfs dont take them seriously and they're right. No man in his right mind would marry these whores, specially when we have our own traditional queens.

White women don't deserve our superior seed. If they want to breed with subhumans, let them breed with subhumans. The future is Eurasian.

inshallah that kaffir cunt must have done something to deserve it

Keep larping sandnigger. You can only dream of that. Not even one of you has touched a white girl with her consent, let alone all of you. You’re delusional. I’m click on almost any thread btw that doesn’t have anything to do with COVID-19, Bernie Sanders or the economy btw.

Shes autistic and mentally ill

literally the most obese and worst groomed demographic here, uses deodorant as a substitute for showering, not that manly either since all their women go for blacks
You can keep repeating it though, if it helps you cope

That's an old story though. Happened one year ago.

Maybe Moroccans, but Turks, Lebanese, Syrians etc. spend way more time grooming, gymcelling and so on than the average white guy.

I'm white so I don't need to cope.

You probably live in the midwest. Wish you could come to europe or even a place with a large mena population in the u.s. Youd turn into a Mena cock slut in less than a day.

That's not how proxy works you creepy freak.

They love dark cocks
Face it and cope with it the sooner the better


Lmao learn how to use a vpn

The women is does work on are weak minded and mentally ill, to be able to have you’re set mind changed by repeating something over and over again. Most women have much stronger minds than this (and it’s proven by interracial dating stats. All shitskins relentlessly list after white women, but almost all of those women will never give in.)

Have fun with your downy looking mutt.

No you.

Gusch, merchant. Raus! Raus!

You literally have a photo of the fag on OP, calling him handsome?

>The women is does work on are weak minded

So all women.

Compared to you white dogs we are 100x more masculine and handsome.

You look like sick animals, behave like em too.

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Add that 99 % of Afghans are pedophiles and homos that have boy sex. Literally trash even by Asiatic standards

Michelle Fahrngruber aus Steyr

Yeah, sounds very bosnian, yuppity yup...

I, Justin Trudeau, am calling for a total travel ban from Europe until we can figure out just what the hell is going on.