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This is why they shot my great-grandfather's stucka fighter down?


you are fucking retarded OP, go out into traffic and die.

Trump said LEGAL immigration is okay.
Not illegal.
Get it libshit?

based, latinas are damn cute

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Unironically yes

America wants nothing more than to make the world as mutted, rootless and cosmopolitan as they are

Serves you right for letting women vote. Now you get the consequences.

Shut the fuck up Hans.

Having tranny story hour, meth and heroine addictions, sexual deviancy, broken families, and mass immigration that drives down wages is better than being forced to speak german.

MAGA 2020!!!!

>latinas are cute

this is a psyop, just like interracial, traps and incest porn. They're normalizing latinas by posting

when they're fucking disgusting and become goblinas when they hit 40.


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ahahahahahahah muttland btfo again.
The future of America is latino, and it's all because you faggots didn't have the nerve to use muh guns to stop this shit back in the 60s like you should have

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democracy and liberalism causes degeneracy thus nazis were right and commies were a little bit right as well ( they were punishing degenerates etc aswell, but still germans were best (before '45 ofc))

remember.. if america goes down, the world goes down

Did you know that the Spanish and Portuguese discovered the Americas and those names are Spanish? As far as the mixing goes it's a combination of the people that discovered the Americas and the indigenous people. i mean this is fucking dumb.

It's also ironic that those names are European lol. The level of brainwashing and unlearning that goes on is critical at this point. Are you worried they are going to start teaching SPANISH from SPAIN IN EUROPE in our schools?

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Hernández is a patronymic surname meaning "son of Hernando," or "son of Fernando," the Spanish form of the Old German name Ferdinand, meaning "bold voyager," from the elements farð, meaning "journey" and nanð/nanth, meaning "courage" or "daring."

Hernandez is the 15th most common surname in the U.S. and the 5th most common Hispanic surname.

Surname Origin: Spanish, Portuguese

Alternate Surname Spellings: Hernandes

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doomed. we're fucking doomed. speed up the collapse.

No, Europe would return back to normal, and therefore the rest of the world

Unironically you’re the hub of world Jewry
So you are trying to tell me that most of those people named Hernandez are actually purebred Spaniards and not mestizo mutts?



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He didn’t fly so good.

>mutts seething ITT
Fucking delicious. Stay mad burgers.

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>OP is a Jew
>OP is a Jew
The most common last name is Smith, you worthless kike.

Cope & seethe

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>So you are trying to tell me that most of those people named Hernandez are actually purebred Spaniards and not mestizo mutts?

It's like saying the Spanish aren't mixed with the Moors or the Italians aren't mixed with whatever, etc etc etc

I'm pointing out the aversion to spanish in the Americas is fucking ridiculous and the way indigenous races are viewed as a threat is as well. I'm not pushing for open borders or anything, just pointing out the irony in the alarm over a language that is European taking over. The Spanish were discovered the continent, and honestly I'd take them over the cucked as fuck UK and their english. The UK has more domain over Canada after all and it's way more gone than the USA at this point.

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>It's like saying the Spanish aren't mixed with the Moors
They aren’t

Pure false equivalency, answer the question: are you trying to say that those people named Hernandez are pure Spaniards as opposed to mestizo mutts?

Also show flag Amerimutt

>Americans ITT defending it

Wow, stats don’t lie, Americans really are cucks

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God damn spics straight to hell.

Both south italy and Spain were colonized by North African...

Better then beta Nordic for sure

Fuck off chink

FUck your games, this was forced on us asshole.

North Africans left almost no genetic legacy in Spain, the only relation the moors have to Spaniards is very ancient DNA from the moors’ aryan lineage

spic cope. Central Americans aren't Spaniards.

Uh oooooh

They are just a dumb child like people.

Lets all have the same last name ese, I am a Hernandez, no I am a Hernandez...

Yeah, that’s about right

I have a Hispanic surname but people never see it coming because I'm so white and pale. Which is good. I hate it and I am actively trying to white wash it out thru knocking up a white woman of Irish decent. We have a 7 month old son!

No sauce

Shut down the border and nuke everything south of america.

She will get fat

Someone change Canada to "Chang"

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Hit it and quit it then go get yourself a European ARYAN WOMAN

Why do the fags who make these threads always hide behind meme flags?

To be fair, Muhammad is also a very common last name in Europe for the same reason: they all name themselves the same shit. White america has different name pools from all across Europe, while Mexicans only use Spanish names. That said we’re still totally fucked

Why do you group think fucking mindlessly repeat meme flag, it is not at all relevant.

>Weimerica wants nothing more than to make the world more mutted, rootless and cosmopolitan than they currently are.

If you really want to blame this shit on someone you can blame it directly on whites. You can talk about jews all day, and with good reason, but ultimately whites fell for the diversity and the affirmative action and the 1965 immigration act. Look at liberal whites these days, they love importing shitskins

S let this place die

t. meme flaggot

fucking /f hans

They’re incredibly cute
And then they hit their 20s and turn into a perfect cube overnight

You do realize most Mexicans have the same few last names, right? While whites have a varied set of diverse last names. Fucking kys op.

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Lol what? Is it true? Damn US get your shit together. Do something.

Spaniards! Spaniards are European!

It was mostly ignorance since the media did their job and kept this under wraps until it was far along in the process; the only people who were really aware were the 1%, who of course didn't care

>but ultimately whites fell for the diversity and the affirmative action and the 1965 immigration act

How the fuck do you fall for something that was FORCED onto you?

Just fucking mindless.

Being a group think faggot is not a positive trait, you realize this right?

These are not spaniards, they mestizo trash.

Smith? I unironically heard it was Lee

The top is smith


Ok Muhammad

This cuckold theme is disguisting. I would rather be zoophile, pedophile or incestophile then cuckold.



did someone say Fernando?

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I would like to know what's the most common name of newborns in France, Sweden, Belgium and the Nederlands

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I went to Nazi Germany's grave and apparently it has dug itself up and is walking around in a state of cursed undeath. Even though it walks around making noise it is still dead.

>when they're fucking disgusting and become goblinas when they hit 40
Here they all morph into overstuffed burritos by their early 20’s. Their metabolism collapses

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Speaking of rootless. That's what the whole nuwars trilogy was about.

Sorry user, RIP Opa and his Stuka.

Stuka is a dive bomber not a fighter btw

Flash FM > Emotion 98.3

I see no problem here, we're taking our rightful clay

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Sigh.. whites are white, we are not rootless we had a nation until just a shot time ago, what the jews push is not from us.

How the fuck is it your rightful clay?