The presidential seal is no longer on the podium and the Pluribus Unum flag is missing. We're under martial law folks. Trump is restoring the republic and removing maritime law, restoring common law.
Seal gone from podium, Pluribus Unum flag missing
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who is this marshall's law?
I think somebody convinced him to switch sides
>restoring the Republic
Nah, he's Caesar.
If it nigs it nogs
Instant auto 2nd term incoming?
Lincoln did it.
whatever you say, Jared
gold fringed war flag still there, wake me when the gold fringe is gone and we're no longer under admiralty law, acts of 1871 gone.
The top pic is a presidential press conference
The bottom pic is a corona virus task force briefing
Take your sovereign citizen bullshit back to voat with the rest of the qtards
Lincoln was MAGA too!
Messing with Yas Forums was the death sentence for this pedophile.
>history is exactly as my textbooks told me
Fortunately, the stores still have plenty of Ovaltine
Wow the aliens really made an ultimatum huh
Nancy Pelosi ripped tore it apart
my grandfather was admiral in the navy during ww2. He shot those 30" guns. blew the jap planes right outta the sky
They ordered covfefe ;)
they are moving to a safer place user
The comments.
The gold around the flag means the USA is now under Maritime law.
You know what youre doing is called spamming right? Post other stuff sometimes. Fucking boomer tech
sealed > unsealed.
indictments coming.
Faggot spammers parasitically using my rhetoric like the faggot kikes they are.
Get fucked disgusting losers.
how many years has this larping retard said "x is coming" and boomers still fall for it. is it even the same guy who confessed he made up Q or is someone else doing it now?
I only noticed the podium changed.
Good catch.
Means nothing of the such.
Even Poland uses gold fringed flags.
“The boy who cried wolf”. Only this time the boy wants you to ignore him when he tells you the wolf is coming.
Trust Q. 175.21, 17 71?
god Q is fucking flat-earth tier shit. kys qtard
IIRC I heard he was pissed at Kushner for suggesting of downplaying the virus for the markets, and giving them the 1.5 trillion dollars that didn't do shit.
Do you think everyone who's famous is a pedophile?
Whatchyoumean "even Poland"?
Look at that stage full of jews. And people think Q is anti-jew.
Most likely the admin fucked up somewhere and they lack the people to setup the stage.
We're talking about an administration that has fired their own people at an unprecedented rate compared to other administrations. Not even Obama fucked up his cabinet as bigly as trump did.
>but no, the explanation must be muh Q predictions and unhinged conspiracy retardation
Bump check
>Removing maritime law
Was US ruled by sailors before or what
celebrities have to do horrible things on tape for blackmail, in return they become famous.
once you’re in the club yeah you pretty much keep at it or you get slandered and/or killed
It's business law
OMG and the flag has gold trim and we all know that conspirators must always adhere to the rules of symbols.
Admiralty is the international law of the high seas, never meant to be applied here on US soil. The City of London had that changed when they won the US Civil War and inserted a new government on top of our existing one - Acts iof 1871 "A government for washington DC"
Fuck you Qtard, get off my fucking autistic friend simulator
This. "The North" aka Jews never stopped warring after the Civil War. Americans have been under an occupational government since the South aka "Americans" lost. Despite what you think about Slavery or all that other BS. The South was following the Constitution to the letter. The North told them to go fuck themselves and started a war against the southern states. The Constitution died with the fall of the South.
About fucking time!
Yas Forums only makes sense when you're sleep deprived
Now i see
Mind reader here. Read the faces. Tells you all you need to know. Create the story in each of their heads, it's written on their faces. They can't help it, they are what they are. It's hidden in every muscle tension, every eye focus, and every composure. Good luck.
>removing maritime law
Indictments are for us, user.
Does this mean I don't need licenses anymore?
For what crime?
Thought crime. You know too much. You're not on board.
