So bill gates did an AMA on reddit yesterday, one of the responses is very strange, so strange even normies are questioning.

>What is ID2020?
ID2020 is something that will be an identifying number for every person on earth, this combined with the bill that Gates put forward last year could end encryption and give governments complete access to personnel Information across the world.
>Is ID2020 a vaccine? or a chip?
Bill specifies that for this to work you need a physical representation of the online ID, as if it were just online one person could make many IDs, he says the implementation would come through vaccine, as a chip. Into the right hand.

16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

Its actually happening guys... I didn't want this, how will we survive if the ID2020 is combined with the Coronavirus cure like Bill says? Then the prophecy will be true, as you cannot go in public without the chip?

And lastly: why is it that Bill wants the chips put in around the same time as he plans on putting up 5G towers? What is it about these chips that will need 5g internet? 4g is already plenty fast for upload or downloading long strings of data? Could the chip alter DNA or bloodstream?

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Other urls found in this thread:

why is no one talking about this?

Shits scary as fuck. I know we read shit like this all the time but if this is true, I'm gonna lose my shit. Don't get it anons, resist at all costs...

Its more insidious. There will be no "forcing" anyone to be chipped. No, rather just a series of changes that it makes it virtually impossible to function in modern society without it. Governments will actually be the most accommodating to people who dont want it, for fear of political backlash. It will be the private sector , banking and businesses that will push for its adoption the most. If you dont play their game you will become virtually ( haha ) locked out of most financial institutions and employment.

Want that loan for a house? Want to even just open a bank account? Certainly Sir, just swipe your chip..oh, you dont have one? I am sorry Sir but... Renting? Welcome to Utility providers! For all you electricity, phone and internet needs. Setting up an account is easy, just swipe your chip... You will need to swipe your chip for a burger flipping job application. They wont discriminate against you if you dont have one, you will simply just not be able to have your application processed, that's all. Very regrettable.

That's the sort of bullshit people will be facing sooner or later.

That's how it will go. Plenty of precedents. Lots of business already have finger print scanners for clocking in. Lots of job require you to have an email to apply. Many also conduct background searches through your social media. The funny thing is if you dont have a Facebook account you dont get the job. Must be a coincidence.

Sure, you will probably be able to resist it in your lifetime. But each following generation will just accept it as the norm. Perhaps like you accept having a photo driving license used for ID at banks as a norm, or applying for a job through an online site.

MicroChipGeneral was shut down yesterday

>"No, he's saying Microsoft and MIT developed "tatoo markers" that show whether you have recieved a vaccine or not. This will be coupled with Gate's new invention, ID2020, which is a digital ID microchip implanted under the skin."

spread this anons, this could be our last hope before the beggining of the end

No no no. You got it all wrong. The antichrist is NAMED Mark. And his last name looks like 666. Plus he has a birth mark on his forearm that looks like a goats hoof print

What the fuck is it with tech billionaire's and globalism, like how did Bezos go from running an online bookstore to having a seat at the Pentagon?

Because it's too spooky

Does anyone have the specific bible quote in revelations of Jesus returning? When will he come back? after we all took the mark? after they wipe out 1/3rd of the pop like Gates predicted in 2018? Why is Yas Forums suddenly sleeping on this huge detail Gates just spilled?

so many questions... not enough answers

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Is it confirmed? How can we resist?


>it's actually real
fuck. surprisingly the comments are pretty based given what site it is.
>chip under your skin
literally why, why a chip under the skin that's hard to modify and can potentially cause complications, why not a credit card type to carry in your wallet or a bracelet, why do they just jump straight to microchipping us like we're cows? over my god damned body. he can take his vaccine and jam it up his asshole. i already had corona and recovered from this. YOU DONT NEED A VACCINE, THIS IS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. i had a little flutter in my chest for a bit and that's it. and there are plenty of better ways to treat it than a fucking vaccine.

guess the program just got btfo because even reddit tier normies are freaking the fuck out at the mere suggestion of it. come back in another 100 years, moishe.

bill gates is a sketchy fucking asshole and microsoft products are piles of shit.

>fuck. surprisingly the comments are pretty based given what site it is
It was brigaded by r/conspiracy probably.
Everyone else in that thread is sucking Bill's cock. Probably planted astroturfed comments too.

The reddit “anti vaxxer Karens bad” faggots are probably cheering this shit on. Don’t take the vaccine

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>The program to leverage immunization as an opportunity to establish digital identity
>The research was funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation


This book will answer any end-times prophesy questions you may have. I strongly recommend it

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so we form an 'anti-chip-state'
all the Christians are automatically on-board (mark of the beast), so there should be no shortage of candidates. as to where we go, i think the 'ethnostate' threads have plenty of ideas for that

I hate normalfaggots so much. Fuck

Is Yas Forums generally antivaxx?

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wake me up when the world isnt full of christlarpers and retards who think forcing thee prophecies their ancestors wrote will have some supernatural result

guys im actually scared now, im a retard weed smoker but now im actually putting the joint down...





