WHY! is people suddenly obsessed with toilet paper. I don't get it

WHY! is people suddenly obsessed with toilet paper. I don't get it

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Why is OP secretly obsessed with skinny jeans?

why does that guy look so womanly

Theyre not wafflestompers

Because filthy western scum don't use bidets

imagine how bad it sucks when you really gotta shit but then you already sat down and started shitting but realized there's no paper
now imagine feeling that every time you shit for weeks, possibly months

Me either. I think it was meme that spread into reality..

bunch of fucking shitters thats it

The absolute state of Western men.

that's from the security in the cape town airport

>people get word there might be supply issues soon and a need to self isolate
>toilet paper is the most noticeable thing to go off shelves because it takes up so much space
>snowball effect of people noticing the shops are running out of toilet paper

tv screen just has a big threatening nigger WHY


based and logicpilled

Just jump in the shower. I gave up on the toilet paper jew years ago. Couldn't be happier.

Queue cracka!

It's like bitcoin. Monkey see, monkey do

Clean your ass with bidets and water buckets you filthy kaffir bastards

You think muslims are going crazy to buy toilet paper? Water and hairdryer is all you need dirty white stinking bastards.

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Btw the text says "and bone here".

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You'll find out when you run out and have to revert to your street shitter ways pajeet.

aka the water dildo. fag.

This. The more people panic, the more reason people will have to panic. Right now, at least here, you just have to chill at home and go out for grocery, but if it keeps going, people are going to start looting within two months, with below 1k corona cases.

Because the average American uses 12 rolls per day. For a family of forty that's 480 rolls a day and 1920 rolls per month.

>WHY! is people suddenly obsessed with toilet paper. I don't get it
Americans fear discomfort more than they do death.

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Kid on the back looks like a fucking faggot. Who wears pants that tight?

Z o y

Who else is sitting on massive stocks of arsewipe? Normies BTFO.

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Switch American for women and you are at the truth.

Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 1 roll per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 rolls a week. Over 100 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.

Bought 10 24 roll packs at Aldi about a month ago.

Every time I see those shitty little teapots you clean your stinking cracks with I piss on them.

>barefoot shoes
>stretch trousers
won‘t get any gayer than this

How much greasy shit comes out of you in a day that youd need an entire roll?

Based and bogrollpilled.

I think it's just a regular uptick, but consider that TP packs take up a ton of space meaning:
>the store shelf can only hold a few packs even at capacity
>people are less likely to have just a stupid amount set aside, like they may have for toothpaste or soap or something

The difference between a full grocery shelf of TP packs and an empty one is probably only like 30 customers.

toilet paper is the new Nintendo switch :O

>hear about toilet paper hoarding from the media
>it must be true
>talk about toilet paper hoarders with friends/co workers
Low IQ perpetuating the meme

It starts with this, and then it rolls into beanie baby craze. People want to buy it because people are buying it.

I shit in fields and wipe with leaves, sand if nothing else is around.
Is that manly enough for you?

do australians use bidets ?

lemmings, sheep, etc... do what they are told to do
>the global elite laugh all the way to the bank

Can confirm. The reason why you dont see such insane runs on things like water is because most stores have an entire section dedicated to spare water pallets. With toilet paper we only ever have one days buffer of oversupply in store and even in normal conditions if we miss a truck we'll start selling out of brands by the time the next one arrives.

ok buddy. if you're actually here because you seriously can't find a way to rationalize why people would want to buy toilet paper of all things, then you're either just completely fucking brain-dead, or you're an attention whore.

get out.

