We should bring back Rome. Only pagan of course
We should bring back Rome. Only pagan of course
fuck off mario
I am no Mario
-Based and SPQR Pilled-
Go worship your penis statue somewhere else
SPQR is the true Rome
Based and penispilled
You can blame Constantine for modern feminism
Really why?
Catholics worship Mary a false god. It means Woman can mediate for you between God and man, that means woman can have higher positions than you in the universe and society.
What do you think the US is...
uhh not sure what you mean by this
There are female Gods in Roman mythology
Not Rome and not pagan.
It's actually a paper I'm working on that will never be published because of it's critical nature.
Long story short:
>Constantine adopts Christianity as Roman religion
>Christian Romans burn/sack/loot/destroy the old temples, libraries, holy sites of the pagan gods
>Rome loses what makes it Roman, the Roman virtues derived from their pantheon
>worship of Venus was common and held women as something special
>Venus-worship heralded women as bringers of life, maintainers of children and the home
>Women were celebrated for their strong, feminine qualities
>Just as men were celebrated for strong, masculine qualities
>Vestal Virgins dedicated their chaste lives to worshipping the goddess of the hearth/home
>Christianity destroyed all of that
>Women were now sources of evil
>Pre-protestant, pre-cult of mary
>Women were entirely evil under Christianity
>Now magnify the results of that over time
>Roman influence in Europe even after the Fall
>Christian Byzantium being the most powerful empire for a time
>Trace the roots of heavy Christianity in western Europe to Rome and Byzantium
>Long story, many details simply regurgitating sociological status of various European countries for hundreds of years
>"keeping wamen down"
>All traceable back to the influence of Rome and then Byzantium
>reactionary feminist movements in 1800's/1900's
>Deep Christian roots in western Europe for hundreds of years
>feminism now a thing
>downhill slope from there
obviously im glossing over a ton of details
but this is the gist of it all
Sounds interesting and I can believe it user
Christianity doomed Rome. Shit was bad before it was adopted, sure. But Christianity sealed the deal.
Yeah I think so too. What is the most disgusting is when Christians try to claim Rome for themselves.
As if we don't have enough migrants and pedophile rulers...
>same symbol
>google US capital building and the Vatican
>IS Pagan
Not pagan? lmao...
Paganism had female gods...
Also fuck you protestant you literally have LGTB churches
Would remaining pagan have helped though? Augustine's City of God treats this topic extensively, you should look into some of the shit he says.
Yea being back the beast of revelations it's not like we already don't know how that ends and aren't bored of this already. How about you quit being pussies and face the Lord like a man. Still raging over the last go around? To think I used to think you clowns were badassses
I'm not a protestant. I'm a bible believer, you know that book that says homosexuality and female leaders are prohibited?
As a republic or empire?
We all know Christians are pedos
I don't know what you are talking about user
I don't care about your Jewish stuff. Rome was the greatest and Christians destroyed it
Republic we can see how this works out. I don't really know who would be Imperator
No, I think the Fall was inevitable at that point. Remaining pagan would not have saved Rome. But had they died pagan and left that influence to remain instead of a Christian one, I think the world would look different
You will never rebuild your Tower of Babel.
I don't want to rebuild the tower of Babel you Jew
Oh no, it's a rabbi.
But no necessarily better.
>let's just ignore everything evil the Christians do because the worship the same god as us
You treat Christianity as if it was the same as Rabbinic Judaism, which they're not.
What is the difference?
No difference I see
This is a political board. Take your religious bullshit to r/religion
>An oligarchical slave society where Europeans enslaved other Europeans
How based!
Rome has to be pagan or it won't be Rome
Jews and other version of Jews
European brotherhood does not exist
Oh so you just want to build a republic whose state religion involved Saturn worship?
Ok... Clearly you know what you are talking about.
We should be able to worship all the Gods
I don't know why you care for Jewish mythology so much
You addressed it's a Jewish religion. I'm trying to clarify why you think that, I don't care about which side you're on.
Paganism in Rome was like Mcdonald's in America.
Pagan Rome best Rome
So Babylon mystery religion? I just don't understand why you refuse to call it what it is when it's not exactly some big secret.
Because its all Jewish Jesus was a Jew, Moses was a Jew, Abraham was a Jew
Greek mythology
>uhh not sure what you mean by this
You can’t rebuild Rome since the Roman’s are long gone
The Roman Empire's economy was based on conquest and acquisition of slaves. You would have to start a world war since the UN would never allow it.
Really? Wasn't there discussions about Canaanites and Israelis? Being the Canaanites the current-day Jews, while the Israelis disseminated through Europe?
I don't think so
Sounds based
We wuz Jews and shieet
Great idea, where and when? How much for two tickets?
Noricum reporting in! ;)
Can you at least address it properly?
Best fries in the game bruh
Why do pagoids hate their own culture so much? Its like hating writing because most of it came from semitic people, or hating bronze, or hating anything else that originated somewhere else and became an intigral part of a culture. I can understand why you would dislike parts of it, but isnt this falling into the postmodernist trap of hating part of yourself? Can you hoestly say that Pansees, or the Canteberry Tales are not part of your culture? the rich tapestry of History? Would you throw the baby of 1500 years out with the bathwater?
That seems like self hate to me.
jesus was not a jew(kidding)
beautiful song.
Gallia Belgica reporting in
I do not believe your silly believe that we are Jews
looks like fun
The original Romans/Italians were replaced, the same that happened to the original Northern Africans (who were old med, too, e.g. the only niggers in ancient egypt were slaves), and the same that will happen to europe as a whole if we don't stand up soon.
How can you rebuild Rome without romans?
Scared of sex?
>Bring back rome
Male Parta Male Dilabuntur
did i adressed it properly?
Colonia Agrippina Legionary reporting for duty.
Does someone have the picture were you can compare modern Italian to ancient roman statues. I don't have it.