Attached: Oh lord Jesus Christ, for I have sinned have mercy on me, and on others. Your prophecies are true, and it is only now that we have seen. Blessed be the Lord thy God..jpg (1280x720, 130.02K)


Bitch I'll kill for this



Basically, things will come down to this:
-Almost everyone will have the mark
-A few Christians won't and will be hunted by those that do
-The marked will be so degenerate in general and violent towards the Christians that God will unleash plagues on the world to punish them
-The plagues will get increasingly worse
-Eventually things will get so bad that if Jesus didn't return at that moment, there wouldn't be a single person left alive

oh, fuck. i only read the one...conversation or thread or whatever it is. reddit's layout is pure cancer. hardly a conspiracy when the asshole admits to it himself. reminder the CIA invented the term "conspiracy theory" to prevent anyone from questioning their narrative, it's a convenient trudgeon to hit and silence people with.
oh hell no. actually, didn't these turboniggers just come out that tattoo ink travels through your system over time and accumulates in some sort of faggoty organ? now hurr da durr lets jab some other shit in our skin. and whatever that crap is, it's presumably metallic to be used in their readers. they said a chip.

thing is even if you convince 60% of people to go with it you're gonna have 39% who will refuse and 1% who will go to oklahoma city. it's like it would kill them to just NOT be jews. hope you guys don't work in any government buildings, because bubba joe is pissed and he's coming. god bless rednecks.

Bitch I'll kill for this

Everyday we get closer and closer to Deus Ex being a reality. Just not in the ways we all want.

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I'm in oklahoma city already does that mean I'm safe?

that violates the constitution. literally. smells like a damned good lawsuit brewing to me.
also again, some angry joes will go to oklahoma city.

Spread this to your normie friends. Make sure to mention that Bill Gates is behind it.

look up how many corona patients went to john hopkins hospitals
something ive noticed latetly

already in okc, what do now

Don’t fucking fedpost right now faggot

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you don't know what event I'm referencing, do you? it only takes one angry basement dweller with a van.

Lol no I didnt get that

you started of strong and then went into autism. sigh.

someone is gonna do it, i'm not saying that someone is gonna be me. feds can suck my penis. reading comprehension.
but yes actually, they're going to push and push and push and end up with a percentage of the population very angry and with nothing further to lose, and i hope you guys have popcorn.

what a fucking planet.

The tribulation starts when the Antichrist goes forth to conquer. There is no pre-trib rapture and Jesus only comes back after the man of sin is revealed. Dark times are ahead. Read your bible and check our Steven Anderson's full youtube channel if you want to prepare yourself. He has some great stuff

Settle down FBI

>that it makes it virtually impossible to function in modern society
Then don't fucking live in modern society. What is so hard about it?

This whole hysteria is by people who subconsciously know they can't do it. They want their techtoys, their video games, their netflix and all that fucking cancer. Anyone who is semi-able to be self-sufficient, somewhat skilled in simple living, is not even remotely threatened by this.

The question is not how to kill this specific thing, the real question is how to dismantle this whole pozzed modern "civilization". Because as long as it exists, there will be someone like Gates with same goals.

I already have immense problems in life because I don't have a smart phone, many services require two factor auth or using their app etc.

Also there will be social pressure to get them. People who refuse will be called conspiracy theorists and mocked by normies.

120(coc) if you can’t deny science or facts let’s just argue with choice. How about we kill human life development and contradict the universal language of reproduction and based law of survival. Liberty’s banner is death. This is what is promoted. Population control. Non freedom. 125thousand abortions or deaths done daily 50 million a year. Total over 30 years 1.5e9. Equates to equative equality with regards to survival and protection mechanisms of based law. The mother is protected in law from possible harm. It’s a justification for abortion. Yet this reciprocal equality protection is not offered to the (120COC) because they need the attachment of COC to render life useless or meaningless or not actually life to justify choice. This is the power the attachment has. It leaves choice vulnerable to attack as choice alone Is equivalent to death.

>Want to be self sufficient
>Need land
>Land costs money
>Can't get job

That's for Australia, not the USA.

anti-chip shaming will become a thing. Do you want that tp or sanitizer citizen? We need to scan you to see you aren't over your limit. Such a limited supply dear citizen.

>I will defeat the system by following it's rules

Still be careful. America is going into lockdown tomorrow

McVeigh didn't do it. Evidence shows the FBI were involved. They were also involved in the bombing of the basement in the WTC North Tower in 1993.

The WTC was bombed by Mossad you know

People need to do what that girl in hunger games did and cut out the microchip kek

You need to do some bible study
I recommend pastor gene kims online courses

Yes. The chip/injection will carry nanoparticles that insert themselves into your DNA, making your very genes 5G receptors. The consciousness of Lucifer himself is already imbued on the global network, pathway from lower dimensional Saturn (the pit) via CERN/DWave quantum computers. This is it.

Everyone calm down if this is forced Upon you i will personally cut the head off of who ever is enforcing it and fuck their neck.

Spoiler alert!
>Trump IS Jesus

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The bombing in 93 was carried out by the FBI. There's even a phone conversation recorded by informant Emad Salem speaking to Agent John Anticev.

Phone call


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100% this. It already happened with bank accounts, credit/debit cards, computers, cell phones, email, and damn near social media. This is how it always starts.


Who is Daniel B and how can he sit there and lie when the proof is right there?

>Go to jail

What if trump is the anti-christ?
Those memes of him retaking Constantinople aren't looking so funny anymore.

>look up how many corona patients went to john hopkins hospitals
Not only that but the john hopkins world map (complete bullshit btw) is actually the same map interface they showed off in Event 201.

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>The satanists are trying to force revelations

in event 201 they predicted a 1/3rd of the population dying in under a year, is the virus fake to get us to implant this or is it real?

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All according to plan. The 1/3 are the elderly and weak.