Dutch minister of healthcare resigns
So herd immunity was a meme?
This is the one that fainted yesterday btw
Our PM has backtracked on that like he does on most things
Headed for The NZ bunker is he?
You could already see the fear on his face during this press conference. These people know things they aren't ready to tell us yet. This shit will make your hair go gray overnight. We are already dead.
Sorry of. Herd immunity is a natural result of a disease, and will, over time, reduce the rate of infection to nothing. This is what they actually said from the start. That this was "the plan" and they were otherwise doing nothing was idiots going off half-cocked.
he looks just like the dad from Seventh Heaven
probably just couldn't take being roasted by Geert
Mini black pill when I learned Jessica Biel was a kike.
no, but neither is winning a war of attrition
Were fucked
Truth is, we were fucked from the start
Career politicians are cancer.
Pedo minister heading for Gitmo.
We dont care
this is the face of the head doctor leading the corona task force in greece
it works, but more via vacc to keep ithe amount high if the majority has it, not as a way to deal with a new virus
>he knows something, we don't know and he can't tell us, so terrible, it literally gets to his very core
Well he is a decent actor so you might be on to something
any dutch friends able to paraphrase the reason he gave?
He hasn't given a reason yet.
Just resigned
No official reason. Unofficially because he was overtired, which was his explanation for collapsing yesterday.
It's probably the best long term solution economically speaking, but it's absolute political suicide - and the potential public uproar might do more damage than the virus itself.
He asked to King for permission to resign.
Hail to the KING
Its not. Everyone loves our PM now
>he knows something, we don't know and he can't tell us,
Keep dreaming.
Propaganda was working overtime during his speech but he already backtracked like the weak faggot he is
Lol how weak, he’s so weak it’s offensive to me.
>but he already backtracked like the weak faggot he is
He's not going for herd immunity anymore.
Did you not follow the debate?
Look at the hairline on Geert Wilders. His wife must get her pussy pounded by this wild beast of a man nightly.
He still is. Nothing has changed so far. People are just to fucking stupid to understand what he meant the first time.
Plan: go for herd immunity and take measure to flatten the curve. This way herd immunity is reached while never reaching the ICU bed capacity.
He literally got called out by the RIVM head yesterday morning.
VVD shills are the most boring people ever.
>It is just a flu, bro.
>I am just a bit tired, bro.
>I am just dying, bro.
Just keep consuming product, goy.
The plan is still the same. So I don't get why they called him out
And of course don't forget his decision to keep the schools open, only to reverse it the next day
Rutte is fucking up all over the place, he's clueless.
Are you saying his promise that we will be able to shit for the coming 10 years is worthless?
Literally no one in the world knows what to do. At least he fixes his mistakes in order to improve the plan.
Also, there was no medical reason to close the schools according to the RIVM.
Rutte is doing the best he can and it will be enough.
You best buy a bidet in time
Not for the Dutch. We don't give a fuck about flu viruses and will not even go to the doctor when we have hallucination inducing fevers or a stomach flu that causes you to not eat and barely drink for days.
Rutte is a fucking loser asexual
Leaders are supposed to look to the future, not react badly like he did.
I mean shit he had the example of Italy, Singapore, Korea and China. What does this faggot do? Follow in Italy's lead except slower!
Rutte is not fit to be PM, he's always late and always let one of his ministers take the fall (he holds the record for disgraced ministers btw)
Rutte is a loser
Do you propose we shut down everything for months and starve to death instead?
let it burn
Yes I'm proposing we all starve to death.
At least a 2 week closure of restaurants (except for delivery), schools, cafe's etc. I would not go the France route of making it illegal to leave your house without a reason.
The purpose of this is to slow things down, and this wouldn't take months either.
Face it, your asexual leader will do this eventually, just slower because he's dumb
You see, when it really goes down, it is us vs you, in other words, people who love their country and people who want it destroyed. It doesn't matter whether you are an Achmed or a Kees. There are plenty of our native people who want to destroy us, and hopefully they will be destroyed instead. Fuck you.
What the fuck? You absolute fucking drooling buffoon, that is exactly what we are doing.
The whole response from the government has been retarded so far. Is like they didn't learn anything from the shitstorms at Italy and Spain.
Corona kan de kanker krijgen
>He asked to King for permission to resign.
>Hail to the KING
You have a King still?
Kek. Such an irrelevant country no one even knows this.
Except we're doing is slower you retard.
Why not take these measures sooner?
It's like the halt on flights from Italy, only done when it already has lost control.
He's a moron dude, he's fucking up all over the place.
They can't think one day ahead, like we've seen with the decision to close schools.
Our politicans are notorious weaklings and cowards who run away from first signs of problems, I hope Rutte catches corona and fucking dies
>irrelevant country
An yet like half your population is living here to work or prostitute themselves.
>His wife
I am not defending him, I am defending the option of herd immunity vs complete lockdown.
Netherlands should not go the route of Italy with lockdowns
Sort those stats on that site by cases per million of population and italy is insanely high, UK and US are one of the lowest and they don't do silly panic lockdowns although media is trying to force them.
Schools are closing down purely cos of media pressure
I don't think you understand the point of a lockdown
Can you imagine pic rel being much more competent and making much better decisions than the people in OP's pic Yet it's true
>Our politicans are notorious weaklings and cowards who run away from first signs of problems
>I hope the one politician not running away catches corona so my sense of reality isn't as fractured as my post implies
wew lad
vermoord jezelf VVD shill
You clearly don't have a relative who works in the medical field. People go see the doctor for the most pointless shit.
Rutte doesn't run, he just pretends to know nothing and execute one of his ministers for his mistake
Whatever, looks like we agree actually. We are doing the right thing, but we should have done it sooner, and the Southern European are hypochondriac pussies once again.
Blijf woedend, loser PVVer
Rutte is de beste minister president ooit en ik hoop dat hij het record pakt als langst zittende premier ooit
wat dacht je van neen knul
Poor guy couldn't handle the pressure. Can hardly hold it against him. He was struggling from the beginning in this crisis.
Immigrants and linkse gekkies met extreme doodsangst door de beschermingscultuur.
>Rutte is de beste minister president ooit en ik hoop dat hij het record pakt als langst zittende premier ooit
your PM is built for bbc
Likely he has covid-19. That's why he's resigning.
I saw him and Rutte passing me in the street a couple of days ago. Who's resigning next?
VVD shills are no joke.
You see them shilling on Geenstijl all the time, very sad.
Well, let me tell you then:
If we build up herd immunity in a year in NL, that means 70% get infected.
Which equals around 12 million people a year, or 1 million a month.
Which equals 200.000 people hospitalized a month, out of which 50.000 need IC.
With an overwhelmed health system The Lancet calculated the death rate in Wuhan was 20%. Equal to hospitalization rate, it makes a lot of sense.
So the Dutch 'herd immunity' means mass death of 200.000 people a month, if they do manage to keep infections perfect at a million a month.
Take off of that 200.000 the few people who do get access to ICU and hospital, and that's why he was shaking.
All for the economy, because total lockdown cripples the economy more.
Isn't this the one that collapsed?
He is and it is clearly true he worked himself half to death in the last two weeks.
No te preocupes hermano. Is it true in España a person dies of corona every 15 minutes? They are claiming it in our media.