Schumer just gave Trump 2020

>spends 4 years whining about gibs
>bashes Trump for wanting to pay Americans directly
>but how about a loan instead goy
>don't give disaster relief to Americans
>loan disaster relief to Americans
How will the left recover from this one? Seems like a headshot to the party to me. Pelosi helped aim it when she delayed relief to attempt to inject school debt cancellation.

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(((Chuck Schumer))) is a Evil Jew

Pelosi and Schumer are shit heads vote them out.

I was worried that Trump would lose because of the way he treated the virus. Luckily Schumer and Pelosi are making sure he wins.

You can, but the election is too close and the optics of this stunt by Schumer is devastating when the party was already in severe turmoil over Biden/Bernie antics. I don't see any possible way they could recover in time to stop Trump 2020.

Both sides know the plan is to get Trump relected in 2020. Whats your point?

Dems WANT a recession

When did the plan change? When Democrats realized they'd never be able to handle a pandemic of this scale? So either make Trump do it, or hope he fails the impossible task given to him?

at this point the dems wont even exist as a party if they think senile joe will save them they are delusional

>the way he treated the virus
Our guy is an absolute retard. You guys are lucky. He stopped the flights from China almost immediately.

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Isnt giving people money literally he same as a zero interest loan?

>implying the virus is real

The plan of dems is to look as bat shit crazy and shitty as possible so you have no choice but to vote trump.

benie isnt the nominee anymore they might get trump elected if that were the case

>Just gave
They gave him the election when they focused on Russian conspiracies rather than coping with defeat.

They gave him the election when they allowed Trump to control their actions through a combination of childish taunts and reasonable policies.

They gave him the election when they ignored the outcome of their russia investigations and impeached him anyway.

They gave him the election when they politicized a pandemic.

They gave him the election when they blocked his relief efforts just as he was gaining wide emergency powers (meaning he can just work around them).

This isn't even gonna be a landslide anymore. Its a rout. Absolute devastation.


he couldn't help himself. Couldn't even bring himeslf to confirm the rate

It’s not as dumb as it seems. Interest free loans would allow to individually adjust the amount of cash you need instead of getting 1k flat. You could even force chink banks and corporations to hand them out so they get fucked when nobody pays them back.

Bernie was the lefts best chance. Precisely why they got rid of him.

Lol no.

Of course there's also Ricardian Equivilence to consider as well.

No. Loans still have to be paid back.

Besides, "Zero interest" could be conditional on payments (like many credit cards), meaning it becomes a normal loan if you get behind on it.

So much tricky shit with loans, you'd almost think they're an inherently Jewish thing.

Jesus Christ....

>even at the height of political scheming heebs can’t put aside their kike nature for a victory
The jew is slowly undoing himself in front if all to see. Trump is either at this point a genius or divinely guided.

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How the fuck is it literally the same??

One thing you have to pay back, the other you don't. Americans I swear.

And he still gave bailouts to the big businesses.
I'm a Bernie Bro and part of the Yang Gang. I was already probably not going to vote Biden, but I was thinking of third-party. Now I honestly might actually be voting for Trump. Schumer and Pelosi just royally fucked not only themselves but their entire party.

if the push for child sniffer biden didnt convince me the democrats are controlled opposition merely playing a game to ensure that trump remains in power, this did

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>Democrats oppose republican UBI project
I lost the moment when timeline shifted

The evil GOP, party of rich old white men, wants to give us back a little of the money the govt. receives from us (in that it produces nothing but regulations and can't balance its own budget) and that revenue due in less than a month, again, as it is every year. They don't take `No, I don't have it' as an answer.

Just to help us out over a rough patch.
But the party of the People replies,
"We don't have it. NO! Let them eat MREs!"

`Bad optics'? Yeah, you could say that.

Never too shy to seize any opportunity to create a debt slave.

Not really.

The reason for Biden is that they literally have no other serious choices without turning to people that they don't completely control.

The reason for this move is because they KNOW how bad their situation is, and they're playing to the vague hope that they can deny Trump's relief effort, then blame him for people suffering.

The latter is obviously unlikely to gain them victory, but its more a case of "casting a stone into still waters", because if they go along with Trump, he's win effortlessly.

asking a jew to give away free money to goys is like 6 gorillion holocausts at once

The absolute state of American education.

These cocksuckers want to give free healthcare to illegals but draw the line at giving it's own citizens financial relief during a fucking pandemic? Are you kidding me?

I'll take a $250,000 30 year zero interest loan, please.

>isn't giving you money with no strings attached the same as giving you money and then demanding you pay it back?

they didnt completely control trump at the beginning, but now they do
biden is a bluff, they want trump to remain

they arent blithering morons, they are putting on a show to prevent actual opposition from taking hold

>sure heres your relief just pay it back with low interest hehe
DotR cant come soon enough for these fucks

if that doesn't show you how stupid our government is, there's no helping you.

it is the same, if you're a neet who will never earn a dime to carry his own dead existence

The people want the american backed funding, not a shart filled loan written by corrupt democrats.

>they didnt completely control trump at the beginning, but now they do
Gotta say, that's a pretty dumb take when talking about a president that they impeached.

Are we about to launch off into mindless MIGA shilling?

>randy quaid actually ends up beating Schumer in the general election

did you see him applaud the ATF over Waco? motherfucker stood up and applauded the deaths of US citizens by Federal Law enforcement

the fuck is wrong with him and how the fuck does NY vote for this?

>zero interest loans

That’s (((their))) way of being generous. Chuck and Amy are spawns of hell

Seriously, what the fuck. It's like Schumer WANTS to shuffle Burnie's voting base to Trump. Not to mention the black vote, they won't take kindly to the goddamn Democrats of all people blocking gibs. He may as well be outing the entire party for only taking up those policies to try and chain people's votes to them.