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Because a lot of people react to what others are doing. That's what happens with trends in general. Cool kids start wearing something, other kids want to wear the same thing to be cool, suddenly most kids wear the same thing. Happens all the time. In this case, plebs see someone buying toilet paper, and there's yet another pleb getting toilet paper, and the pleb thinks, "Should I too get toilet paper?" And then another pleb turns up and grabs two packs, plus some other tissues and wipes, and the hesitating pleb grabs two packs and puts them in his cart, and another plebs sees the shelf emptying and rushes to grab three packs, and suddenly plebs start thinking "WHAT IF IT RUNS OUT", and they all start hoarding, and on and on it goes. This is the world you live in.

apes following other apes

O-...ooo-oh....gaaa...gaaawwwd I'm gonnnnaaaaa aaagagaggagaggahahhh I'm gonna SHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRREETTTTTTTT!!!!

their entire life-being was constructed from a base assumption of having worry-free control over the cleanliness of their butthole. now that that has been threatened, the mask has come off, the entire facade risks crumbling down unless the situation can be rectified.

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the niggya uses hot air to spread his ass fumes all over whatever room it is in - ramp up the blower we need ass stench to fill the entire room !!!! Bend over further nigger, get it dry real deep inside, the ass fumes are tremendous !!!

Well it looks like they are at an airport, maybe traveling to several. People could be stealing all the TP in the restrooms so best to be prepared.

like this is a real situation. stop panicking you moron.
>hur dur no more toilet paper ever omg
hey faggot do you think they widdle it out of a tree one at a time or something? do you not think at least 1 company is like 'fuck yea hold my beer we're making money today!'
its pieces of shit like you that are fucking retarded boomer tier iq that need to die off with this hysteria.
>possibly months
spray your ass with water you fucking mong and then kys

probably some west coast or nyc faggot

Another Jewish trick in progress. They are trying to condition the masses to become anal-retentive.

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>Me either. I think it was meme that spread into reality..


Not the first time it's happened.

what a faggot

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Second Great Depression-Toilet paper lines in American Super Markets.

Colorized, 2020

It's a conspiracy by (((Big Poop))) to sell more TP.

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Programming the goyim to fear their new masters.

Memes aside, the true reason behind TP shortage is that some chinks and gooks have been making fake surgical masks from toilet paper for years. Then when Japan got hit, the normie gooks there unironically believe that they're just the same, so they panic bought TP. When amerimutts then heard about TP shortage in Japan, they started to buy it in bulk. Then the aussies, the canucks, the bongs, and finally Europeans.

>work at pharmacy
>hand sanitizer sells out weeks ago
>toilet paper is gone now too, despite getting a massive shipment in and limiting people to two packs
>dumbasses trying to make their own hand sanitizer, so sold out of rubbing alcohol
>even sold out of freeze gel, because it has aloe vera in it (also lidocaine, but who needs to FEEL their hands)
>still completely okay on soaps of all kinds

I hate people

>being too much of a smoothbrain to realise that a lot of people just want to ride this out in the comfort and safety of their own home for the next few month

"Muh tawluht paypaaah", cries the NPC; the rusted cogs buried within his BrainWerx2.0 struggle to engage, and a slow mechanical whine escapes his VoxUnit
"stob hoggin' all duh food, idjet"

Pro tip: Eat spinach and skip the booze - a roll will last you months.

Here they also hoard soap. Soap and toilet paper sections at my nearby store have been completely empty the last couple of times I've been there. They've also hoarded body washes and even most of the shower gel, presumably in the absence of soap. It's weird. You'd think these people were planning to stay inside their apartment for weeks on end now, but they won't so it's nothing but irrational hoarding. I guess some might've hoarded right before leaving for their cottage in the countryside, but I doubt that's enough to explain the sudden hoarding of all kinds of stuff. The candy section too had been ravaged by the hoarding locusts. Almost all large chocolate bars were gone and the same with almost all non-chocolate candies. The NPC algorithm at work.

>WHY! do people clean their ass

Jew wouldn't get it..

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They saw that shit looking thing on the TV and felt the urge to wipe.

it is big and cheap. They comfort themselves that they have fulfilled their bugout requirements. it is a false sense of security for 3 euro.

How the fuck can a guy even slide into pants that tight. They fit like yoga pants. What a soiboi.