Millennials of Yas Forums why are you not afraid of the virus?

Millennials of Yas Forums why are you not afraid of the virus?

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Because I have enough toilet paper to sit it out.

Dunno. It just isn't doing it for me.

Really can't bring myself to give a shit about it.

Show pic of her with hard nips through her shirt.

I generally don't give a fuck about much. Conference calls at work are becoming therapy sessions with people stressing out and I just don't get it. Can't empathize

antisocial personality disorder

Because I'm under 70.

Because we're still young enough to be of fighting age if shit goes down and just about been through everything by the time we were 15 years old.

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we aint boomers so why should we care
the day of the pillow has come, only its not pillow

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Why should I be afraid? I'm staying at home anyway, low death rate except for boomers and it's crushing the stock market and giving me a chance to get some cheapies.
The only bad thing is that retarded boomers in the government will once again bail out reckless and fraudulent companies and thus create a zombie economy.

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Whenever I see her, I want to paint her face with my seed

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Because I am a young person with a healthy immune system. The people who need to be concerned are older people, children, and people with compromised immune systems. I am more concerned about my paycheck with my reduced hours because of Boomer Remover Coronachan

I work from home anyway so no matter what happens my life will probably stay the same.

>no job
>no gf
>no property
>no kids

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I am afraid.. I had severe pneumonia a few years back and coughed up tons of blood, so not only am I at risk but I already know what it will feel like.

90+ year olds are almost better off than 60 year olds

I hope I get corona. Take me out of my suffering.

No, they're not. There are just a lot more 60yo than 90yo.

She looks like she fucks BLACK people I bet that she is thirst for some BBC

I wanna kiss her neck

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because this life is boring as fuck and you are all ugly so less uggos the better!!!

>1 post by this ID posted
>memeflag applied
>Meme image added

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Overwatch League Chick

British Broadcasting Company?


This. Unless someone directly coughs on me, and then I get ill, it’s a nothingburger. Imagine being afraid of an invisible boogeyman. Would that make your ancestors smile upon you?

She’s really attractive

You can't drink that what I meant is BIG BLACK coffee

Did she get in a fight with a weed whacker or something?

Because society collapsing means lots of pussy will want my armed and sheltered protection, and they'll want it bad enough to be a doggy in a cage for the rest of their life

Bilateral Bimbo Connoisseur?

Cause I'm a bubble headed moron who only cares about her minimum wage job and Starbucks overpriced swill, oh and my Instagram for no reason except that I am super vapid and still an NPC

Millennials have nothing to lose

Because being afraid solves nothing. Panic doesn't solve a problem, pragmatism does.


this as well. Maybe just maybe I would give more of a fuck about it if I wasn't completely disenfranchised by the people reeeeing to panic.

You do know you will never work again right? What you knew about life is gone now, all over, wake up wagie

Because I'm not a fucking sheep and I realize that the media is a tool by which political agendas are constantly being forced down our attention seeking gullets. Im afraid of the inevitable economic consequences. I have elderly family members I worry about, but they don't leave their house anyway.

Death doesn't sound so bad honestly. Not like I was looking forward to much in life anyway.

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I am fucking afraid. Anyone with sense should be. No one knows what the long term damage is if you get it, nor whether you can get reinfected. Fucking gookitis.

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I am, but letting that fear dictate my actions would be cowardly.

It is basically the boy who cried wolf, and I am one of the villages the boy cried wolf to. That faggot dies to the wolf and loses everything he had, but wouldn't have if he only cried wolf when there was actually one there.

I'm technically a millennial and I am scared.

Because millennials are the most over pampered generation in history. Nothing bad has ever happened to them (aside from getting worthless degrees), so the virus is no big deal. Just wait until their boomer parents die off, and they can’t figure out how to mail a letter.

that's a very low iq way of thinking. niggerly, you might even say.

Oversocialized disorder

I remember swine flu, bird flu and the anthrax scare. Everyone was worked up and scared over those but the only real difference is the government response to this one which probably has more to do with media fear mongering and an election coming up soon.

She needs bbc asap

It is know that all white girls love to eat bars of BIG BLACK stuff

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>Nothing bad has ever happened to them.
Some millineals, mate not all. Millineals witnessed the 9/11 and have been the soldiers of the War on terror.

Every bad thing that could possibly happen already happened and so much more before the virus. I'm not afraid of anything anymore.

>why are you not afraid of the virus
Nothing to lose. Potential upside based on complete economic collapse.

Here we have a problem shutting boomers in, not millenials or zoomers. They just wander aimlessly.

>Hey people who have no chance of dying of corona, why aren't you afraid to die?

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Because we're already dead. There is nothing to lose.

>Hey people who have no chance of dying of corona, why aren't you afraid to die?

shame about the hair though.

What the fuck? Did I discover a Chinese bot?

I don't have a particular reason to stay alive

Because I’m not a retard.

>being afraid
Absolutely pointless.
>Lead me, Zeus, and you too, Destiny,
>To wherever your decrees have assigned me.
>I follow readily, but if I choose not,
>Wretched though I am, I must follow still.
>Fate guides the willing, but drags the unwilling.
Accept Fate. Become impervious to lady Fortune.

All is outside of your control, except for how you deal with the whims of Fortune. Either the world collapses and you find yourself living in a collapsed world or nothing happens and you'll find yourself in a non-collapsed world. Who can say which one is better?

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her hair is actually cute though

young people basically have less immunity.

it's like thinking because you are a virgin, you have nothing to be scared of about STDs...

no, because most of them were either too retarded to understand germ theory, or equally based and plaguepilled

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Cause its a boomer remover

Afraid? I’m fucking ecstatic, euphoric even. I made over 100k shorting the market, and once it recovers I get to make money the whole way back to the top, again. On top of this, the boomers are getting killed off, which means faster promotions at work, and less opposition to innovation in the company.

The icing on the cake is that my contemporaries, the basedbean variety millennials, are getting their shit pushed in all over again. They took out loans for useless degrees, and got to act smug in their woke-ness, and now they are fucked. Shoulda studied finance bitches.

If I die, I die.

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I fear the government's abuse more than the virus. It is extremely hard to get rights back. Just look at 9/11 and our privacy rights. The current governments wouldn't give those rights back even if Islam no longer existed. Freedom has always been their enemy, not terrorists.

Nothing good happened either, zoomer fag. Millenials are the bored generation, that's why they're obsessed with escapism and use irony to mask their constant insecurity.

Faith in Jesus Christ