This could easily destroy their entire party. Shit like this, this kind of rote two-faceness while trying to obviously entrap people into debt during a crisis, could make them lose worse than fucking Mondale.

Anglos in Delaware running the loan scams in the US, guess where Biden comes from? the most Satanic county in Delaware

>muh impeachment
what came of this? nothing, it helped trump if anything, no, youve been fooled


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>being generous
No, its not.

Any credit card company will offer you a zero interest loan, but the catch is that the interest spikes if you miss a payment.

It's not a demand to pay a loan back. It's an agreement between the loaner and the borrower.

This. Can ANY voter actually look at this shit and still be retarded enough to support the Democrats?

That’s an interesting way to identify corrupt scam artists that hate you

who dis

>as if impeachment was the only think they've done against Trump.

Listen, BernieBro, you're a little late to the party to suddenly realize that the media is full of shit.
Maybe if you hadn't JOINED IN on the lies and Trump-bashing, you'd have a little more perspective to see the SUSTAINED AND SYSTEMATIC OPPOSITION to this president, which comes from EVERY SINGLE PART of this country's "establishment".

And yes, this has always included subversive elements like your Fox News boogieman.

Sauce? It doesn’t surprise me and I remember Waco pretty well and have studied it fairly extensively, but I’ve never seen this.


quit buying the show you geriatric fuck
bernie is just a scammer stealing money from tards, he never intended on being president

He’s a self professed Guardian of Israel and leads goyim to sin pic related

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>why don't we make Americans further in debt?

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The democrats actually convinced me to vote Trump and I've never voted Republican in my life.

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No, how about YOU just stop lying, you shill fuck.

I am fully aware of the severely limited number of things that I can truly KNOW as it relates to politics, but two of those things are:
1. The establishment powers of my country are united and corrupt, and
2. Those establishment powers want to destroy Trump.

There is no "SHOW" that involves leveraging every single facet of the establishment towards a single person "but only just pretending".

If you weren't such a fucking profound idiot, you'd realize that such a subtle-yet-ubiquitous conspiracy contains TOO MANY MOVING PARTS.

I've been starting to notice this

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t. braindead television programmed retard

Even Malcolm X is right on this one, kek

How can someone possibly be such an incredible Jew as to not think that people will be disgusted by even proposing something like that? He may as well be hanging himself.

>losing the blue checkmarks
I never thought it possible.

>Just take a loan, goy!
What a fucking kike.

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See, people on Yas Forums might look at that tweet and say, "oh, that's such a stupid move, he MUST be losing on purpose", but this is bubble-thinking (granted, our bubble is nowhere near as thick as leftists).

To be specific, this kind of "stupid move" WOULD HAVE WORKED any time in the last three decades before Trump.

Because right now, the establishment is facing the nightmare scenario where a lot of people within the population have become nationalist, a lot of people have become socialist, and increasingly, a lot of people are becoming both.

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Not an argument.

Stay mad, you shill filth.
I can't wait till you fucking die.

only zoomers are becoming socialists, and only larpers are becoming nationalists

This is peak zoomer understanding of finances.

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so he's willing to give the same zero interest loans to the goys that the banks already get? merciful

>only zoomers are becoming socialists, and only larpers are becoming nationalists
You're so insulated you actually believe the bullshit you spew.

Amazing isnt it how they can give away 1.5 trillion dollars into banks and brokers but mention 400 billion to give everyone 1,000 bucks and suddenly its OY VEY WE CANT DO THAT. Also fuck that guy, wants to keep us in afghanistan fuck that subversive kike.

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As long as the first payment is due after your death, it's the same.

>No, it's not the same, cause you have to pay the loan back!
Or else what?


>Talcum X

I will never NOT enjoy your panic.

I've never seen a jew jewing any harder than this

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>mfw Trump and Mnuchin said yesterday the rich wouldn't get payments
>mfw Dems still take the fall for pushing "means testing"

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Schumer and Pelosi are now Alt-Right

I've noticed that once you get rid of the superior race, world war and genocide stigma attached to National Socialism, the overwhelmingl majority of Americans support.

Sorry my bad

He can't keep getting away with this...its our money

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Basically, yeah.
The view of race for the modern nationalist is less about, "X people are superior" and more about, "X people are MY people". And even people who still believe the holocaust hoax are sick of hearing about it.

>(((loans))) at time of national crisis and panic

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God damn it you're an idiot.
Like it or not, our society is run by credit. Which means your reputation in every day life. Believe it or not most people cant get ahead because they're dumb niggers like you who default on their loans. Get negative marks on their finical history. Which tells the jew system don't trust him/her, just fuck him over again with unfair rates and low paying jobs.
Oh you want that awesome job, lets do a credit check on you. Says here bucko, you're too dumb to make a simple payment, on to the next candidate who maybe less qualify. Guess what, they're a responsible adult.
>I cant ever get a good job
>I cant ever get ahead
>I cant get a house
>I cant own land
>I cant start a business
Yeah, try saving up and pay everything in cash see how far that gets you. NO WHERE, why I know that part because i saved 5 years of my salary and still couldn't buy shit without credit history.

They're right in that he's not going left. But the thing is, most leftist voters aren't leftist voters because they support leftist economic policy, they only vote that way because they think that leftists will "help" them in various ways.

A cash bailout to the citizenry while the government has business shut down is like an inverse of the banking crisis. It flanks all of the leftist rhetoric and deposits hard cash right into voter's wallets exactly when they need it most. And the Democrats opposing it outs them as being the greedy corporate Jews they all are, in it only to siphon money away from the American people and into the pockets of their own backers. They know they can't allow this, but trying to stop it will end up fucking them even harder.