Germany Bans Anti-Semitic Group, Raids Homes


>BERLIN -- Authorities conducted raids in 10 German states Thursday at premises linked to a group accused of pursuing a mix of anti-government and racist ideology.

Germany's top security official, Horst Seehofer, issued a ban on the United German Peoples and Tribes, the first time a group associated with the so-called Reichsbuerger movement has been proscribed.

Reichsbuerger, or Reich citizens, have similarities to the sovereign citizens movements in the United States and elsewhere. They reject the authority of the modern German state and promote the notion of "natural rights," often mixing this ideology with far-right politics and esoteric conspiracy theories.

The Interior Ministry said around 400 police officers had seized firearms, propaganda material and small amounts of drugs during the raids on the homes of 21 leading members of the group.

>“We are dealing with a group that distributes racist and anti-Semitic writings and in doing so systematically poisons our free society,” Seehofer said in a statement.

The head of Germany's Central Council of Josef Schuster welcomed the ban.

>“Right now the state mustn't let up in the fight against right-wing extremism, anti-Semitism and racism,” he said, adding that in times of crisis — such as the current coronavirus pandemic — conspiracy theories proliferate.

>“The Reich citizens movement with its militant and revisionist ideology poses a big danger for our democracy and peaceful coexistence,” he said.

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Good thing i'm brown, can't accuse me of anything because that would be racist, that beeing said... FUCK THE KIKES

When martial law comes into effect and niggers start rioting and chimping and the police are stretched to their limits, overwhelmed by the sheer number of niggers, that will be the white man's opportunity to remove as many niggers and kikes as possible.

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What a hellscape. This is the kind of shit the kikes in the U.S. are trying to do now.

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Based toothpaste poster.
I bet those krauts wished they had guns now.

>The Reich citizens movement with its militant and revisionist ideology poses a big danger
why do I have the feeling these groups were nothing more than teenagers in a chat room.

native europoors getting culled again

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Oh shit, that's bad.
This is what Corona is about, isn't it? Everybody stays indoors while popo cracks down on dissidents and those who oppose the current system. Fucked up.

That was my first thought why they did this latest raid in the middle of a virus outbreak. To prevent that group from partaking.

>Authorities conducted raids in 10 German states Thursday at premises linked to a group accused of pursuing a mix of anti-government and racist ideology

They started going after Antifa?

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i wouldnt say thats the sole reason, but it is probably one reason

>The Interior Ministry said around 400 police officers had seized firearms
and not one of these pussies defended?

Hilariously enough, most of german police force is redpilled as fuck.

Elite will pay for this in blood.

You really fell for the meme? Only americans can be so ignorant. We don't have as many as you do, but 25-30million guns in the hands of our citizens should be enough to to some damage.

I think a lot of these raids involve police arresting their own undercover police officers. I think it serves to justify their budgets and remind people that having illegal opinions is bad.


They ban around one group per month at the moment.

Reichsbuerger is basically the German BDS.
North-Palestinians aka Germans crying about muuhh ancestral country

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You'll bend over for more refugees and be grateful for the opportunity.

>entire country on the verge of collapse from a virus brought in by mideastern and african plague rats
>THIS is what the German government's focus is on

>Hilariously enough, most of german police force is redpilled as fuck.
So why do they follow these orders?

I remember my trip to Germany 2 years ago:
>I arrive to the airport and the first thing I say is a muslim policeman with a gun.

I was just joking haha I am really Jewish myself

being brown doesn't save you at all.
muslims are brown and also get fucked by them all the time

What qualifies as constituting an 'anti-semitic' group to them? Being a registered member of actual neonazi organisation or is shitposting on a forum enough to be considered part of one?

Wasn’t there some soldiers of German special forces and police planning to assassinate some leftist politicians?

Thank god, otherwise i wouldn't be here

Wanna know how I know a ruling state is falling?

Because they are trying to crack down on an idea. Fear not, my friends. Good times are coming. They can't stop it.

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First thing I see*

German sold itself to the Kikes which explains this.

aren't they busy with the virus? rly makes me think

guillotine the politicians in minecraft

>We are dealing with a group that distributes racist and anti-Semitic writings and in doing so systematically poisons our free society,” Seehofer said in a statement.

"Ban writing"
..."free society"....

No sense of irony at all.

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I've been getting away with beeing anti semitic for 20 years. I redpill everybody i meet and i've never had a problem because of it.

>poisons our free society
>free society
>arrested for wrong-think
I swear to god most germans are so dumb an brainwashed that it fucking hurts

are italians enough brown to rape germans with impunity?

asking for a friend.

Must be part of Q's Plan™

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>(((our))) free society

Ah just like the Gestapo. Germans never learn.

Except you learn Arabic and come in as fugee

former members of the Stasi are in charge of monitoring wrong think on the internet.

It depends, got a few friends from Bari, and they pretty much look like arabs/turks. If you're from the north it might be a different thing though.
But you'll definitly be able to get some girls here, for some reason they love people from the south. As an italian you might even get the romance bonus.


comment something about muslim antisemitism

TURKISH in Germany are literally preaching an anti-semitic religion, Islam, and they won't touch it.

Freedom of religion....

We're fucked


The West.

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>When martial law comes into effect and niggers start rioting and chimping and the police are stretched to their limits, overwhelmed by the sheer number of niggers, that will be the white man's opportunity to remove as many niggers and kikes and cops and white betas and churches as possible.

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"police raids"
fucking golems that's all

wherever jews go they destroy freedom of speech

I don't need one. I have a sword and i like to look my enemies in the eye while i stab them.


im pretty blonde (sadly from cucked north italy)

but cant i just dye my hair and get a tan?

arabic is pretty hard...

Yeah, some KSK members even had planned to kill Murkel.

make it happen

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They should just claim to be Muslims.

>They reject the authority of the modern German state
kind of hilarious desu, seeing as the bundesrepublik deutschland is a provisional government of a "nation" still under foreign occupation

God I wish I could have an mp7.


>poisons our free society
Are they even self-aware? The most disheartening realization for me was that the majority of humans are mindless drones that don't have the ability or will to self reflect on their thoughts in an unbiased way. Most of the people alive should honsetly probably die off.

you would need colonial troops from north africa for that

Reichsbürger are legit insane though

50% of human are below the average iq...

glowing but right

>arabic is pretty hard...
not really, scream:
perfect to make the leftist self hating woman wet

I wish i had 2. One for each hand.
Why can't you?


> welfare welfare welfare

This is where my thinking is at...

I'm a combat vet, a family man, and a law abiding citizen...

If shitposting the truth about Jews on an anonymous website puts me on their faggot list, they will be met with force..

Life and Liberty muthafucker