Sex tourism is wrong and should be outlawed

Sex tourism is wrong and should be outlawed.

Why fuck third world people for a dollar when you can fuck any white bar slut at home for free ?

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Death to boomer sex tourists

You really don't have to pay them. They'll jump on your dick for free.

before mass immigration you had to go abroad for exotic pussy.

lol more people go to norway as sex tourists to meet blondes than norwegians go abroad desu. i'd say it's true in al european countries. indians, asians, arabs, jews etc all go to europe to meet a white woman.

In hopes they gain your friendship and get something out of you

the white dude did her a favor

depends on the place. lots of chicks genuinely want the DNA.

That BWC is so potent it will impregnate lesser races upon merely seeing a white man. Based.

So a white guy looked at her and she had a baby ..

yea but now they have rights

As an American who lives in the blackest state in the country. I must say. That does not look like a mixed baby

Fat ugly black cow

ok Zhen

Because bar sluts won't carry your child upon command like third-worlders would. Makes it easier to bleach the world than it is your home.

its easy

as a ethnic i go to eastern europe to get laid for the same reason

women here dont want us, i can easily impregnate some svetlana and carry on my genes with a qt pie

so why not?

you would if you could
imagine the milkers

Because White women don't fuck.


take your gap year in a tourist location and spend your time going to the gym and don't be stingy about buying nice clothes. you can bleach tons of women if you are in the right location.

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Your just mad cause your women will PAY big money to get BLACKED.

>be white alpha
>women within 500 miles look in my general direction get impregnated by my pure lust

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>as a ethnic i go to eastern europe to get laid for the same reason

Incel in the West, incel in the east.

are you saying these women dont have the right and agency to do what they want with their body?
their body their choice bigot

probably the child of that french guy that fucked 600 whores
and is still hiv negative sadly

KEK this needs to be encouraged we need white men to travel thru the darkest parts of the world and keep dumping their seed on all the females until it’s all bleached pale.
>I’m not gonna fuck a she boon that’s beastiality yuck! You fucking oil drillers

Shut up faggot you can take viagra before we send YOU into the jungle. Impregnate 40 she boons or be shot.

The really really funny thing about sexual tourism and white men running thru the darkest parts of the world to bleach freely is that hardly any HIV would spread AT ALL. So long as you didn’t do degenerate anal sex.
It’s pretty much just the faggots that spread it.

i've never fucked a bar slut, how does it work?

its strange though, would have expected the africans to have hiv, but I guess these sex tourists do not tour the east african and south african countries
at the very least they have some wisdom

That's pretty hot

Welcome to women, whether it be a kid or drugs.

I'd feel worse about bringing children you'll never take care of into a shithole if not for the fact that our wonderful western leaders force us to pay taxes used for foreign aid to them anyway. I don't blame the sex tourists at least getting their money's worth. Besides, it's not like their own men do a good job of taking care of the 7-10 kids they sire, all that sex tourism does is bleach the gene pool a bit.

in your part of the world like this. Wave some dollar bills and see the magic happen.

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The white slut could accuse you of rape. You'll never see the third worlder again.


>when you can fuck any white bar slut at home for free?

That's the whole point, fat old men and socially retarded autists can't.

Even if a dark whore has HIV your unlikely to catch it if you fuck face to face and inside the pussy where your cock is meant to go.
Then you’ll make a brown skinned baby with a chance of being clean. HIV spreads via needles or via fucking up the asshole. Vaginal sex spreading HIV is extremely rare.
But you can’t ever acknowledge this fact in our extremely liberal and PC education system because faggots wil get all ass hurt.

Imagine fathering a child and leaving it in some shit hole place. Do these guys have no basic human instincts?


Fucking third worlders makes me feel powerful.


A friend of mine got HIV the first time he had sex at the age of 17.

He went on a camping trip to southern France with his parents. He met some 23 year old skank there. they had sex once in his tent .

Like 2 months later he started feeling not feel. losing weight , rash etc etc. He got tested for all sorts of things, lyme, pfeiffer etc. Turned out in the end he got HIV.

who cares about some mutt bastard child. if the kid doesn't get clubbed to death he will be an elite member of his village.


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lmao you're suggesting fucking bar sluts when your friend did basically the same thing and got HIV. You're a retard desu.

Atleast she hasnt ended herself yet.

Compared to the mother the baby is incredibly handsome. She's one of the uglier African girls I've seen.

> Only faggots have it
> Meanwhile several African countries had a 25% rate of HIV infection in the whole population at the peak

Have sex enough times, with enough partners, and you WILL catch something

Every black girl deserves a white child. I probably created a few mutts when I traveled in Africa. I wanted to do it. They're happy to get a white child. They even said so. Most outright said they wanted no protection because they wanted to get pregnant. It makes them happy, dude.

As a white man, simply putting your penis in a black woman's vagina and ejaculating will make her happy for her entire life. I feel really good thinking about this concept. I enjoy making them happy. It's an altruistic action to have sex with black women.

that kid actually looks human desu

i had the same experience in brazil.

You should be happy that a white man is spreading white genes in 3rd world nations. That's how you win the race war.

in race or mongrel shultz talks about how colonies like brazil sucked compared to canada, america, and australia because of the lack of teutonic blood. women there understand because they know what its like living in a country full of idiots.

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Or the daddy was very white ?
Also I noticed the father's DNA seems slightly stronger when there is race mixing, at least visually
I can always tell upon seeing a mutt if it's black father/white mother or white father/black mother

I had the same experience in New York

>random 23 year old skank

Yea you steer clear of this type of whore. Just look at the setting of the woman if she seems like a drug abuser or something you go away. A poor third world she boon in the woods who didn’t grow up with access to bars and IV drugs and in a world of empowered women and feminism is WAY safer. And besides your friend probably either fucked her in the ASS like a faggot because he was afraid he’d get the skank pregnant and she’d serve him with child support payments or he shared a needle with her in the tent.

You're onto something, let's go further :
HIV is transmitted by blood
Anal sex has a higher chance of hole bleeding because it's not meant for intercourse
A woman (or gay passive man) has a higher chance of catching HIV than men

Honestly, white men carrying out conquest on the wombs of women from the lower races is kinda hot. But it has to be done outside of white nations ofcourse.

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Where did you go ? tell us more

It was a place called "le imeginechon" frenchy.

This is why no white man should be threatened by the white women wanting black men meme. Because first of all women are retarded and never know what they want, also women are degenerate sluts who fetishize any man who is exotic looking. So to black women in Africa we white men are extremely “exotic” looking. And on top of this they all know whites are wealthy and successful and a part of them thinks that they are going to get picked up and taken home into a luxurious lifestyle with the white man. Women will do anything to upgrade their quality of life including letting an invader or foreigner raid their pussy.
BTW.... how the fuck do you manage to bang African women without getting strung upside down and sliced to pieces by the men there?
This part of the thrill? Escaping being butchered by the father/brothers, or by the men of the tribe???

Im just gonna go to latin america for breeding. Im not fucking some sheboon beast

So who of the guys is her dad and who are her brothers?

Euro accents are "exotic" in America, even clognigger ones. Bongs probably have the best luck with theirs.

Pretty awful but not as bad as this

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Weighing the pros and cons, totally not worth it, not even a little bit