SHE CALLED OUT THE PRESS Says they're aligned with COMMIES!!! Fuck yes!
Chinese food question was brilliant!
Press called out!
Other urls found in this thread:
Link you daft bastard.
>muh Gommies
Last question of the press conference that just ended. ...
White women are in fact.. FUCKING AMAZING!
OAN is the only network my boomer parents watch and they are far more based than most boomers
I love this bitch.
BUmp people should see this
Shit was GREAT, she was on point.
Question is at 1:28:32
>Chanel Rion
>TX-Born. MO-Raised. Korean Roots.
Based roof troops coming strong against Fake News/China News Network
Jump to 1:28:30
OAN is cringe
The interesting question isn't which media entities were kicked out of China earlier this week, it's which ones were allowed to stay
Nah, that was irl shit posting.
You are all fake and gay
Kungflu, muhfugger
>Chinese food question was brilliant!
It actually was. I'm not calling it Chinese food anymore. I make my own anyway because chinese make shitty chinese food.
WTF BASED?!?!?!?!?!?!
> Trump - I know the truth, the people out there in the world really dont know the truth.
>LOVE the question from the cute OAN gal!
She is cute.
>tfw no redpilled hapa gf
What commies? are americans really that dumb to think china is a communist country?
>"they're siding with many others, China is the least of it"
what did he mean by this bros?
Great leap forward? heard of it?
Based Korean shitting on Chinese per usual.
>OAN is cringe
Fox Jazeera is cringe, a fake rightwing news outlet run by a leftist australian
What does that have to do with anything?
Call it whatever you want - The Chinese Government has their agenda which may conflict the interests of the people of the United States and yet our Mainstream Media sides with propaganda and talking points from China and other leftist elements in Ukraine, the EU, Israel and others.
Consistently anti to Native European and to Native white Americans.
That was the best part of the whole presser
She made the blonde chick in front of her soooo mad
>yet our Mainstream Media sides with propaganda and talking points from China
So what?
based and sexy
god I want a hapa gf
Shes right.
CCP PUSHED THE say anything about China it is racist meme.
When the CCP pushes racism against any and all foreigners.
I hate the ccp
She hot
hot damn she needs to be press secretary
trump's too retarded to string those thoughts together on his own
Based and redpilled. I had been wondering who that chick was for the past week
Trump needs to STFU. She's trying to give him a verbal blowjob and he keeps interrupting her.
Anyone in the media that defends China at this point is a Chinese asset or just plain compromised with them in some way. We're starting to find out who is on the China payroll now.
I'm glad someone else picked up on that
I think she's harboring feelings of internalized racism. You can tell she's the type of Asian woman who likes to get tied up, fucked senselessly in all her holes, all while demanding to be called a gook whore.
He was just excited cuz she is probably the only person in the room he enjoys taking questions from. Her narrative being expose the other outlets for being assets to every country but their own.
I am thinking based desû
Why? It's the exact same loaded question shit the left does every day. You're just brainwashed to accept the left position as "normal".
yeah, send all of the africans to israel but send female hapas here
I wouldn't mind putting my penis in that girl if you catch my drift.
It's OK to criticize someone you like, you know. Stop making excuses for every single thing he does.
chinese is indistinguishable from ebonics now?
Do you guys/gals get OANN? A few years ago I discovered it while switching to Century Link cable and internet. Now I always pay extra to get the news package if One America News doesn't come standard.
I looked her in case you guys want some extra info on her. She's a military brat with a South Korean mother and American father. She grew up in red states, Missouri, Texas, Florida and overseas in South Korea. She became an illustrator (photographer) for anti-left wing causes. She has a real life Chad as her boyfriend though so none of you n33ts have a chance.
One eye on the bbc the other on the other bbc
Gave me chills man.
I didn't like his answer a bit because he doesn't address "racist" as a magical incantation. It's used to short-circuit national discourse and fixate attention on the lustier aspects of the play. We often see "racist, sexist, homophobe, xenophobe" together, and this signifies the blue cast's grander, global narrative. This is a technique employed by the other actors' troupe, which reminds us that brown and yellow actors are also part of the scene, on a metacognitive level, which is totally different from this inane assertion that they are parroting foreign state propaganda, or in actuality other troupes' lines. So our current leading man, Trump, debases our viewership by suggesting the racism incantation is simply part of a "fake news" narrative, or is the misrepresentation of what he and his administrative troupe are up to in terms of plot, because it empowers the red troupe to disengage with the more esoteric aspects of this play. It subverts the attention of those viewers who have watched the series long enough to remember connecting narratives about influence peddling, signals intelligence, and espionage in former seasons. It's simply not the best performance of which he is capable.
because you are a golem