Hitler was an inc-

>Hitler was an inc-

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Short hair on women

Absolutely degenerate.

Why are those girls so ugly?


after the war every one of those girls was blacked

Why is it always the same flag above posts talking about black dicks?

Is that Greta on the bottom right ?

>-redible autist

why didn't he have kids?

Socialists never change.

because they're germans you faggot.

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Because you have shit taste. They are total qts.

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He was the greatest statusmaxxer.

>if only you knew how good things really are

Mutt's law is real

Even German females are chads. No wonder kikes fear them so

>Hitler thread
>HH digits
>nobody checks
Truly, Yas Forums is dead.
Fuck all socialists though.

More like mongol’d

I always have Hitler digits when I make Hitler threads.

This other thread is by me too. Can even prove it.

That look on his face is absolutely fucking priceless lmao

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AshkeNAZI Adolf Shekel digger among a group of Jewish qts... not surprised at all

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Chad women are hideous. Many german have that bulldog face with a big chin, truly disgusting.

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Is that why Jews are ugly

blessed OP.

I'm pretty sure he had problems with women before the fame. Those suffering most from the state of society are the one's understanding it's problems and finding solutions to fix them.

Women without makeup are so ugly

Because Jewish women are so hot?

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ah, so Hitler was Yas Forumss guy all along


A true savior a true hero! RIP

How much pussy has Hitler slayed?


Roughly 3 gorillion.

Die kike!

Checked. Very based but I think we can say 6 GORILLION.

Saviour my ass. While berlin was bombed and 2 million german whores got their ass gang banged by the soviets he put them blame on the german people didnt took any responsibility for the lost. the pathetic loser that he was.

>the German people had not fought with enough heroism and that they 'deserved to perish'.
>The German people has not fought heroically, it deserves to perish. It is not I who have lost the war, but the German people".'

He was regarded as the savior of Germany, what the fuck do you think?

Even while in prison he received shit tons of fanmail and presents.

Imagine the smell.

Dumb stormfaggot.

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hello kikey, go sperg in other threads
Before i put you in a chimney

In this days you literally must be a cuck or degenerate to don't be called an incel.

because no makeup

Get back cleaning toilets in UK you disgusting inbred gypsy.

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Easier to maintain on young girls.

they look like normal human beings instead of the soulless, cakefaced, silicone-lipped cuntoids we're used to these days

German user, why did you attack Russia when they have such powerful genes?


Im soory kikey, but your gypsy posting is to low to bait me into your autism, so better go suck on tyrones dick after your done posting on Yas Forums

no make-up + still growing

HE was actually a homosex faggot and his homosex faggotry antics were so well known, him and the nazis where nicknamed "The Brotherhood of Poofs" by opposing political parties.

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Being alive back then would be just as exciting after visiting this timeline. Ye Europe of Olde. When Netherlands was called Holland and the Berlin Wall still stood.

nice flag metzitzah b'peh

What a CHAD

>kike talking about attractive genes in europe
>nonwhite seething that he'll never be part of the brotherhood

Not a bad thread all in all

good ngiht kike pride

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other hair styling and no makeup

Is that pedo island?!

Hey tried going straight and the 8 women he slept with attempted suicide he was such a disgusting degenerate jew

>Eight of the women he had sexual contact with attempted suicide and six succeeded.
When he was aged 38, Hitler began a relationship with 16-year-old, convent-educated, Maria Reiter who tried to hang herself (in 1927) when he suddenly lost interest in her. Reiter told Stern magazine in 1959 that, four years after her failed suicide attempt, she shared one night of passion with the man she could never forget, but discovered his “sexual tastes were far too extreme” for her and they never met again.
>Hitler then became obsessed with his half-niece, Geli Raubal. Raubal and her “Uncle Alf” conducted a torrid relationship for more than four years, until she shot herself in 1931 with a gun he had given her as a gift. For the last two years of her life, she had been a virtual prisoner in his Munich apartment. Some historians believe Hitler had her murdered when she began telling friends about the “disgusting things” he made her do when they were alone together.

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the roundness of German heads though...

They are actually not that bad. Considering this was shot almost 100 years ago.
They all look very adorable (except the front left one).

>In 1937, film actress Renate Mueller threw herself from a balcony in Berlin after Hitler deliberately ruined her career and ordered the Gestapo to follow her. During their sordid sex sessions, Mueller told friends she was obliged to kick and beat him as he contorted with pleasure on the ground.

>When the Second World War broke out in 1939, the English aristocrat, Unity Mitford shot herself in the head with a gun Hitler had given her as a gift. She had participated in orgies with Nazi Party storm troopers,

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They're all jewish students at the jewish student boarding house run by the jew Hitler's jewish sister.
Looks like a Hollywood casting-call for a reason, you know.


He was like every hollywood jew rolled into one guy.

Also a coke head and farted non-stop

Guy is the epitome of a fucking jew

this was from hitler's tour in america

>Incredible leader?

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>They are total qts.

They all look very wealthy and privileged, don't they.
Jewish Privilege.