The test is similar to the AIDS test, in that 99.9% of positives are false positives. They have no idea what's making these people sick, and the only reason they arent saying 99% of people are asymptomatic is because they havent tested everyone. DO NOT GET TESTED FOR COVID19. The proteins the test is looking for can be found in the body without ever having the virus. And this is known! It's total bullshit! We have no reference to know that these people arent just getting false positives. I can't believe they're falling for this.
Check out the doc House of Numbers for more info on how the CDC invented the HIV crisis and no one has actually ever been proven to be infected with HIV. It's the SAME THING with COVID19: [Open]
Wow that explains why I never got AIDS. Statistically speaking I should have AIDS right now. The chance of me not having AIDS would be astronomically low, basically zero, yet I still didnt have AIDS. Everything makes so much more sense now, thanks
Christopher Adams
Why would they put HPV in a vaccine? Just seems silly to me
The vaccine itself wouldn't infect anyone with HPV, just the DNA that would lead to a false positive in an HPV screening. So then people would get treatment without ever actually needing it. They very obviously want us sick. A healthy population is a threat
Benjamin Myers
Who takes vaccines? What are you retarded or some shit? Its a scam. Unless its life or death, you shouldn't take one because it might do more harm than good. And if you are to take a vaccine you better research the exact type you are planning on taking. Ask for the fucking package insert if you are living in a country with human rights and read that shit and google each word you don't know. Especially pay attention to the side effects and clinical studies sections.
Caleb Sanchez
Actually I've been tested probably a dozen times now, negative every time. But I've slept with hundreds maybe thousands of men, never once asking if they had HIV or AIDS. I was actually so surprised the first time my HIV test came back negative that I went back and got tested three more times. I couldn't believe it. I mean what are the odds? Really, I shouldve had AIDS dude
Anthony Phillips
The test is RT-PCR. It looks for viral RNA, not proteins.
Carson Ortiz
Based and microchippilled
Jason Brown
>Shut up and take your vaccines and microchips goyim
>they have no idea Its the sun google it thread in progress.
Jonathan Miller
You realize this means that if 99.9% of positives are false positives that the mortality rate of this disease is extremely fucking high, like close to 100%
Jayden Nguyen
i thought vaccines introduced a small amount of the agent into your body so your immune system could build immunity to it?
Camden Wilson
The test tests for RNA in proteins, and it only tests for two genes. BOTH of these genes can be found in people who never had the virus, so if only one of the genes are found, it is negative. But if both genes are detected, the test is positive. So why all of the sudden if both genes are found together does it make it not a false positive? You see the potential here for a false positive. And they have no explanation. There is no reference to know if these tests are accurate. It's not actually proving the virus is there much less proving the virus is making them sick. They are running on assumptions and speculation. No proof whatsoever!
The whole thing is fake. This is just an event to take the wealth from the boomers so their children don’t inherit anything. Then bring in satanic controls over the people. Fuck these cocksuckers.
>a vaccine has viral dna Wow, no shit. How do you think vaccines work. You should have learned the basics of immunology in freshman year.
Jace Jackson
Wow the gardasil vaccine should have HPV dna so that you test positive for HPV. Makes sense
Grayson Parker
The vaccine itself wouldn't infect anyone with HPV, just the DNA that would lead to a false positive in an HPV screening. So then people would get treatment without ever actually needing it. > u did ok up to here, it's not that they want us sick, they want the treatment dollars, U GOD DAMNED DUMB SHIT - WHAT'S BETTER THAN TREATING HEALTHY PEOPLE WHO CAN MAKE IT TO EVERY APPOINTMENT AND KEEP EARNING THE DOLLARS TO SPEND ON THE TREATMENT ?!! You're welcome, dipshit of the universe
William Walker
blame the test. how else do you build anti-bodies to a protein without introducing it?
Ayden Anderson
Proteins are made of RNA dude
Hudson Wood
Absolutely retarded
Zachary Martinez
>HPV >AIDS I hate to be the one to tell you but you're a retarded nigger and should neck yourself.
Owen Russell
The real healthy people dont bother making an appointment
Ryan Scott
China will not avoid taking responsability for this chink shill.
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Julian Reyes
That's not what he said, learn to read idiot.
James Moore
lmao doesn't HPV ONLY protect against 4 out of the nearly 200 strains?
I'm pretty sure it's easily possible to get infected even after you get the vaccine
>Goyim on Yas Forums are so distrusting of Jews/Israel that they'll start to become pro-vaxx and go out and get every vaccine without even researching them first.
Very clever, Moshe.
Kayden Lee
Are they comparing 10s of millions of pubkic school children to the 3500 or so home schooled children?
Adam Mitchell
>survivor bias
Justin Taylor
How does a person conclude that a young girl is "sexually naive" without trying to fuck her? Dude is a projecting pedo, along with being an antivax retard.
Isaac Ramirez
Jayden Green
Maybe he unzipped his dick in front of her and she thought it was a finger to tail or something
Charles Lopez
MY dog got kennel cough the day of two after getting the vaccine I asked vet forum and they said “coincidence” Never again
Jeremiah Foster
This isn't how gardasil works. Go read the patent. It's literally just a shell casing.
Luke Sanders
>you get a mild version of the disease that is lasts less time and thus doesn't threaten or disrupt your life as much OMG MUH EVIL VACCINES
That's normal tard.
Jackson Wright
Gardasil causes reduced fertility so it is for menopausal roasties only.