On the contrary, I'm trusting the plan
based, Congress has not had a lawful quorum since secession in 1865
The plan's objective isn't what you think it is.
Maritime law is a combination of admiralty and prize law and is the basis of equity law which we are fighting to get out from under it is codified at Title 28 USCA 3002 (15) UNITED STATES is a corporation. Read Pied Pipers of Babylon by Dr. Verl K. Speers.
You think I'm in this chair for MYsafety
Dilate somewhere else satan
Interesting. Nice observation.
Happening! It's coming down!
This guy gets it.
The Jews in the 'City of London LLC' (the financial pillar of the One world governement) didn't take the Revolutionary war to kindly. That war never ended. Nor was it the first battle of this long game war that has been going on for centuries between Jews and Whites. White won that great battle but the next battle in America we lost (The Civil War). Where Jews successfully duped whites into fighting against their brothers. And since then, the American territories have been under the Jurisdiction of the Jews. The next battle is starting to go hot. Luckily the Jews were not able to amass their entire shitskin forces in time due to whites waking up. American whites seem to winning their battle. But European white seem to be on their back foot but there is still life in Austria, Poland, and Greece. Who knows if that will be enough. But hopefully, we can deal the killing blow here in America and then free our Australian bros. Once that happens, we gonna roll up into Europe packed full of McNuggets Fosters for our Euro bros. Just hold the lines Euro bros. Hold the damn lines.
remember how butthurt he got when trump didn't even acknowlege this
based, corporatization happened alongside the fraud of 1871
Were trying, but we are really europoor here. I wish i was an american with ar 15 and american silver eagles
I've seen that look before. I swear to God. It is the same look that my coworkers had when I worked at GE. They were training their H1-B visa replacements. They knew they were in deep shit and were about to get fired.
Jesus has spoken
Doesn't the flag, outlined in gold, mean we're under occupation? Forgive my retardness. Swore I read that before.
jesus fucking christ you're autistic
You missed out on the War of 1812, where Virginia was about to be the final state for full ratification of the original 13th amendment, prohibiting foreign titled fags from having citizenship. This would have meant no BAR (British Accredited Registry "law") and no dual citizens in here to undermine the country.
Take note that most corporate law went into the books in between 1812-1865, once they had enough in there, then bring on civil war.
1871 set the stage for 1913, 1933
shut the fuck up kushnershill you fucking kike
Non-Mind reader here, what the fuck am I supposed to take away from this? It looks like a police line up.
the gold fringe means law of the high seas, its a war flag. there's a reason every court has the gold fringed war flag, and there's a reason YOUR NAME sounds exactly like Your Name.
You never did. "The right to travel unmolested". Look up the legal definition of "Driving" and then look up "Traveling". Tell me which on you do when you are cruising down the road in your car. Drivers license is just a tax. We know this because they give drivers license to Asians and teenage girls. Every fuck body knows Asians and teenage girls are shit drivers.
Im starting to think its much more likely that we are being led to the slaughter but I really hope it isnt true and that the indictments are for corrupt officials.
thankfully someone itt has a 3 digit iq, that's a good start but imma need my lb of flesh from the perpetrators, followed by a national holiday we will call Jackson's Day where we celebrate killing (((the bank))) and eat big wheels of chees in the street with out countrymen and swearing parrots.
David Bowie on the right
I bet you don't even understand that adrenochrome is literally just oxidated adrenaline which you can produce readily in a lab you retarded phoneposting schizo.
> Yas Forums 16:21
hopefully to be found in the 155k sealed federal actions we've been waiting on
Sleep tight Moshe
c'esti qui trust, cussip/social security numbers, chattel leveraged debt backed fiat (benefit in the contract), statutory jurisdiction, and the whitewashing of the orig 13th from history by burning the national hall of archives the same day they burned the whitehouse during the War of 1812.
Very true faggot. There were so many cold skirmishes. I'm damn glad that I'm not the only one who sees the writing between the lines in American history.