The absoulte state of american zoomers
Young adults under age 44 make up a big part of coronavirus hospitalizations in the US
That's it? Funny how they're trying to lump in Gen X and old Millenials with zoomers. I'd be more interested to see the numbers of 20-35. 23 year old male here and I don't think the economy was worth crashing to save old boomers and gen x'ers. All this propaganda is from old people in damage control. Still no fatalities from ages 0-9 and the fatalities for those under 30 is an extremely laughably small number.
So the 80% are what?
mutts are one of the most unhealthy people in the world, doesn't matter what age
This crash is fantastic for us young guys. It’ll clear out all the dead weight just as we are getting ready to take over. Trust me, great things coming.
yeah im not gonna let fucking cnn tell me what to do
just over 200 people have coronavirus positive tested in ontario right now. that is fuck all. its the flu
the media and government have always been full of shit. i dont think they are suddenly being accurate now when they tell us to stay indoors and avoid each other.
its just a control freak thing pure and simple.
if they wanted more obedience they shouldnt have thrown all their journalistic credibility out the fucking window first
It certainly isn't worth crashing to save you worthless faggots.
and 99.9% of them aren developing even symptom wow that's it
enslave me khazar senpai
>according to your graphic only icky brown and black people get sick
Hurray for white peoples once again.
Everyone knows bbc cures corona
Lies cuz the boomer media is pissed we won't listen. FUCKEM
your graph is bullshit, obviously. delete it nigger
>using Chinese statistics
How are you so retarded as to trust Chinese figures, yet able to solve the captcha to post this?
Boomer cancelled, to make room
Agreed. Alot of great opportunities for work and investment will come from this. That is unless the fed plunges the world into a depression.
because boomers have poisoned the minds of younger people with their bullshit about 'needing' medications and hospitals. bitch dont be so weak, go workout every now and then, stop being a skinny fat 30 year old who has the systems of a 70 year old. stop watching netflix and gtfo your ass
Your ageism is hilarious given that you are mortal.
Now they really will become retarded. RIP nerves and brain tissue.
I'm 44, glad I'm looked at as a young adult in burgerland. Based!
Boomer rage cope
Why does someone always confirm Mutt’s law
and how many of these people 20-44 being hospitalized are vapers?
don't the death statistics from Italy show that there are almost no deaths under 50? And literally zero deaths under 30?
"UP TO" if its CNN source the number is probably .00001
I'm 44, don't drink or smoke and exercise daily. I guarantee I'm healthier than most of the 20 something fat, drunk, vaping college students I see. 90 percent of college kids can't even walk up a steep hill without gasping.
Where in ontario are you?
>Big part
Wow how scientific.
>20-44 is zoomers
Are you literally retarded?
Surprise surprise, those who travel most is the ones who gets most infected. I wonder how that is...
Fuck You boomers the time of the pillow has come and the world will not miss you
vaping kills the virus
>despite being 50% of people, non-octogenarians make up 13% of hospitalizations
I wonder what it's like to be innumerate
Over 20% of young adults under 44 are obese and/or have a serious health complication like diabetes or CVD.
So there's your answer you fear mongering Chink.
Leafs are indeed the worst. I'd say you are a chink, but they actually seem to respect their elders.
the 43 year old "young adult."
this is bullshit, but i believe it
Report by the CDC :
The majority of deaths right now are exclusively boomers. In WA state the first 21 dead of 23 infected were over 60.
Its still too soon to get an estimate of how dangerous it is to the under 35. I would give it another month and then start counting the under 35 deaths.
Id imagine being a landwhale or degenrate will make it significantly worse. I know people i work around that i can absolutely say are doomed despite being under 30.
>350lb leftist who smokes like a chimney
>a jolly old guy who has health problems
>an absolutely neurotic 50 year old woman who is doomed because fate laughs at cunts who obesses and try so desperately tp avoid getting sick
>case fatality 2-4% only counting ICU hospitalizations
god damn is that all? flu is actually worse
They wouldn't make up numbers on a "federal study" in order to scare zoomzooms into stopping their Spring Break poz parties, would they? Nah, that can't be possible. Why would they do that?
It's the same in Italy and South Korea.
They likely lump everyone with flu-like symptoms as "corona infected" for now. Then again there's so many obese people there that this possibly isn't the only reason indeed.
Just a nothingburger lads!
Go back to work goy, you're not in danger!
It isn't just the fatalities but the permanently fucked lungs dipshit. All you young fucks have had your life expectancy after survival cut dramatically.
Came here to post similar
> please panic, it's gonna get you!
Ha ha the smelly desperation
Well, obesity is a risk factor.
They aren't the only ones running the story.
I'd worry less about the fatalities, more the long term effects on the infected
>pic related
>just over 200 people have coronavirus positive tested in ontario right now. that is fuck all.
A number that doubles every 3-5 days. Remember when italy was just 17 people infected with no fatalities?
Now apply that to Canadian hospitals that were already running at capacity before the virus even hit. When I had my appendix removed last year I had to sleep in the fucking hallway the night before surgery due to a room shortage. Now in 4 weeks add 200-500 patients to every single hospital and see what happens.
>age 20 to 44
>young adults
what the fuck
>Avascular necrosis
Holy shit it's like Dr House's leg but in your lungs etc.
kek I'd say that 20-30 are young adults, or 35.
Yeah, we have to go to work yor we don't have a place to live.
>NY ambulance
>No gloves on one
>No mask on either
This is why NY has 3,000 cases. Hope to God we start dressing appropriately like in Italy, otherwise we are asking to be the next Iran
I can see the confusion here.
1) "Young adult" is a marketing term commonly used to market books to teenagers. Harry potter, hunger games, twilight all have a "young adult" demographic which mostly refers to 16 year old girls.
2) adults who are still young. Generally under 40. When young adults are mentioned in terms of healthcare, diet or fitness these are who they are referring to
That is a stock photo they just slapped on the article. It could be 4 years old.
Wouldn’t be surprised. I bet all of them vape constantly
vaping is known to cure corona but only for those who can blow sick-ass clouds, like shooting an arrow through a hoop or french waterfall.
Noes i haev minor chest cold im gonna die waaaaahhh
Because in USA, you pay to be hospitalized and shekels are good for them. So every sassy zoomer faggot with 0.5C more temperature rushes to hospital crying to be hospitalized immediately.
that's still almost half a decade out of the normally accepted range
What percentage of the US population is between 20 and 44? More than 20%.
Nothingburger to panic the zoomies.
The rate of new confirmed cases in ontario
> 18
>8 (!)
> 17
> 43
Hmm. I wonder where that dip came from?
Oh maybe its the fact that the US is progressing like 50% faster than Italy did?