Testing Mutts Law


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Built to create white children

I like sourdough bread.

Made for BWC


Built for BWC.

Norsk Law.

wait for it...

Designed for BWC

waaait for it...


Stay mad.

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Hello nigger.

built for bbc (big BEDOUIN cock)

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Canadian girl built for white American cock, since Canadian "men" aren't known for their heterosexual vigor.

built for bbc


Built for Kalergi plan

She deserves a white man that will give her a beautiful traditional family.

This. Strong, healthy, intelligent and loved White children.

literally built for bbc

Poo poo pee pee

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Built for BBC News

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>one shot at life
>grow old never knowing the love of a beautiful woman

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We have to stop fighting it, it's our nature.

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Some people grow old never having tasted clean water user. Life is cruel to the majority of people on this planet

2 minutes and 37 seconds you disappoint me Tyrone

Hello chang

You stole that meme you bastard


You saved her pick? Fucking creep.

Why is she pretending to kiss someone

Thanks for putting things in perspective. I should be grateful for clean water

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is this shopped

>Life is cruel to the majority of people on this planet

you're welcome.

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if you call love divorce rape, then Ill pass user.

OP! Delighted. What an excellent idea good sir. And you gentleman posting/lurking, good day to you all. This thread is quite inspiring in these trying times. Thank you Yas Forums/pol/ for your limitless optimism and fair mindedness. Here is my contrabution:

The woman requires a husband that both loves and cherishes her. Who understands her culture and respects it. He must know how to navigate the great white north and provide her with Moose meat like her father did before. I think she needs a good honest Canadian Male to fill that void deep inside.

To conclude would like to say, please, everyone, have a safe and pleasant time while socially isolating or enduring quarantine. Here are my movie recommendations.

Dune 2000 TV Series
Rome HBO Series.
Generation Kill HBO Series.
HBO True Detective Seasons 1 + 3


Sid Miers Civilizations V or VI
Total War Warhammer II
Total War Shogun II Fall of the Samurai

The Night Clerk
ShawShank Redemption
Lord of the Rings Extended Releases.

Lord of the Rings
Land Mark: Herodotus
Magicians of the Gods
The Gun
Day of the Rope.

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euros law

I think the lust for white girls is proof that deep down inside niggers wish they were not niggers.


Is this the so called "Amerimutt?"

Explain this fetish to me

Stop fighting nature.

100% pure Burger genetix Senpai

Black dicks look like turds

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white "men" are STERILE and WEAK
black MEN are VIRILE and STRONG

Made for big asian cock

weird flex, shlomo


Fpbp cute kid

It’s a scat fetish

mental illness

Oh you cheeky cunt you!

Good idea, now you have thousands of white boys thinking of her taking a larger negro cock

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How did you get to this point man

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Black dicks look like turds


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>That quote
This is the final straw dude, you guys are fucked.
How would you even think that?
Like, seriously? what the FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?


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Truly built for BWC

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Hot damn she is built for MY BBC

why is the baby black?

How the fuck do you struggle with a poodle?