When did you realize mainstream science is wrong?
When did you realize mainstream science is wrong?
>implying spaceships use a straw to propel
mutt education at work
btw wanna know why guns recoil when they shoot?
Assuming this is true, couldn't you just push off of yourself? I would assume that the energy released by the fuel does something other than dissipate into nothingness.
Omg, painful retardation
When did Yas Forums turn from shit to shit mixed with piss
That tears it, I'm a /flatearther/ now
Nice bait. Equal and opposite forces dictates that a rocket need only fire high speed particles, burning fuel, to push itself in the opposite direction of the thrown particles. That car stays still because the friction of being in contact with the ground. A rocket is in an essentially frictionless environment in space, ergo by creating a force it propels itself in an equal and opposite direction.
why don't they make a video of them releasing a balloon in a vacuum chamber.
that'd 100% prove their point
Confirmation bias. Establishing a conclusion then finding evidence that supports it (while ignoring that which opposes their ideas).
Your response is incoherent. The test can easily be reproduced in a zero friction environment underwater using the same exact methods and the result would be the exact same. In truth, there are no “frictionless environments” because space is unironically a fake and gay lie perpetuated by freemasons and kikes.
Actio = Reactio.
Spacecrafts use the expansion of a burning propellant to push themselves forward, meaning that the propellant and the spacecraft get pushed away from a common center point.
The vaccum sucks away that center point and basically moves the frame of reference to the right.
Also saging because you can't be that stupid and this is a slide thread.
have a controlled explosion coming from the back of that straw and show me what happens
Literally the same, see
Retard detected
>claims no frictionless environments
>proposes zero friction underwater
Not sure if you are dumber that this redneck or this is just bait, but modern science says rockets don't work in space that's why interstellar travel is hard.
Gravity is a constant. It acts on all things equally.
Drop a cannonball and a banana from height at the same time and they'll hit the ground at the same time.
This is not some revelation or conspiracy. This is really basic established physics that has been used in calculations for hundreds of years.
>the science is settled
i tried to use rockets in space and they didnt work, now i am in hiding, they are trying to kill me
When social sciences were academically put on the same level as physics and chemistry (non-aryans aren't human and that's a scientific fact that only non-aryans deny)
A story in three parts.
>space is fake because space is fake
vey compelling arguments, as always
Yes, exactly like pic related.
They push off their own exhaust when they leave the atmosphere
>the binding proteins just happen to be identical to that of hiv
>this totally occurred naturally on a corona virus
yeah, im not buying that
No one in this thread has explained why the vacuum would prevent the from moving. I assume this vid isn't so fake as to use a car that wouldn't move without the vacuum aswell.
So parachutes are a hoax too?
>in a vacuum
Your mom's tits are fake.
Flat Earthers are flat brainers.
there is no suction to the vacuum of space mongoloid
Damn ur stupid.
There is even higher friction underwater
Do flat earth retards think this proves something? Haha jesus christ, I mean personally I was taught this concept in 6th grade.
>zero friction environment underwater
ok retard
in a frictionless environment all you have to do is eject material from the back to propel yourself forward. thats why they use steam thrusters for small maneuvers
well, i tried that experiment and i forgot to pull the vacuum away after the ballon was empty. Weirdly the car moved towards the vacuum. Must have been pushed by a higher power
No. Gravity is a constant regardless of where it is.
The reason a feather 'might' drop more slowly in our atmosphere is because the air in our atmosphere creates friction which acts against the acceleration caused by gravity.
If you drop a hammer and feather from shoulder height on a clear, still day, they'll hit more or less the same moment because there is not enough time for the friction to make a difference.
Drop a feather and a hammer off a multi storey roof and the aerodynamic properties of the feather will mean it is impacted more by friction which will slow its descent.
>same height
same weight I think
I love it when a retard like you reveals his extremely low IQ
I hope you fucking cry over this
Plus, he clearly releases the feather before the hammer in every trial.
Unironically when I found out what dark matter and dark energy were supposed to be.
>Observe galactic rotation and how much matter is in it
>there's not enough gravity to match what we observed
>let's just add 20x more matter that in principle no one can see or measure
>fixed it
Astrophysics is a joke. Not even getting into how Newtonian physics and quantum are mutually exclusive
How about he show us the part where the vehicle moves without the vacuum. I have a feeling that balloon cannot move that little car. Control group, faggot.
how the fuck did he do that?
Pay no attention to this man's flag please, he is an illegal immigrant.
You'll also notice in the second drop he's either using a different feather or he has clumped the feathers strands together to lessen the impact of air resistance in the horizontal drop because, most probably, dropping that first feather horizontally slowed it down enough to make it clear that they don't land at the same moment.
I don't even know what the clip is supposed to demonstrate anyway.
hes in a vacuum, only explanation
so this shows the incompetence of finnish education. the fin doesnt realize that the prniciple behind the propulsion of a ballon powered car and a rocketship are one and the same.
the stupid fin doesnt go with the most obvious way of debunking this video and ask for evidence that the balloon rocket has enough power to actually push the car in the first place.
dude, he was talking about space. space has much less gasses than the atmosphere. the problem is not going outside of the atmosphere, the problem is going back.
The space between his ears is a vacuum, that's for sure.
sorry for my ignorance, how do you achieve a vacuum?
what in retardation
I dont remember the date but at some point i became cognizant that scientists, journalists, judges and doctors were expected to be activists. Basically doing their job in a neutral way was not enough, they had to be a "force for good" which felt forced.
your mama probably knows from sucking so many pipis
Use your brain, friend. If the car just sits still because the balloon cannot move it, regardless of vacuum, then the test shows nothing.
The guy made a FUCKING SCIENTIFIC EXPERIMENT which puts your wikipedia links in question before you even posted them, stick your sa8ing in your ass.
>proves the theory of gravity
the canon ball will drop faster eventually due to greater force counteracting the air resistance
Around 2015
Reading competence = zero.
He shifted the frame of reference with the vacuum. Measured by that frame of reference, the car still moved.