Im scared

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Other urls found in this thread:

If you protect Aurora. I will stop the happening.

Hell no, pussy. I've been wanting this for years, KEEP IT GOING

What are you talking about?
What happening?

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this happening is not even that bad. at worst a few thousands americans are going to die and they'll have to bail out the economy. it'll be over in two months


Chinks either made a bioweapon or ate bat soup and didn’t tell anyone while virus carriers spread it around the world. The best data of its lethality come from Italy where people are dropping like flies- between 250 and 400 people per day. No one truly knows how bad this is.

gas gas gas

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But there is nothing happening..

The media is making a happening out of a nothingburger.
user I'm not getting chipped.

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This is typical by this point ,no?

>oil is worthless
>norway becomes third world country

Have faith, God wins

how do you know you don't already have some kind of chip???????????????

It hasn't even started yet.

me too user
i dont want my friends and i to die
idgaf about the boomers
fuck them
not being ironic or edgy
fuck the boomers
they cant die soon enough

cause I don't let people plant things in me. Unless done during my one operation, wich i highly doubt, there is no way I am chipped. Watched maybe, chipped no way

it's for the best
capitalism and consumerism needs to go so that we can have out ethnic paradise again

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Yeah what is? I wasn't being ironic or anything, literally what is happening?
Why are you freaking out right now?

This user agrees. It’s creeping me out big time. Kids are stopping going to my kids school. People are sitting at home not paying rent. I drove around tonight and the streets were empty after 7pm and the bar we went to had two tables used, and it’s a popular large tavern

you have seen nothing yet

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We're too late

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Bad things can't happen anymore, that stopped a long time ago buddy.
We live post history now, we are interconnected and globalized; a collapse is impossible and we will be perfectly fine.

until china/north korea waits a few more weeks and starts nuking city centers to take advantage of the situation

Not going to happen.
Nukes are a weapon to scare; not to harm. It's why we've only used them twice on people in history.

We all know what would happen if one nuke was fired, so no one is going to do it.

Stop being such a pussy and man the fuck up.

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The beat test data is in Korea and o that cruise ship, retarded faggot. Everywhere else is cringe sample bias

Roger that
Cancel everything he is scared

Haha this fag doesnt emp himself in his basement every evening. Never gonna make it

>He thinks you can just close Pandora's box

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I'm scared too bro. More for my family than anything else. If things get really bad I will an hero. I am too fragile mentally to survive in a dystopian world.

Yeah I'm not really too interested in living in the dystopia they want to create.

I absolutely love how a lot of Yas Forumstards are actually genuinely scared. Reading the comments here has been a joy this past week.

If you had any insight at all you'd also be afraid. Everything about this situation stinks to high heaven.

there is no going back user, weve got our happening

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>have tested positive for covid-19
>gov says to self quarantine for 14
>day 4
>sitting here waiting if im going to die or not

How's everyones elses day going so far?

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>Have this weird cough
Well im riding across country visiting synagogues

What stinks is people's ability to put things into perspective. A lot of anons allow themselves to be influenced by and take part in mass hysteria. Fear will bring you nothing.

Ikr, these are the same chucklefucks who thought Ebola was such a hoot, jumping up and down at the thought it spreading through Africa. Now they are faced with a similar grim reality in their own back yard they are behaving exactly like the little bitches they are. Mired in ignorance and low cognitive skill they simply cant sort fact from fiction and are running scared, shitting their pants. Its both hilarious and satisfying to watch.

like 100 fucking people have died here from "corona" virus, all probably 95 years old
this is just a larp to get us to give up more of our supposed rights we think we still have

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I like how we are only in the beginning of the happening and everyone's going mental already. This is Top KeK.

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Oh it's happening OP. BE SCARED.

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this took too long to be posted

Cell phone
Credit/debit card
smart watch
fitness band
bluetooth headphones
internet enabled devices
gps enabled devices
majority of non essential consumer goods

Why go through the hassle of forcing an implant on people to insert a device they will willingly pay you 20 times a year for the privilege of possessing?

If you have a face your personal identity can be discovered and tracked anywhere on the grid. They are already in high gear with this tech in china, police have augmented reality headsets that can identify a majority of the population using bio metrics.

Dow is up
happening canceled, fuck

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It’s just starting.

>43 new cases in Ontario already.
>Highest jump so far
It's finally beginning here.
>We left our borders open
>Flights come in with no screening or disinfecting.
>Still letting flights in and out
Hahaha my country is fucked. 2nd wave is going to be hell

The best case scenario at this point is 100k us deaths

>burn them under the fallen sun
>we know what must be done

don't call it a grave it's the future you chose

Do you have a cellphone? Do you have a bankaccount?


Then your a fucking idiot that already got chipped, get fucked.


Ok, how do we make sunspots?
Anyone? Im deadly serious.

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We're far beyond stopping it.

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The more people keep posting best case scenarios the more people relax and the worse the best case scenario becomes.
Best case scenario going up every week!
By November the best case scenario will be we still have a man and woman to repopulate earth

>repopulate earth
meh why even bother at that point

this. that ship shit looks legit

I'm ready, are you ready?

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It’s nothing. Get over it.

Nah most rejected during T/e phase. One of those things that seems like a good idea to most, but actually blows. Kinda like full exoskeleton panzercop armor. Slows you down. Last thing patrol cops or 1337opr8rs want is a bunch of text and shit in their face while bangin.
More emphasis on proprietary smartphones now.


What happened on the ship? All dead?

>can someone

average age 58, 0.8% deaths meaning like 2 or 3 i think